Excellent! Well-done!
This article surely gets the truth out about JW's. I certainly hope it gets published.
i just submitted the following piece to my local newspaper.
haven't had much luck in getting them to publish jw stuff before, but here's hoping!
a thanksgiving family divided
Excellent! Well-done!
This article surely gets the truth out about JW's. I certainly hope it gets published.
heres a little background: my mother is a jw, my father is not, my sister is disfellowshipped and i have faded away.. my father has an abdominal aortic aneurism.
this is a weak spot on the wall of the major artery leading to the lower extremities.
it will balloon out and burst eventually killing him without assistance.
Darth Yhwh-I'm so glad that your father's surgery went well! I hope he has a good recovery.
What a perfectly horrid day you have had. I give you alot of credit for your self control, as that was a very long time to sit and listen to all that garbage. I know I couldn't have done half as well.
a little girl!
all is well and we are trying to get some sleep.
you guess how well that going based upon the time of this post .
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.
just wanted to let everyone know that brookie is home recuperating from her surgery on monday.
it was over 6 hours long and now she has stiches and staples in both legs...as they had to take a vein from her good leg to repair the aneurism...so she is cut up pretty bad.
stop by and wish her well...poor baby.
Get well soon, Brooke! That was one long surgery. I have missed alot of posts and didn't realize that you and Had Enuf both had surgery. I'm sending you both warm wishes and healing thoughts.
I have it in PDF form-if you PM me your email I can send it to you.
i was at work -- a manager in a hospital that is the regional treatment center for one medical specialty...region includes nyc.
someone came & grabbed me hard by the arm and pulled me into a room, where i saw every single mgr.
sitting silently watching tv.
letters to my family went out today.
i have been apprehensive to put them in the mail.
i suck it up mostly out of curiosity for their being read.
Just wondering if there have been any responses?
well, yesterday evening was a little too emotional for my liking... .
i got home to find an envelope in my mailbox from my mom and dad... (i was df'ed 4 years ago and haven't spoken to them since) .
my sister's wedding announcement...she got married earlier this month.
Ooooh, the more I think about this the madder I get. It's is mean-spirited to rub salt in the wound. I would write them a letter (and put tracking on it so you know it was delivered) and ask them what kind of religion (and individual) gets a perverse satisfaction in blatant emotional blackmail and cruelty, and tell them how evil it is. Put the wrong motives right back on them. They deserve it for being so heartless. Natural familial feelings are suspended on their part, so don't play into their hands by showing hurt. Sometimes well-placed self-righteous anger is necessary.
(Ok, so I'm no Dear Abby!)
well, yesterday evening was a little too emotional for my liking... .
i got home to find an envelope in my mailbox from my mom and dad... (i was df'ed 4 years ago and haven't spoken to them since) .
my sister's wedding announcement...she got married earlier this month.
Oh, how cold! At least, that's how I would take it-like they were trying to rub it in.
But on the other hand, perhaps others here are correct in saying that your parents are trying to balance the JW-think and their natural feelings for their own flesh and blood, because the dubs I know wouldn't even send me a momento like that invitation. They are the type that threw our pictures out once there was any sign of trouble. Not sending them back, mind you, but right into the garbage, as if we never existed.
got a phone call from my daughter who lives in florida a couple of hours ago.
her significant other who i chose to call my son-in-law (because he is the best thing to ever happen to her) got a phone call that his 6 year old daughter was killed in an auto accident near lake placid, florida and his 5 year old son is in very critical condition.
the ex wife is also critical.
I'm so sad for you and your family. Words fail me.