Sunspot and sf-
Perhaps a few more of us could give it a go?
Sunspot and sf-
Perhaps a few more of us could give it a go?
well, the reporter came over today, and interviewed kwin for about an hour, and rolled some tape.
they have the info.
from silent lambs, and have apparently contacted 'local jw representatives'.. so , tune in to the supper/evening news, folks, if you are in atlantic canada.
Excellent! Way to go!
he has been on several pain medications for his back, he is disabled with it.
he was seeing people outside his house that wasn't there.
he saw an alien in his closet and was talking to it and trying to help it cool down, he was hot himself.
Ken, I hope everything turns out well for your son. How frightening.
Please keep us posted.
i see so many people on this board who are angry over what the witnesses took from them.
i often feel the same way, so i try to do something anti-jw every year, which seems to help.
do you know what i'm going to do this year?
You'd better believe it! My family made a big deal out of Christmas and sounds very similar to yours in regards to the they celebrated. They were devastated when I became a Witness. Now I have this incredible sadness of not having any Baby's First Christmas ornaments, pictures, videos etc. of the kids when they were wee tots.
I have made up for lost time.I am an over-the-top Christmas nut. I buy Christmas decorations all year long (just got a few more off ebay today!) I have 4 trees (all sizes with more on the way), and try to decorate (tastefully) every room in my house. I'm even close to being finished with my Christmas shopping!!!!!
My kids are young yet, and I want to make up for lost time, plus give them that magical feeling that I grew up with before it is too late. I'm also planning on having a "Christmas In July" party. I'm thinking of keeping my house open Christmas Eve day, all night, and Christmas Day for all the firemen and police officers, etc, that will be working those shifts. That way they can have some place to go for some festive food and drink, and we can show our appreciation to them. It is so lonely for them on those shifts on holidays. And after being a dub, I want to atone for so much of the arrogance and selfishness that was displayed, albiet unknowingly, because sadly Witnesses think they are better than everyone else.
Check out The Spirit Of Christmas series of books....they will put you in the mood no matter what time of year. LOL
i posted this on another thread....but as usual, when i posted it, the thread died and so i thought i'd put it under a different subject as it's worth re-reading.. the society has always said nobody is the judge who commits the dreaded...."unforgivable sin", but they sure the hell do not having any trouble making a statement concerning apostates as commiting the unforgivable sin.. 1982 watchtower 4/1 p.26-28 .
" jesus told the unrepentant scribes and pharisees that they and their gentile proselytes were subjects for gehenna or, literally, sons of gehenna.
(matthew 23:15, 33-35; see also john 9:39-41; 15:22-24.
Oh wow, Quotes, I have to clean the monitor after that one!
okay, first off, let me get this guys are all witnesses, some all active, some do things all the way right, some don't do things all the way right?
some are by the book but not preachy, and some are witnesses that are rogue and do things their own way?
i just want to know before i post any doubts or concerns or anything because even though i know we're supposed to stay away from places like this on the internet, i don't want what i say somehow getting back to my congregation somehow and next thing you know 4 elders come busting through the door waving "no blood" cards and shouting "freeze, jehovah's witnesses!
Welcome, soundbox_guy!
I know exactly the feelings you are having about being on this site. The first time I found this place it was about 3 a.m., my heart was pounding, my hands were shaking, I broke out into a sweat, and I kept looking over my shoulder at the door, even though the entire household was sleeping. I realized something was horribly wrong with our lives if I expected the "gestapo" elders to storm in in the middle of the night!
And the rest is history. I swear, I spent about 3 days just reading and drinking everything in. I just couldn't stop myself. I only slept about 2 hours a night, but it didn't faze me, because my mind was in such a state about what I was finding out here. In the end, I felt so validated to find out that all my gut feelings were right on target. Finally I could put aside the thoughts that there was something wrong with ME for feeling that something was just not right with the WTBTS, despite what the elders said.
i was browsing through and noticed that some jws seem to be using it to witness.
people are allowed to post comments about books, and apostates are using it to anti-witness.
a few put pro-jw stuff below a listing for an apostate book.
I remember reading a few very nasty comments on about Ray Franz when I was checking out his books quite awhile ago. I know Crisis Of Conscience had a couple bad apples in the middle of glowing reviews. Anyway, they are probably there still.
i publicly said the pledge of allegiance with my right hand over my heart.
the irony of it all is it happened during vacation bible school this week in my church's sanctuary.
it felt good.
It dawned on me a few months ago that I could do that, too. Not sure why I didn't think about it sooner. I haven't had the opportunity yet, but am waiting for the Fourth of July. I am SO looking forward to it!!! I have started teaching the Pledge to my children, and interestingly, my husband's first reaction was that we were going too far. Then he remembered we were free to do as we please. Funny how those residual Witness knee-jerk reactions still come to the surface once in awhile.
my name is jean, and im with a public service group who is concerned with the spread of destructive cults.
did you know that there is a cult in this area and that they are responsible for wrecking several families here?
well, i hope you will take a moment or two to look over this little brochure that we have prepared to inform you so that you will know what to look out for.
Me too, Carla! I thought I was done with that door to door nonsense, but this is something I could sink my teeth into. I believe householders would LOVE to talk to me about this subject.
everyone, opened up thread for loubelle as she cannot open any more today.
check it out!
Is just not showing up an option? They are not the police, and you only really need to answer to proper authorities, not James Bond wannabees. It would take alot of stress off you. Don't give them any of your personal power, and by going you affirm their stupid discipline system. JMHO
Hugs to you no matter what you decide.