Happy Birthday! (Oh, how I love being able to say that again.)
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday! (Oh, how I love being able to say that again.)
I hope you have a wonderful day.
for those of yall that didn't know, kristi was a 37-yr-old ms patient that i took care of for the last year of her life.
she had a wonderful ribald sense of humor and talked like a sailor at times.
but it was all to cover up the ultra-sweet and tender heart she had.
((((Frannie))))-My condolences to you and Kristi's family.
i can';t get through to any of my friends at liverpool street including my ex.
am really worried!
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Our thoughts and prayers are with England today. I am just so, so heartsick over this.
And Crumpet, I think you are an amazing woman.
the following was posted at my guest list the other day, by a producer of a new documentary that is pro-witness and may go out on pbs.
i'm joel engardio, director of the project.
joel .
Wow! There are some powerful letters in this thead. I hope Joel takes heed.
this past sunday the husband and i went to the car races at near by speed way to watch the races and the fireworks that is put on there everyyear on the 4th of july ,usually he heads to the bathroom is his excuse not to stand for the athem but this time when it was announced for all to stand he looked at me as i was rising and said to me " do you want me to stand ,and i said yes ,you are only standing so what is the big deal".
i was so happy just for the fact that he stood there against the laws of the wt and folks,he wasn't struck down dead and no demons took over he body as of yet.. i really don't care if he believes in his country or not but i want him to feel it for his own reasons and not because the wt told him that it is naughty and against their laws, so for me i hope this is some kind of break through..
That's good news, kls! Did he mention anything afterwards about it?
The stress of being a dub is so constant that I didn't feel the release of tension until I was doing things like other people. When the tension melted away, it was quite an "aha!" moment for me, since I didn't believe I was under any stress-I was part of the "happy" people. It was SO nice not to be different anymore. Perhaps your husband felt the same way. Hopefully there will be a next time for him, and it will get easier and easier.
my wife has been off work through illness for over a year, so before she goes back, we're gonna have a short family holiday.
we got a cheap last minute holiday...to egypt, so we're quite excited.
i'm gonna take my tape-measure and double check the length of the main passageway in the great pyramid at giza.
Have a great trip! How wonderful to get to see that part of the world.
ok...here is my problem.. i went to the dr a couple weeks ago(husband made me) because i have a swollen leg.
well i just thought it was because i had kids and it would go down(pregnancy swelling).
no big deal.
Definitely get a second opinion. I hope all goes well with you.
had a very interesting local needs part last nite - warning against apostate activity in our area, as well as the dangers of the internet.
the elder giving the talk discussed how he googled "watchtower" and a whole boatload of sites came up, such as silent lambs, etc.
"we need to stay away from these.
You are from Wisconsin, as am I.
2 weeks ago (before the convention) my husband and I sent a huge manilla envelope to a pesky elder who keeps forming JC's to get our apostate Silent Lambs sticker off our mailbox. In it I I had the whole 1914 change, the UN, mentioned how his opinions had destroyed families (and gave examples), and I even threw in a little Brave New World and 1984.
Oh, and said that I HIGHLY recommend the books by Ray Franz.
Ended it by saying that I knew he would throw it all away, so I was sending a copy to someone else, and not telling him who it was so he couldn't make trouble for that person. (Hey, I'm shunned-I have no one who cares to send it to, but it sure will mess with his head by wondering why no one comes forward!!!)
So....do ya think that maybe this talk?.........Nah........couldn't be..........but yet.....????
hey everyone!
another wisconsin newbie here.
been lurking for a while, been doubting for a very long time.
Welcome! How wonderful that Wisconsin has so many that have "come into the truth"! LOL
i have been df'd for over 3 years (for the third time... you know it's the charm).
i have an 8 year old who is being taught by my parents the same things that i was taught, including how we can't celebrate birthdays.
i have been doing a little research on the origin of worldly customs, such as weddings and birthdays only to find that there are many wedding customs that witnesses have adopted that have pegan origins.
We just started celebrating this year. My son had his first birthday party-at 6 years old! I was concerned that his thoughts would have been contaminated by the JW junk, but believe me, he was so caught up in feeling special, opening presents, etc, that he didn't even question it. Once you celebrate with him, he is going to always remember the great feelings, and wonder why his grandparents say it's evil. .
(I'd really think twice about allowing that-be firm and tell them no preaching or no grandkids. JMHO).
Really play up and point out how much fun your family has compared to dub families. I'm guilty of going overboard just because I want to prove that point plus I love holidays.
We did Christmas for the first time this past December, and it was a bit hard for my kids to wrap their minds around the concept. The only thing my son asked was this: "So now Jehovah says it's ok to celebrate Christmas?" I was a bit blunt, and told him that we were in the wrong religion, but now were out, and they could be like all the other kids. (I also said that there was something wrong with Witnesses brains-that they were controlled like a robot and couldn't think for themselves-it was one of my bitter days-ahem!)
It took all of 30 seconds after the festivities began for my 3 kids to forget about being Witnesses and they just had FUN! I'll bet that happens for your kids, too.