Hey there Crazyblonde! The forgiveness thing was a good move. It will help you to heal and move on. I'd just say to ignore the attempts to get you back in the fold and get on with the rest of your journey toward healing. Don't even acknowledge reciept of the book. That way , you empower yourself in a manner that helps you rise above it all. As for the book, if you don't want it, eithr destroy it or take Neonmadman up on his offer. Which ever you prefer. Forscher
JoinedPosts by Forscher
NEW JW book arrived in mail...
by crazyblondeb ini don't know want topic this should fall under, don't really care right now.
i've been pissed off most of the afternoon.
my jw stepdad, who until last month i have not spoken to in 10 years, sent me a book--"what does the bible really teach?
WTS Recognizes that Millions have Left the Faith
by Bluegrass Tom inat the portland maine district convention that was held this past weekend, brother buck from brooklyn bethel gave the last talk on sunday.
in this talk he mentioned the "millions of people that have left" in the recent past.
he also mentioned them in the concluding prayer.
I think that I remember Ray Franz saying in COC that the WTBTS uses the 1% figure for mortality when they look at the data.
Congratulations Class of 2005
by Junction-Guy inwell my cousin graduated from high school yesterday and it was a very hard time for me as it just reminds me of all the opportunities i passed up, so please jehovah's witness children, go to college and get an education, dont waste your youth slaving away for the watchtower society.
you can be anything you want to be and go anywhere you want, but a good education is needed.
you dont have to suffer financially like i did for so many years.. .
Thanks Dave.
One thing to keep in mind when one looks at what the WTBTS puts in print is that JW's are taught to read things differently than other people (the "pure language" teachings). That enables them to put things in print that seem reasonable to the average person yet say something entirely different to Jw's. If you were in the organization (I am not assuming that you were), you may remember that ANY negative hint about something (for instance saying that college could lead one to disbelief if one was not careful) was usually read by the elders and rank-and-file publishers as tantamount to a prohibition on seek a higher education.
When I entered college, I was put under pressure to drop it. That pressure didn't stop when the WTBTS appeared to soften its stance on the issue in the early 90s. However, I persisted and now have both an associate's and a bachelor's; and I am looking around for a way to get a graduate education (with a GPA of 3.45 I think it would be a waste not to.).
My son is now in college. And it tickles me to see how many Dub children are pursuing a post-secondary education now at the college he goes to. It kind of makes me feel that all the persistence, despite the crap I went through, has payed-off big time for others as well! :-)
Of the "please allow me my illusion" class.
Forscher -
Congratulations Class of 2005
by Junction-Guy inwell my cousin graduated from high school yesterday and it was a very hard time for me as it just reminds me of all the opportunities i passed up, so please jehovah's witness children, go to college and get an education, dont waste your youth slaving away for the watchtower society.
you can be anything you want to be and go anywhere you want, but a good education is needed.
you dont have to suffer financially like i did for so many years.. .
Here it is in a nutshell, greendawn, from 1975:
*** w75 9/1 p. 543 Questions from Readers ***
Today, there are many teen-age baptized servants of Jehovah. Their personal study, preparation for meetings and sharing in the Theocratic Ministry School have given them a basic knowledge of Bible truth for Christian preaching. They have also benefited by education in the public schools. But how far should they go with a secular education? It would hardly be consistent for such a youth, of his own choice, to pursue extensive secular studies beyond what is required by the law and by his parents. According to First Timothy 6:20 it would be unwise to fill one’s mind with philosophies of imperfect men: “O Timothy, guard what is laid up in trust with you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called ‘knowledge.’” For this reason additional years of college education may present snares. One may become “brainwashed” by human philosophies so that faith in God and the Bible is destroyed. (Col. 2:8) Many college and university courses are based on false theories, such as evolution, that bolster the old system of things, which will soon pass away forever. (1 John 2:17) A goodly number of the professors have no faith in God or in the Bible and actively teach their godless beliefs. Moreover, there is the corrupting influence that the college atmosphere often has on morals, including the danger of drug addiction. -
Did every congregation have one or two desperate singletons?
by diamondblue1974 in.
i remember in the kh i went to there was always at least one desperate singleton who would sniff around the single women particularly the ones which were his own age...he was mid 40s i seem to believe...never had a girlfriend and would have married anybody who wouldve had him.
there was no real harm in him...just lonely i expect but i think he made most women skwirm.. what about you...did your hall have its own resident 'single sister stalker'?
I reckon you could say that I was one. All the kids my age married when they hit 18. I suddenly found myself a social leper. Shoot! At one point there were even rumors going around that I was GAY! I eventually did find a nice sister who gave me a try, and we're still together after 24 years. :-)
What is the oldest witness publication you actually remember?
by AK - Jeff innot just one you have seen - or even researched since leaving.
but the oldest one you recall studying when you 'got the truth' or as a child?.
i remember "let god be true" - 'babylon the great has fallen'- and 'paradise restored - paradise regained' [the big orangish/pink book - hope i got the name right] - all 50's early 60's books.
I studied from the old "blue bombshell" (that is what some called the "Truth" book). The congregation book study was going over the "Ezekiel" book when I started going to the book study.
Karate Lessons
by Gill ini often feel that i'm on this site having a 'moan' about one thing or another but this is one confused country when it comes to any sense of law any sense of law and order in any form.
yesterday, on his way home from school, by son was attacked by someone with a record for violent behaviour, a boy of the same age.
i rang the school and the police because son received injuries and was threatened with more violence if he reported the attack.
