JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
Education and apostasy are the same, right?
by easyreader1970 inover the past year or so, i have noticed that the watchtower has been jumping all over two "threats" to the organization: higher education and apostasy.
many times they speak about them in the same article.
they also have been focusing on them in the assemblies and conventions.
by sinis inis all i can say to what my mother told me last night about the convention.
she saw some old buddies of mine (sure ain't my buddies when they never come by just because of differing beliefs...), and they asked how i was and she told them that i was an apostate, and that i had been brain washed!!!
ahahahahahahahahaha is all i could say when i called up (she answered, i called to talk to my old man) and she told me that.
they don't seem to care about their own family because their own religion is more important.
So true, makes you wonder how a religion can mean that much, to give up the only ones who will ever truly love you.
how do you prove to a JW that they they were wrong about 1975?I
by paybacktime19 ini need written proof in their own publications ..
They never admit they are wrong. They blame the publishers. Here is one of their quotes from the Watchtower /15, July 1976 page 440, paragraph 15, [the question at the bottom of the page is "If a person has regulated his life with the view that the end would come on a certain date, what should he now do?"] Notice the answer in paragraph 15,"He should concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that deceived him and brought him disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises." Well that is the first time they told the truth. It wasn't God's word that deceived him it was the WTS. But they blame God.
Dogs in field service
by keyser soze inthe thread about angels in the ministry reminded me of this.
there was a lot of rural territory in the congregation that i attended, which meant a lot of houses with dogs out running loose.
some of these dogs were fairly vicious.
My Daughter-in-law was attack by a dog . Householder opened her door and the dog came threw the door. I was in the car and heard her screaming, the brother got out to check and when he got there, the hh grabbed her and pulled her in the house, leaving the dog outside and my Son was with her. He fought with his bookbag and the hh finally came out and the dog even bit her. We are all out the "Cult" now. White Dove I heard the sameone about the two huge men. I believed it then but know better now. I also heard the Devil was using dogs to try to turn us away. lol.
Prove That Jehovah's Witnesses Do Not Act As "True Christians"
by minimus inwitnesses pride themselves as being "true christians".
i think they are frauds!
how would you show that, in reality, jws are far removed from real christianity?.
The scripture at Matthew 5: 46 "If you love them which love you, what reward do you have." Fits them perfect. They only love you if you are one of them.
The Friends Ain't So Friendly
by StAnn ini've been thinking.
a lot of posts i read here say things about how the jws are all victims; how people feel so sorry for them; how people believe that the jws they know are really good people who are trapped in a lie.
then i read a lot of other posts about the cruel things the jws do, like shunning, ignoring df'd people on the side of the road with a flat tire, refusing to be charitable to their fellow humans, delighting at the impending deaths of millions of people, and blaming all of their coldness and heartlessness on the fact that they're just following orders from the gb.
I think that, if people have any goodness in them, any divine spark, any human decency, they won't be able to remain in the Borg.
My thoughts exactly, StAnn.
They got to be kidding!
by Outaservice inin the june 1st issue of the watchtower there is an article starting on page 18, entitled 'make good use of your curiosity'.
under the subheading 'caution and balance needed' they say the following:.
"obviously, there is knowledge that is not desirable because it is harmful.. curiosity about pornography, the occult, or teachings of cults.
They write articles about their self all the time. lol.
A phone call from the elders.
by strawberry cake inmy husband and i left the org about 6 months ago and in voicing our views we were shunned.
the elders who were 'friends' treated us with cold efficiency to the letter of their law.
one older elder played 'good cop' and invited us over for a heart-to-heart.
Our eldest,however hates the stigma but we can't pretend even for him.
You would think when you raise your kids in that cult, and decide to get out, it would make your kids think something is not right. But like you, strawberry, have a Daughter still in and she says she is never leaving even if she done the research and found the WTS was wrong. Hard to believe anyone can love an organization more then their family. Have one Son out. It was because of him I am out. Wanted him back in so done a LOT of research and found out what the organization is. "A Cult."
JW's are the least tolerant and least open minded of all religions!
by Gill inhttp://www.cultnews.com/.
i hope this link works!.
but jws are the least open minded and least tolerant of all religions!
Their not allowed to have an open mind.
If you don't hear about "the Kingdom" you won't be destroyed so why preach?
by Witness 007 inwitnesses believe in these last days, if you never spoke to a witness or heard about the kingdom, jehovah will not destroy you...you will have a second chance in the new system to study.
so why bother preaching at all....there will be time in "paradise.
" is this correct?
Why preach their message anyway. The WTS is full of BS as most people know.