Hi mama,
I did the same thing this year. We put a flag up, several in flowerpots (gave the jw's something to oogle as they were avoiding my house handing out their tract this summer LOL), had my kids dressed in red t-shirts for the Fourth of July, complete with red, white and blue hair decorations for the girls. They recieved alot of compliments.
My husband, myself, and kids even rode on a float in the parade. We are making ourselves very visible. As a witness I always felt I was creeping around the fringes of real life, and I am thrilled to have life with it's richness and fullness back again, instead of the bleak, dreary jw way.
Did the fireworks thing, too. It felt great. I was patriotic before I became a witless, and I always felt bad about squashing those feelings. It was very hard on my grandfather -WW2 vet-when I converted. I only wish he were alive now to see us out and celebrating.