I'm so sorry about this. I get livid when I read these stories, and just fires me up to keep up my anti-witnessing.
I'm with Odrade on this one-that is EXACTLY what I would send to the ingrates.
situation ugly.
long story short - adult children have refused contact with df'd father for a few years.
(except for the initial obligatory hate letter full of references to satan and some disgusting name calling).
I'm so sorry about this. I get livid when I read these stories, and just fires me up to keep up my anti-witnessing.
I'm with Odrade on this one-that is EXACTLY what I would send to the ingrates.
over the years here on the forum...i have read with interest many da letters.
brave people!!
not so brave.
Stehphanus-Theocratic warfare won't work here. Cathy is related to almost the entire elder body AND the congregation. (Or the majority of it! LOL)
over the years here on the forum...i have read with interest many da letters.
brave people!!
not so brave.
Cathy, this is WONDERFUL!!!
I'm really glad you were able to get it published. I can't seem to make our newspaper print anything, even a simple thank you to my kid's school, let alone any of the Witness stuff. I guess I need a new angle. You've given me some food for thought.
i'd have to say at least 80% of jw's in my area are related in some way or another...kinda makes me feel sick thinking about it.
talk about reproductive anomalies with the gene pool getting so concentrated.... anyways i've noticed that families such as immigrant families or "new" ones who are not related at all to anyone are pretty much left out.
i know family is family... but in the truth isn't every one a "brother" or a "sister".
That describes my old congregation to a T. Sad to think that it is everywhere. It was a HUGE peeve of mine.
wow, we must really be on someones radar.
we've recieved three intives to the assembly next weekend.
two were just put in the letter box.
Two weekends ago the dubs finally had the nerve to hit up our neighborhood with their tract. Funny how they all averted their eyes when they walked past our house, except for one that saw me standing in the door grinning at them. It was quite interesting to see the look of revulsion on her face.
The kicker is that this woman and her car groupies have all had dinner at our house, been involved in our wedding, etc.
The poor saps.
http://www.randytv.com/secret/unitednations.htm (united nations issue).
jehovah trains--not jesus?.
his flock--not jesus?.
This is great! Thanks, Blondie. I just printed this out (all 15 pages). I'm showing this to someone tomorrow who is on the fringes.
for several years there has been available a pay attention to yourselves and to the flock book in pdf and html format.
this book has proven to be extremely valuable in exposing the morally questionable activities of the watchtower society.
now we have a new version that is even more valuable because it contains the hand-written notes of a presiding overseer, some notes as recent as late 2005. these notes are frequently dictated to elders by a circuit overseer or district overseer in order to avoid liability (the wts can deny every giving such instructions).
Thanks, Elsewhere-I'm adding it to my apostate arsenal.
i shared in dannys torture thread about this, yet wanted a thread by itself so that headquarters see's it clearly.
i also 'chopped' it a bit.... i spent this weekend copying.
Thanks for all your hard work! I appreciate you posting this, as I was getting discouraged. I am going to use this idea and canvass the area around our Kingdom Hall. I love taking it right into their own turf, so to speak. I don't care that it isn't April since every month is child abuse month in my book.
Sometimes we all need fresh ways to look at things, and this is different for me. I don't seem to get a response with mailings, etc. I have opened a few eyes, though, so it's been worth it.
my molester is still a jehovah's witness elder 2006
service bulletin .
Yes, the same thing is happening for me.
i am looking for a creative or a usaul way to get my turn at being disfellowshipped.
i was a witness that married a 'worldly' guy.
so, basically i can do anything i want and not get disfellowshipped.
I have an extra Stop Watchtower Abuse-silentlambs.org & freeminds-bumper sticker if you like. Anything that smells of apostacy should do it.