JoinedTopics Started by BobsGirl
just2laws, joy2bfree ... I need you. Please BTT.
by BobsGirl inhi guys.
would you email me?
heartconnection@hotmail com.
Just checking in .....
by BobsGirl init has been quite a while since i have posted.
life has been a whirlwind this year!
i just wanted to say hello to those of you that remember me, and to let you know that while i don't say so often, many of you have given me strength when needed.
Top this for a most embarassing moment ..record setting!!
by BobsGirl in.
see below .... it finally gets sorted out on page two .... sorry ... tequila and posting don't mix ....lmao!
I Need Advice - Brother being DF'd tonight!
by BobsGirl ini just got a call from my baby brother.
they will be announcing that he has been df'd tonight at the hall.
he was crying, he has told me that the rest of the family has already started to shun him.
Forbidden Pleasures ......
by BobsGirl inthis morning on the way to work, i burst into song.
not just any song ... but the heretofore forbidden "star spangled banner".
i just felt like singing and i wanted to sing something challenging and it seemed like the perfect choice.
Having a hard time posting .....
by BobsGirl inin the last few months, i have had quite a bit of big deal jw related shi* go down in my personal life.
i have started to post about it several times, but each time i start i can't seem to find the words.
i want desperately to reach out to folks that i know would understand, but i just freeze up.
To Speak or remain ChickenS***
by BobsGirl ini have been struggling ... i mean really struggling.
i feel a moral obligation to come forward and publicly support the work that bill, barbara and the pandelo's are doing.
i have first hand knowledge that these things that they are saying are true.
I'm pulling out the gun .... I SWEAR!
by BobsGirl inholy crap!!!
if i hear one more ...... "pedophilia exists everywhere" excuse from a d*** jw troll ... i am going to start shooting i swear!!.
the simple fact of the matter is that they claim to be gods earthly organization.
I voted today ...
by BobsGirl ini have been walking around with a sticker on my chest that announces to the world that i acted on my civic responsibility and voted today.
i have to admit that i am feeling a bit vulnerable and fighting the impulse to rip it off.
there were two issues on the ballot however that i felt it important to support.