March 27th if you wish to observe it
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Memorial this year?
by carla inhow are they handling the memorial this year?
zoom or open kh's?
how do they reject the wine & bread in their own home?
Watchtower Changes Position On Sodomites
by Sea Breeze inwhy all the flipflops?.
1886 sodomites resurrected = yes!“thus our lord teaches that the sodomites did not have a full opportunity; and he guarantees them such opportunity… it implies their awakening, their coming from the tomb.”—the divine plan of the ages, 1886, pp.
110-111 (view pdf of these pages).
I found nothing more recent in Watchtower on line. The 1988 QFR is confusing. It says they are in Sheol and that those in Sheol get a resurrection. So how come they don’t?
I mean Lot lived in the city prior to being dragged out ,and his extended family , it could not be a blanket judgement on all.
Recently Steven Lett said that homosexuals would return in the res. With the same desires , so how does that work?
That WT above says that us who reject the J W message get the same fate, just for failing to be convinced by the WTS... are we as bad as perverted rapists?
All goes to show that the WTS knows nothing
The JW cult creates pessimistic personalities in all the PIMI congregants is my opinion
by goingthruthemotions ini am not saying all jw congregants are pessimistic, but i would go as far to say all pimi jw congregants are pessimistic.. why do i say this, my wife is my measuring stick.
she has barely an optimistic bone in her being.
she will only focus on the bad parts of anything.
Without a negative view of things, the J W Organisation would not exist.
How many times did you hear on a Thursday night “ We are looking for those who are ‘sighing and crying over world conditions, don’t waste your time with those who are self satisfied with their lot”
I take as proof their application of 2 Timothy 3 to our times .....the one that goes
”Men will be lacking affection,disobedient to parents , disorderly, lovers of pleasure “ etc.
(quoted from memory) If that is not a negative pessimistic attitude I don’t know what is. I never liked using that scripture.
Ministry school
by road to nowhere inwhat is the purpose?
the skits are not real.
i have been assigned a reading again.
Ministry School?
They did away with that years ago 🤔
“Do not gaze about!”
by slimboyfat inso many changes in the 2013 nwt seem needless and spoil familiar phrases.
take isaiah 41:10 in the nwt classic rendering:.
do not be afraid, for i am with you.
There are many instances where I prefer the reading in the NWT that we grew up with, to the modern revised edition. It seems simplified and if they are true to form was designed more for ease of translation than accuracy.
I particularly dislike the revision to Micah 6: 8 , as noted above, and the wording that Jesus rode a donkey rather than an ass . That may just be me but it just seems wrong.
C T Russell and His Numerology.
by Lost in the fog ini came across this older wt which i assume c t russell wrote the article.
unlike modern practitioners of numerology who calculate a value for each letter of the alphabet, russell simply adds up the number of letters in each word to arrive at [horror of horrors] 666.. and he lists there on the page each one of the organisations that must accordingly be part of the great harlot with 18 letters [in english] in their titles, because 18 is clearly 6+6+6 or 666!
strangely he hasn't stopped to think about another possibility for an 18 letter title.
So, the image was made in 1846? I wonder what that was?
Jesus knew in advance that English would be the prevailing language of our times and provided a numerical code that rested on English, and modern spelling? Neat.
Further thoughts on the new media Center project
by nowwhat? inthe organization figured out that a big building project gives the rank and file something to be engaged in and excited about.
it distracts them from their hamster wheel life.
and it buys them another 5 years until the next big thing.
So Ramapo is the new big thing. I wonder if all those buildings will materialise or will it be cut back, like Chelmsford?
The opening segment of that video describes the “appreciation the brothers have” for the Videos. All I hear are grumbles about how infantile they are
Watch out, here comes the Governing Body!
by neat blue dog ina picture in this week's wt shows the annointed after being raised to heaven, when they start "smashing the nations".
i imagine am3 is out front, it seems like something he's eager for.
Checked the article and the picture does indeed show the anointed from today sharing in the destruction of the
wickednon JW’s. .....NB lol at MightyV8... good job.
Do We Get A Clean Slate When We Die? (Watchtower View Examined)
by Sea Breeze inthe watchtower teaches that the opportunity to be born again and enjoy complete justification with god ended in 1935, having been limited to only 144k since pentecost.
so, it is very surprising that the watchtower embraces the death that is described in romans chapter 6, since this is the very death that is required to be born again…… which is denied to watchtower members!
romans chapter 6, verse 7 is about saying goodbye to the old personality, the “old man” in the king james version.
The O/p claims that they teach that the “heavenly calling” to gather the Anointed closed in 1935. That used to be said , but now it appears open ended.
Q.Box Wt 5/1 2007 p 30
“On the other hand, as time has gone by, some Christians baptized after 1935 have had witness borne to them that they have the heavenly hope. (Romans 8:16, 17) Thus, it appears that we cannot set a specific date for when the calling of Christians to the heavenly hope ends.”
New Light on Sheep and Goats?
by notsurewheretogo inlloyd evans has just tweeted a video he will be releasing soon on the "change" to the meaning of the sheep and goats and when that is to occur.. i've missed any discussion on that on here or anywhere?
it seems it was part of the 2020 annual meeting the gb had?.
any info on this?.
Thank you Slimboyfat.. that link saved me a lot of looking. Very interesting, I view it as a tweak rather than a complete change of doctrine. They say that judgement will still be finalised and delivered at the end, but he is watching,listening and forming opinions now, so watch out!
I suppose it amounts to the same thing. They say that at the end one has to be a functioning active Witness to be judged righteous, although the Bible does not say that.
I wonder how this affects the view of those who die now..?
in recent years dead relatives were always spoken of as in line for a resurrection because all judgement was future , but now ? I don’t know.