JoinedTopics Started by toladest
Need to give credit to this web site & to Vickie!
by toladest ini did not realize that in my post above about brothers reuniting after 26 years that i failed to mention that it is because of this site that it all happened.. i am scott's wife and i met darrin's common law wife on this board.
neither of us even knew each other existed.
i was talking about dan f and she was here trying to learn more about jw's because of what her man went through as a child.
Brothers Meet Again After 26 Years!
by toladest indan f's horrible abuse separated a family.
but it is time for the healing to begin.
dan married lynne in the early 70's and with her came 2 stepchildren, dawn & darrin.
Who left the JW's after getting on the internet?
by toladest invitta's thread above got me wondering.
how many here still believed the "witnesses" to have the truth until they came to sites like this?
how many actually came here to defend the jw's and ended up leaving?
What a bunch of idiots!
by toladest ini was thinking about some of the crap i went through with the elders during one of the hardest times of my life.
i was seeking help from the elders and had told them that i had been sexually abused as a child.
i was very upset that my father-in-law, who was an elder and po, had abused so many children and yet the elders in his hall and at the wts did nothing about it.
I heard a rumor
by toladest ini heard a rumor that daniel fitzwater was dfed!
i had not heard it as he was not dfed before or during his prison time for child molestation.
i heard that it was about a year ago.
Do you remember this?
by toladest inbook review blood crimes.
jerry bergman .
(from: investigator no.
God's intervention apostates?
by toladest ini was reading the post about god's intervention on the last page.
( started a new one to be on current page) anyway, the question was wether or not god intervines in peoples lives.
i have never believed that he does in our time.
Catholic Priest GUILTY on all charges
by toladest inthe catholic priest paul shanley was just found guilty on charges of child rape.
he repeatedly raped a 6 year old boy.
the catholic church has settled on civil suits regarding shanley and now they were finally able to get him in criminal court!
I'm getting mad....
by toladest ini have been dfed/daed for nearly 7 years now.
long story.
anyway my mom has shunned me ever since.
Don't Speak Against The Elders
by toladest ini can still remember my mother telling me that.
i had gone to her to tell her the truth.
i tried to tell her that daniel fitzwater was not the man he pretended to be.