A brief hijacking...
Countless Witnesses use the "ministry" as a means of AVOIDING CHARITABLE RESPONSIBILITIES. Got an elderly relative you don't want to take care of? "I have to get my time in" takes precedence everytime
My mom started auxillary pioneering 2 weeks after my cancer diagnosis. I was young (37), good natured and self-supporting. Treatment took alot out of me and I was not supposed to drive and I found cooking meals to be extremely difficult. I was in active treatment for just over a year. At the time we lived just 20 minutes away. She was always too busy to even call to see how I was doing. Had to help her study take care of husband with cancer. Can you believe it?? I lived alone and had cancer and mother was too busy helping other strangers. Made me quite angry. Angry with the elders in her cong too for holding her up as an example of righteous integrity and charactor.
Again, sorry for the hijack. My venting comes in little bursts of steam sometimes...