Great news !
Providing that their understanding is correct and the Governor General confirms it...
[Edit.. why does the Queen's representative have to get involved? It ought to be down to the Aus. Government ]
Great news !
Providing that their understanding is correct and the Governor General confirms it...
[Edit.. why does the Queen's representative have to get involved? It ought to be down to the Aus. Government ]
i have a few jw relatives who are true believers.
by this i mean, they believe with all their heart that 1914 was the beginning of the last days, that this is the last generation, that we are in the very last of the last hour of this system of things, and that you should obey the governing body even if it does not make sense.
all of them are in their 60s and up into their 90s there is nothing you can say or show them to convince them or even cause a small doubt that the wt is not god organization.
No, I say that tbe main part of the 8 and a half million are firm in their belief. They may not know as much as we did in the past, but they believe in Armageddon and wang to live in the New World.
Of course there will be a certain number of youngsters who don't really believe and some old ones who have lost the plot and just keep going out of habit,.... but my experiences tell me that thease are relatively few..
a while back, i suggested that an easy, quick, quiet exit with the signing and dating of a concise and irrefutable document would spur faders and pimos to preempt the elders' interference by quitting quietly first , before a fade or a confrontation.
here is the document .!avoitfxyvyqghq3gbmkhfyqp_jqp?e=8bttg1.
Based on my experience in various B of Es, sadly a document such as this would produce a good laugh among the elders.
They would then simply make the announcement that you were no longer a Witness. If there were any complaints they would just say that they had been obliged to inform the congregation of your decision and any steps of shunning you were their own choice. ( That's a lie we know but still.....)
here it is ,the end of a year and a new one starting tomorrow.. i do not want to reflect on the bad the year brought us ,but thankfully i will move into the new year glad that i am still here to enjoy the good things in life that are still here .. though i've had some personal bad stuff happening like all do from time to time i did have things to be thankful for ,like my loving partners support and a wonderful christmas visit with my daughters family and grand children.. i had to plan my driving trip to queensland in between covid shutdowns but this made it more exciting and helped me to see i should not take family for granted.. so i'm thankful for the good the year brought and yet sorrowful for those in the world who had bad things happen.. that's the stuff of life and sometimes it's worse for a while and then change brings better times.. i don't believe the strike of clock will bring change but what we do in our lives will ,i've made bad decisions that have lbrought life long change for bad but i have made some for good.
some things from outside will bring change ,like covid ,but it is how we handle things that really matters for the future.. the one big thing i am thankful for is getting insight from this wonderful site that helped me see what the disgusting watchtower org is in reality , and over the years have seen thru others here how they broke the clutches of a cult of liars.. so thank you all and hope that the future brings some happiness as well ,agong with the sorrow and especially to all the ozzies on here.
2021 has dawned! Good morning everybody and a Happy New Year to all.
As John Lennon once said “ Let’s make it a good one, without any fear”
december 25, 2020. to selected bodies of elders assigned to the covid-19.
re: adjustments to arrangements for meeting family food needs during the covid-19 pandemic.
dear brothers:.
“As trustworthy men, the elders are in the best position to lovingly consider and anticipate the needs of those in the congregation”
Ho Ho !..... if you had to rely on the elders that I see around here, you would starve..
NB. In Britain the government have not reintroduced the food parcels for the clinicly vulnerable since the first Spring lockdown even though the Covid situation is now as bad as ever, and the congregation were never involved.
My wife has heard nothing from the elders in all this time . They do not know,or care, if she is alive or dead.
jehovah’s witnesses file copyright lawsuit in response to blundering christmas album - listen, obey, and be blessed.
Thanks for posting this.. We all knew this was bound to happen but somehow I did not think that they would have used it without permission. ..but they did....Ho ho ho!
the latest gb update ramps up the fear of the plandemic even more, and introduces a whiteboard animation that advocates staying at home, wearing masks and social distancing..
then there's another 'save the planet' type article that mentions debunked and unrealistic green new deal-esque talking points such as alternative energy, switching to a plant based diet and less manufacturing..
I am so glad that here in the U.K. Fighting the virus, as well as the need for less destructive economic practices are not seen as political issues or “left” policies .
This video...why oh why do they use Stephen Lett?
However I learned that 7500 Witnesses worldwide have died from the virus.
Despite my criticism of the WTS for what it teaches, I think they have done the right thing in this pandemic. They underline what medical science tells us to do , which is responsible
so what is this weeks watchtower trash about.
wife is in cult mode and trying to see if there is a link.. thanks.
Par 1
“ARE you baptized? If so, you have publicly expressed your faith in Jehovah and your willingness to serve with his organization.”
Par 7
”In modern times. Jehovah continues to direct and empower his people. The direction, of course, comes largely through God’s spirit-inspired Word. ”
NB... of course Gods word, The Bible is available to all. It is the application of it that matters, and that is done by men on Earth.
final par.
“By means of “the faithful and discreet slave,” he is giving us not just an abundance but also an amazing variety, from articles and talks to digital animations and videos“
So it all comes from the 8 men at the top.. Just Human! If God were really behind it, it might be a lot better...
so my brother recently became df.
he has full intentions of being reinstated, but it is going to take at least a year.
if the end times occurs while he is df, will he still be allowed in the kingdom of god?.
To Jeffro.
I see what you mean , that the denying of fellowship is what does harm, looking at it as we do now. But back in those days when I sat on those committees, the common thinking was that the person was condemned to an eternal death at Armageddon with no hope of salvation unless he got himself reinstated. That was also part of the thought of the original post.
At that time I reasoned out that God , on the judgement day,would whatsoever he wanted with that individual no matter what we decided.... and that thought comforted me.
I agree now looking back, the harm we did to families was bad ... just wrong . Sadly I was just a pawn in the game.
i decided on christmas day to wash the house and do some yard work.
i had a concerned neighbour come out and bring me some of their christmas food.
although i appreciated the food and wished her a merry christmas, the neighbour was concerned as to why i wasn’t inside enjoying christmas.
Yes.... i agree with those who find Christmas a big yawn. It all seems a bit childish to me and not having any , I can happily leave it alone.
I am glad that yesterday is over.. I spent the afternoon with some old dvds . At least there is a bit of sport to watch today , weather permitting