Your welcome Gill. I hope that you find a good resolution to your situation.
Karate Lessons
by Gill ini often feel that i'm on this site having a 'moan' about one thing or another but this is one confused country when it comes to any sense of law any sense of law and order in any form.
yesterday, on his way home from school, by son was attacked by someone with a record for violent behaviour, a boy of the same age.
i rang the school and the police because son received injuries and was threatened with more violence if he reported the attack.
Might I suggest that you consider your son studying Aikido? My understanding is that in Great Britain to defend oneself is now, in the eyes of the law, as bad or worse than to perpetrate an assault. Aikido is much less brutal than Karate and it gets the job done. Because of its less damaging nature, it also exposes one much less to legal consecuences legally and criminally. So, if it is available where you live, it might be a viable option.
The Second Amendment
by Englishman ini like guns.
i like the feel of them.
i like the fine engineering too.
This comes from a column by Devvy Kidd that was put on World Net Daily awhile back and addressess what the founding fathers meant when they put the second amendment in the Constitution:
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson to Col. Charles Yancey, 1816
My last column on the feminization of American politics generated some complaints from "sensitive" men. One in particular was such a glaring example of how ignorant Americans are on the history of this republic, it simply cannot go unanswered.
One man named Guy wrote, "Stupid slag ... you have no Second Amendment rights ... the Second Amendment applies to militias, not individuals. ... I suggest you dust off your Constitution and actually read it instead of listening to other idiotic conservatives who haven't got two brain cells to rub together. ... You people make me sick."
Let's address Guy's statement that I have no Second Amendment rights and that the Second Amendment applies only to militias, because this fellow hasn't got a clue. This bastion of historical knowledge is simply parroting what he hears and reads from the controlled media because he's too intellectually lazy to research the history of his own country. He has accepted politically correct rulings by the Ninth (Silly) Circuit Federal Court because the brainwashed never wonder. The Ninth Circuit is the most over turned court in this country, and the gutless in Congress have refused to remove even one of those incompetent, agenda-driven judges.
Those who disagree with Guy, the Ninth Circuit and Handgun Control Inc.:
"The great object is that every man be armed. ... Everyone who is able may have a gun." Patrick Henry during Virginia's ratification convention (1788) in "The Debates of the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution" at 386, Jonathan Elliot (New York, Burt Franklin: 1888).
Could Patrick Henry be more specific? After all, he was directly involved in the process of adopting the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
"That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." Samuel Adams during Massachusetts' U.S. Constitution ratification convention (1788), "Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts," at 86-87 (Pierce & Hale, eds., Boston, 1850).
Could Samuel Adams, an American Revolutionary leader who was actually there during the process, as was Patrick Henry, have been more clear about an individual's right to private gun ownership?
"The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed, which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation ... (where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." ? The Federalist, No. 46 ? James Madison, America's fourth president, known as the father and author of the U.S. Constitution.
"The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them." Zachariah Johnson Elliot's Debates, vol. 3, "The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution."
"? the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms." Philadelphia Federal Gazette June 18, 1789, page 2, column 2, article on the Bill of Rights.
"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. ? From the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. ? The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference ? they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." George Washington, America's first president, known as the father of our nation.
"The constitutions of most of our states assert that all power is inherent in the people; that ? it is their right and duty to be at all times armed. ? " Thomas Jefferson, America's third president in a letter to Justice John Cartwright, June 5, 1824. ME 16:45.
"The best we can help for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers at 184-8. Hamilton was a lawyer and delegate to the Continental Congress.
I guess Guy would say the individuals above who actually birthed this nation and wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights had it wrong, but the Ninth Circuit and the anti-American zealots who run organizations like Handgun Control Inc. have it right. Unfortunately, Guy is just another one of the millions of Americans who fire off their mouth before they load their brain.
Guy's ignorance is the result of two things: 1) The government's indoctrination centers (public schools) have removed all comprehensive teaching of the founding of this republic, and 2) America was birthed by a warrior class of men. The feminization of American politics and political correctness has bred an entire generation of men who are nothing more than wimps and sissies. They are too afraid to stand up and protect their own ? with a gun if necessary. Instead, they so wrongly believe that the local coppers will be able to save them or their family from imminent death. Guy would do well to study the laws in his state because here in California, the police are not obligated to come to your defense ? so say the courts.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty." Thomas Jefferson
Devvy Kidd "
As we can see, the modern courts pretty much ignore what the founding fathers wanted.
Forscher -
Who Was Shocked By the Watchtower UN NGO Scandal?
by AlanF in.
i'd like to get comments from people about whether and how much they were shocked, surprised, or otherwise bothered by the watchtower society's becoming an associated non-governmental organization (ngo).. note that i'd like to see these comments because they might lead to some interesting publicity, so please comment accordingly.. alanf
I was completely shocked as well! I was recovering from a hospitalization when I came across it on the net. Since I checked it directly with the UN website, I didn't need to ask the WTBTS if it was true or not. At the same time, I'd also come across Silent Lambs and had a short correspondence with Bill Bowen before he was DF'd.
The two together, along with some other growing concerns I already had, were enough for this old rooster to stay at home and away from the KH!