Technically I should not be shunned, except for the fact that they may consider me bad association. You see I'm one of those poeple that was raised a J-Dub, suffered thru-out school, etc., but never "made the Troof my own". So even though I was associatiated for over 40 years, gave talks in the MS, went out in service occassionally, I know I was talked about behind my back as one who would never join up...Boy were they right. All those years I felt something was wrong but I went along with the program, raising my kids under the Borg umbrella and now it's all come back to bite me in the ass. Yes, some do shun me and a few will talk to me. It's weird. They really don't know what to do when they see me. I kinda like it that way. Shunning is such a bizarre, midieval ritual of sorts. If the Borg could qualify it from the Bible, they would be putting those with low hours in the stocks. Just my thoughts...thanx