Carla, I'm sorry your husband got baptized today. They will tell him it is the most important day of his life.
Only 2 drinks?? For this occasion, here's another for ya!
do jw's even realize that to 'outsiders' the wording of "jehovah god" makes it sound like they are trying to distinguish between 'other gods' and 'jehovah god'?
sorry, if i'm not clear enough.
jw's i've talked to cannot seem to understand the question.
Carla, I'm sorry your husband got baptized today. They will tell him it is the most important day of his life.
Only 2 drinks?? For this occasion, here's another for ya!
hi, and welcome to the forum.
i had a bit of a chuckle at your post about not reading your textbooks over and over, so why wtbs books.
i love it!.
Hi, and welcome to the forum. I had a bit of a chuckle at your post about not reading your textbooks over and over, so why WTBS books. I love it!
the recent 2005 "godly obedience" convention drama is an example of an anachronism!
and of propaganda!.
so why is the dram an example of anachronistic propaganda?.
Great post! Short, sweet, and to the point.
My SIL came back from the convention disgusted, because she wants her son to go to college. Her husband is just lapping all this crap up, though.
well, in my case anyway.
for those of you that may recall my posts about my family and that after i left the wts, how i wrote long (and painful) letters to my nonjw children among others.
i had tried to explain why i had shunned them and how very sorry i was, and for all the mistakes i had made throughout their childhoods as a jw mother.
What an incredible sequel, Annie! I'm so happy you are about to forge a relationship with your granddaughters. I hope it goes just as well for you with your grandson.
Happy days are here again!!!!!
dansk (ian) is in the hospital.
as you know, he posted to us on wednesday morning (after the tuesday night vigil) saying that he felt very bad.
claire ended up having to go home from work because he was feeling so weak and having some trouble breathing.. here are her emails.
You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
we generally hear negative stories about the jws but were there any who did an act of kindness towards you that really helped you out?
We always helped each other move, which is quite a big deal.
When my grandmother was dying, we moved her into our home instead of a nursing home for her final months. My husband and I were both working full-time, and she needed round the clock care. We had some family help, but still needed a few blocks of time covered. 2 sisters volunteered their time, and it was a godsend. We showed our appreciation by making sure they were financially compensated for it, and this was after the fact. They didn't do it knowing there would be money involved. They did show a loving spirit.
Of course, these same women stick their noses up in the air when they see me now, but I still remember how they helped us in our time of need.
here is a picture of my daughter on prom night last month.
you have to adjust it i can't figure out how to put it in small
Beautiful pictures! I'm so happy your daughter has the freedom to attend prom-I know that is something alot of Witnesses secretly wish they could do.
OT, but a few years ago the daughter of a publisher in our old congregation wanted to find out what prom was all about, so her parents asked an elder if his high school son would take his daughter. The thinking was if she went with an elder's kid, it would be ok. Surprisingly, the elder agreed, and the couple went. The backlash was intense, as other parents complained since THEIR kids felt cheated. The elder was actually shocked and upset at everyone's reaction.
How they thought they could pull that one was beyond me.
well, in my case anyway.
for those of you that may recall my posts about my family and that after i left the wts, how i wrote long (and painful) letters to my nonjw children among others.
i had tried to explain why i had shunned them and how very sorry i was, and for all the mistakes i had made throughout their childhoods as a jw mother.
I'm so happy for you, Sunspot! That is such a heartwarming story, and I'm glad the Borg didn't win this one. Man, your next holiday is going to be awesome!!!
while reading through some threads, i sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if i had stayed a jw and had kids.
i now have a 23 month old son, that's very active, i can not begin to imagine what torture it would be for both of us to attend meetings or go out in field service.
i would be expected to keep him still the whole time without toys, snacks, books or any sort of distraction at all, except maybe the my book of bible stories.
That is what always got my dander up at the hall. And amazingly, these mothers were smug and proud of themselves-spanking babies. I still would like to send a social service worker as a pretend study undercover, and see someone doing this at the hall. Busted!!!! Ah, I can dream,can't I?
while reading through some threads, i sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if i had stayed a jw and had kids.
i now have a 23 month old son, that's very active, i can not begin to imagine what torture it would be for both of us to attend meetings or go out in field service.
i would be expected to keep him still the whole time without toys, snacks, books or any sort of distraction at all, except maybe the my book of bible stories.
You spank an 18 month old?