Based on this article can a JW can be homosexual as long as they don't engage in homosexual activities? Is that really true? I've been out awhile but I don't remember that being the teaching.
JoinedPosts by TheListener
New Article on about gay people
by ateograciasadios inok, sometimes i go to just to laugh a bit about the 'food at the proper time', and i would like to know what people think of this hillarious article 'am i attracted to the same sex.
does that mean i am gay?'.
this has to be one of the most remarkable pieces of logic (last paragraph of the article).. the bibles stand is not unreasonable.
International Conventions for 2014 - Landover, MD - What is an International Convention?
by insearchoftruth inhave been out of touch for a while, i see that there is an 'international' convention this year in landover, md (fed ex field) and there are no english conventions in either richmond or hampton, va. what is an 'international convention', is it merely a consolidation of all the other conventions meant to whip up some fervor amongst the masses?.
Hello Insearchoftruth. It's great to see you post again. Sorry to hear your situation hasn't changed all that much. Hang in there.
No Reading,PA conventions this year
by jdubsnub inhope this isnt a repost.
i tried to search a little but didn't see this anywhere.
does anybody know where the philadelphia region of witnesses are going to be sent to this year?
The Reading, PA Santander Arena and the Mohegan Sun Arena have about the same number of seats. This move seems more about potential cost savings for the WTS than international or regional conventions. I imagine that the Mohegan Sun Arena is newer and nicer.
"They're only human!" (the most common defence of the Governing Body)
by Watchtower-Free in
If they're only human they don't have a right to disfellowship anyone and consider them cutoff from God and friends.
Meeting for those wishing to be appointed
by PrincessCynic ini heard recently that a nearby congregation which some of my family attend are having this.
basically the elders are arranging an open meeting with all those who would like to be appointed.
is this happening everywhere?
I've been to these. Typical of witnesses they hold a special formal meeting and bore everyone to death rather than just getting together socially once in awhile and building a real relationship and slowly reminding some of the MS or Elder prospects what the qualifications are.
The dubs in decades past knew how to be social with one another. The whole organization seemed warmer and friendlier. The dubs now are just frantic and wore out and have little to no time for socializing.
Finished Crisis of Conscience Recently
by wallievase inwell i finally got around to finishing crisis of conscience.
2 things stood out to me most.. 1. the fact that the gb can question beliefs and noone else can.. 2. strangly the most disturbing fact- its a small one- but actually made the biggest impression on me out of the whole book-.
the fact that they agreed to send him a copy of his meeting tapes and then refused and admitted in writing that they lied.. obviously there was much more that i got from it and i do find franz situation unique in that he had a whole support system outside of the "truth" and most today including myself have nothing- if i leave my wife hates me, my family wont talk to me, etc- it doesnt provide any solution for that scenario.. any thoughts on the above points- let me know.
For the most part CoC confirmed what I had already figured out and provided me with a ton of insight that I would never had been able to get on my own.
15 please
by DS211 inso tonight my wife looked iver the wt for tomorrow.
she said what she got out of it was that apostates are negative murmurers who can cause you to question jehovah and his earthly org and that it reminded her of the negativity caused when i told her i read ray franz's book.
she said it caused me to question service, family worship night, and praying together.
You've got a lot of good advice here. I would just add that hopefully you can save the kids before they get older and too entrenched.q
The Real Aftermath of the AGM...Part 2
by raymond frantz infor the ones based in britain only the "few" were invited to attend the agm .they received their new grey bible and the rumor was that the new bible will not be available for the rest of the congragations until january .it was confirmed tonight .a letter was read as local announcement that the new bibles will not be available until the end of january for the rest of the congragation .all the in crowd were sat there with their new flashy bible looking smug.also the bible reading was read from the new bible to make it all the more obvious ..... the real aftermath of agm....
I bet that the ones who didn't get the AGM invitation and new bible won't be angry or jealous but will see it the other way around. They'll feel that they need to do more in order to qualify to be a part of the special group when something like this happens again. They react with the conditioning that the society has worked so hard to instill.
Beginning of Electronic Assemblies?
by Fading Begins indo you think this could have been an experiment to see how smoothly these events can be processed, and what the reaction is from the rank and file?
it would sure save a lot of money if events like this could replace at least the one day circuit assemblies.
there has to be some recognition that the "flock" is becoming weary and they don't have the funds to be travelling to these events.
Perhaps they'll just add this special weekend event each year to the schedule? So each year there will be a DC, SAD, CA and the AGM. It's a way of getting a few more donations by having an exciting event without requiring the dubs to stay overnight anywhere.
Personally I hope this meeting will replace one day of the DC or CA. Or maybe replace the SAD completely.
Now it's the Annual Meeting!
by stillin inas if circuit assemblies, district conventions, meetings, watchtower studies, special assembly days and bible studies weren't enough, now it's this!
aaa argh!.
Is the annual meeting going to be piped to the kingdom halls or do they dubs have to travel to an assembly hall?