JoinedPosts by TheListener
Governing Body 2.0
by drew sagan ini borrow the phrase gb 2.0 from alltimejeff, who used it yesterday in the post about theodore jaracz's death.. i was interested in starting a thread that addresses the new leadership regime that has emerged within the wts, especially in light of changes (albeit mundane) the organization has undertaken over the past 15 years or so.
while few of us have had close contact with the men in charge, changes they have made in recent years surly reflect a definable leadership style.
it also reveals a little bit about how they view the organization and its future.. from what i can put together, it seems that there a few obvious things to note.. - 1999 seems to be the sea change year in terms of gb appointment and might be seen sybolically as a turning point in terms of leadership for the group.
The effect of this religion on my children & the action I had to take - Part I
by jambon1 ini have been meaning to tell this story for some time now.
i feel that i would like to share it so that it may serve as a warning to anyone who thinks that the jw religion does not have a negative effect on children.. i have been out of the religion for 4 years now.
i wasn't brought up in the organisation.
I hear you man. You, me, Billzfan and others must be in the same boat.
How much do we say to the kids? If our household has some peace how much do we rock the boat? Do we put our foot down and risk divorce to keep the kids free? Would that just push the kids further in?
It's like trying to get a sliver. You're never positive of the right tool (needle or tweezers) and if you use the wrong one you could push it further in. Plus, sometimes getting the sliver out leaves a lot of raw flesh around the wound because it was in so deep. (((sigh)))
There can be a paradise earth WITHOUT an earthly resurrection
by Mad Sweeney ini get tired of hearing the faulty reasoning that there has to be an earthly resurrection because the bible promises a paradise earth.. those are two completely different things.. the bible only mentions a heavenly resurrection and resurrection is never mentioned in conjunction with paradise earth.
"how then could there be a paradise earth if everyone goes to heaven?
the earth would be empty, dummy!".
Where did you get that number?
I am having some reservations about Barbara Anderson
by JWoods inrecently, there was a very nice thread in which one of our posters apologized for having the temerity to challenge barbara anderson.. i thought it was very nice to see that they made up and put the personal stuff aside.. however, i felt the need to call it like i really feel it - i was very put off by the barbara anderson reply in which she plugged her new promotional meeting.
it brought back memories of that horrid little affair from a couple of years back when she kept posting up "the greatest new thing about blood which will bring down the watchtower society is just around the corner -- and i could tell you but then i would have to kill you, etc."..
just like another jehovah's witnesses prophecy about the coming of the lord in our time.. i am beginning to wonder if perhaps the siren song of self-promotion is getting a little too strong for real life.. ok. i said it.. james - and saying it was not the easiest thing that i have ever done.
Thank you Barbara. I appreciate what you've done and continue to do.
Two Babylons...
by on the rocks inwe had this book in our congregation....some ppl used to make a ref to this book....any idea wats the connection of this book with the wts..
A good refutation of the book was written by Ralph Woodrow. It's called The Babylon Connection? and its ISBN is: 0916938174
Check it out on Amazon.
Hubby is Researching 607...
by cognac inwould you say that's the beginning of the end?
hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. clearly, he won't find the answer.... here's hoping he will see the light... .
The first issue I researched was 607.
When I was a witness I sounded a lot like Scholar and in fact it was his posts (with others) that allowed me to see my own stupidity in a mirror.
I've said this before, but thank you Scholar. If it wasn't for you and others like you I may have never gotten free.
Crazy GB Rants from Bethel- All former B-lites please participate
by lrkr injust remember a few crazy gb rants- the topic on no smooching during the prayer got me to remembering a few:.
losch- morning worship- roommates should pray together (inferred kneeling on the floor together).
losch- morning worship- women have a natural craving for men that has to be managed and controlled by men.
Remember how the GB and heavies used to talk a lot about roommates not wrestling? They hit that very heavy in entrance school. Apparently wrestling leads to fornication and that is not appropriate for Bethelites.
Perhaps wrestling wasn't the real problem, maybe it was that the roommates were oiling each other up first.
Crazy GB Rants from Bethel- All former B-lites please participate
by lrkr injust remember a few crazy gb rants- the topic on no smooching during the prayer got me to remembering a few:.
losch- morning worship- roommates should pray together (inferred kneeling on the floor together).
losch- morning worship- women have a natural craving for men that has to be managed and controlled by men.
I remember Fred Franz's prayers and how they went on and on and on and on...
How Couch always talked about homosexuality and elongated the word like hooooomoooooosexxxxxxuaaaaaaaals. He was always talking about going to Manhattan and even mentioned the club CBGBs a couple of times. He talked about not touching the door knobs that the hooooomoooooosexxxxxxxxuaaaaaaaals use.
Gangas always having to ask questions. I think it was to help his memory.
What/Who are the Saints?
by PSacramento inaccording to the ot:.
saints :gadowsh meaning holy one and referes to those that have kept themselves free of difelment, idolatry, and other unlcean and profane things or the word gaddiysh which means those who are sacred to the most high, but can also man gods or deities.. in the nt:.
saint: hagios, meaning someone(something) revered, worthy of veneration, someone whos services god employs.. both meaning show that the individul is special and unique in god's eyes, yet there is no mention of any saint by name, the term always being use din the plural.. paul often addresses his letters to "the saints" of whatever church he was writing too and mentions "the saints" in general.. .
Ephesians 1
1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
Colossians 1:2
2To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse
Do these verses imply or mean that the congregation is made up of saints and non-saints? If they are not a saint but are called faithful what does that imply?
I'll say this: to my witness wife it implies two groups of christians (anointed and great crowd). I know that even the WTS doesn't teach that there were two groups in the first century but apparently that doesn't matter.
On my way out of the "organization" and feeling very lost...
by 2pink infirstly, thank god i found this forum!
i've spent the better part of today while my kids were in school reading many threads.. some background...i am in my mid 30s, married, 2 kids.
i was born and raised a jw...came from "good" stock...elders, pioneers, etc.
Welcome 2Pink.
I'm glad you found the board. Please continue to read read read. Even if your husband won't read things himself (at first) if he listens to you then you are still making headway and much more successful that many of us on the board.
Confusion, irritation, anger, depression, amazement and joy are all part of the exiting process.
Good luck on your journey.