JoinedTopics Started by devinsmom
Yeah der hey, Wisconsin is going to be the new Texas dontchya know!
by Winston Smith :>D inmaybe it?s just me, but lately i?ve noticed a large army of wisconsinite apostates on this board.
what do you say gang, can we take texas as the state with the most apostates?
god knows we can drink a lot, we love to eat, and we know how to party.
by Dustin ini just wanted to say hi to some people who might understand my frustrations.
i quit the organization about 2 years ago.
i was born into it, and stayed in it for 25 years.
Pathetic JW Web Site
by DevonMcBride in.
this guy needs a friend...and a life.
definitely a few fries short of a happy meal..
Opinions on Age of Baptismal Candidates
by redskymedic ini am sure i am not the only one that thinks it's ridiculous that they allow pre-teens and young teens to get baptized.
i know now that i did not have a full understanding of the implications of baptism.
i did it primarily because that's what was expected.
Banned from the Kingdom Hall?
by devinsmom inso i was just wonderin' if anyone has ever heard of someone getting banned from the kingdom hall.
my dad who was a very looked up to elder before my parents divorce and allways a very devout jw recently got banned from the kh, this is the 1st time hearing of someone getting banned, see this elder was talkin to his new wife a little too much and he thought they were gettin a little too close and he told this dude to back off and he didnt so this elder had a talk one night and my dad stood up in the middle of the hall right as this dude got on stage and announced that he better stay away from his wife, he was asked to leave and he refused so they called the cops on him and the cops came right in and escorted him out.
so anywho they wont let him come back, they didnt df him or reprove him or anything just banned his ass-way to go dad, probably the best thing that ever happened to him, too bad he allready wasted 2/3 of is life in that sh*t. so has anyone else ever heard of getting banned?-april
Do you become empty inside after leaveing the witness's?
by PinTail ini find myself feeling empty inside sense drifting away after my being shuned, and my divorce from my wife who was a witness, and after my daughter had been molested by a stupid brother in the hall that my ex-wife started living with after my becoming disabled.
i am newly married now to a good women who is not a witness, but she is honest and kind to me and understands what i have been through, but still i feel a empty somewhere in side of me.
of note during this time of pain, i fell hit my head and lost a major portion of my brain which left me disabled, and very emotional at times feeling like all is lost, i just can't throw it.
Does anyone watch Reno911! or MXC ?
by confusedjw inso i had never had cable or sat until this fall when i bought dish to watch my red sox, rather than to just listen on the porch with my trusty radio.. well now my son and i are hooked on these weird shows, reno 911!
and mxc.
does anyone else watch them or have i sunk to depths that are unspeakable?
where are my madison peeps?
by devinsmom inhello, i'm new to the madison wi area and would like to meet some ex-jdubs in the area, i'm 24 yrs old.
people relativly my age would be nice but any age is cool.
i just moved from milwaukee and all my friend there are ex-jw's, we are all pretty close about 10 of us or so and am looking for the same kind of bonds where i am now, there is nothing like having people in your life who know exactly what you went through in life.
Growing up a gay Jehovah's Witness (My Life Story)
by m0nk3y ini feel the need to express how i feel and felt about my life as a gay man.
i was brought up from birth as a jehovahs witness.
this has played a major part in my life and it has been a real struggle to get past.