JoinedTopics Started by BobsGirl
did you have CO's with speical dietary requirements ??
by karter inwe hade one if you served him a meal with onions he would not eat it and said to one sister"don't you know i can't eat this!
" no she did'nt.
the latest co around here if you have them for a meal you get a list what they will not eat.
This Is The Wife.
by Englishman inwhy do blokes say this?.
i've lost count of the number of times an aquaintance or customer introduces his partner by saying: "oh yeah, this is the wife".. .
the wife?.
just2laws, joy2bfree ... I need you. Please BTT.
by BobsGirl inhi guys.
would you email me?
heartconnection@hotmail com.
Just checking in .....
by BobsGirl init has been quite a while since i have posted.
life has been a whirlwind this year!
i just wanted to say hello to those of you that remember me, and to let you know that while i don't say so often, many of you have given me strength when needed.
I'm so excited! Got the proof for my book cover today!
by SanFranciscoJim inwell, it's been a long time coming, but my publisher just sent me the proof for the cover of my sci-fi novel today, and it looks fantastic!
i wrote back and told them it was well worth the wait.. as soon as they release the book, i'll make a shameless announcement so you can all rush out and buy a copy.
(unless, of course, you want me to come to your town for a book-signing!
Top this for a most embarassing moment ..record setting!!
by BobsGirl in.
see below .... it finally gets sorted out on page two .... sorry ... tequila and posting don't mix ....lmao!
Ok, for all of you who use word and excel, I need your help
by Jesika ini went to a temp agency today, and i failed word and excel testing.
the woman said if i get my computer skills up she could find me a job alot sooner.
my boyfriend has been teaching me, he works with computers at his job.
New England Apostafest
by beckyboop inlast year on memorial day a group of about 14 east coast ex-jw's met together in providence ri.
i had the pleasure of being able to have most of them back to our apartment for dessert, and thoroughly enjoyed meeting local people with a similar background.
i was able to meet zev, somebody, red horse woman, scumrat, sister act, doc bob & his wife, as well as others whom i can't remember their online names.. this year, i would like to get another group together on memorial day again, and hopefully we'll get even more of a response this year.
I Need Advice - Brother being DF'd tonight!
by BobsGirl ini just got a call from my baby brother.
they will be announcing that he has been df'd tonight at the hall.
he was crying, he has told me that the rest of the family has already started to shun him.