Hey ThiChi....Never drive faster than your angel can fly ! Oh migawd..can't believe I said that...(puke) and other sounds of retching over toilet. Forgive me.
since most of us here are ex-jws i'm sure we all have been scared of demons at one time or another as their touted reality is a basic cornerstone of the watch tower philosophy.
gossip and rumors dealing with demon attacks are encouraged by the society in local congregations and such stories frequently appear in watch tower publications to further strengthen the argument that demons are real and are ready at any opening to "demonize" us if we fall short of deserving "jehovah's protection" or foolishly venture beyond the protection of "jehovah's organization".. since belief in demonic beings is so widespread inside the jw community, current or ex, many have reported encounters with these minions of satan.
i take these reports seriously, for the most part, knowing how real demons once seemed to me i can easily believe that someone with a similar jw background may think that they really are the victims of such supernatural forces.
Hey ThiChi....Never drive faster than your angel can fly ! Oh migawd..can't believe I said that...(puke) and other sounds of retching over toilet. Forgive me.
i found out the other day that i have endometrial cancer.
needless to say, i'm shocked, angry and desperate.
i blame this on my incompetent doctor who did absolutely nothing when i first went to him two years ago and said "there's something wrong here.
Mary.......Please know we love and support you. The people who have been there can really be helpful.
it just occured to me...lets say it takes the society 1 million dollars to print the awake...twice as much for the watchtower ...on top of which they have new bibles 500k brochures another two million or so...pamplet 200k ...new books at coventions 2 million again (this is just estimating not actuality..i don't know the real numbers) ...insight books...another 200k ...revelation books ...so forth so forth..lets say their total number of sales in one year alone is 7 million dollars... not to mention the people living in bethal and going on missionary trips all over the world ...plane tickets... co's expenses...do's expeses...new cars given to the co's and district overseer's.
feeding everyone at bethal...(not just in brooklyn but alllllllllllllll over the world) ny has 3 places ...that's just one country...not to mention the other 266 countries that repeat all these things.
did it ever occur to anyone that they might have all these assemblies and coventions sole reason not because they wanted to "feed" the sheep..but to make money from donations so they can sustain their life style of never really having to work?
truthseeker1......That is Great!! Of course they just exposed the evils of email so I doubt they'll implement your terrific ideas. On similar note...in the New York Times edition that had the Silent Lambs article, there was also a piece on e-giving to churches. I like the idea of e-dunking the best though. Of course it would still be mandatory to sit at your computor wearing a cheap, solid white T-shirt while being e-dunked. Thanks for the laugh.
one of the best tools the elders have to counsel the congregation is the local needs part.
how does one usually get picked for this talk?
generally, during an elder's meeting, one elder will have his pet peeve.he convinces the body that this issue has to be handled by the body.
We had one on gum chewing. The elder who gave it was a real A-hole. He detailed cars for a living so he really hated gum. Took a KM article out of context to prove his point. He approached and stood at the platform for probably a whole minute chewing a big wad of bubble gum, then took it out of his mouth and stuck it on the podium...to make his point. All of us gum chewers continued as before. It was ridiculous. He should have given a talk on manners...how to dispose of gum properly...chewing with mouth closed, etc...but NO he villified gum in general. All gum was EVIL. Like I said, he was a real A-hole.
let's call him "brotherx" - an elder who either has heard from the circuit overseer "by word of mouth" or has come to the conclusion himself about why jehovah's witnesses are determined to reach every person on the planet with .
"the message of hope.
" i'll try to paraphrase some of his comments.. brotherx explained to me and others in the congregation that we "work our territories to essentially decide who lives and dies at armageddon.
You bunch of filthy apostates !! You should be proud to be Soylent Green for Bethel !
i have not been a very active poster lately [have you missed me?].
there has been plenty of drama in my life the last few weeks, and my time has been absorbed by it.
my grandma is seriously ill, and has but a few more months to live.
Viv...Sit where you please. Why should you worry about their silly-ass rules? The brain-dead morons won't do anything to disrupt the occasion, especially if there are others observing. They like to do their dirty deeds behind closed doors with no witnesses. If they were to be stupid enough to insult you, you might as well make it into a free-for-all fight so it will get into the newspapers. I think the average person with some compassion in their heart would take your side if they hear what they want you to do.
That is why I am always eager to tell by-standers if I am being shunned. Normal people just don't understand their absurd rules. Being DF'd you have joined the ranks of the normal. Hope it all works out.
sirona is going back into the hospital today for more surgery.
she will be going under general anesthesia to have more biopsies done.. i know its always scary to "go under.
" lets send warm thoughts her way and hope for the best with the outcome of the biopsies .. .
Sirona.........With all these good vibes, you're gonna do great. Wishing you all the best.
in my weekend rounds of posting my, "child molesters in your neighborhood" poster, i happened across a chuch yard sale.
i approached the lady at the table and asked if the church had a bulletin board.
when she told me they did i handed her a poster and said she may want to post this.
Hawkaw...Was it really Newsweek. I bought it and then it got lost. I know the one I saw was like a sidebar article along with the Catholic problem. Sorry for the misinfo. Guess I better change my poster.
in my weekend rounds of posting my, "child molesters in your neighborhood" poster, i happened across a chuch yard sale.
i approached the lady at the table and asked if the church had a bulletin board.
when she told me they did i handed her a poster and said she may want to post this.
In my weekend rounds of posting my, "Child Molesters in Your Neighborhood" poster, I happened across a chuch yard sale. I approached the lady at the table and asked if the church had a bulletin board. When she told me they did I handed her a poster and said she may want to post this. She looked kind of grumpy at first until she read it and then she brightened up and said, ..."most definitely". This is a great way to get the word out to hundreds of people...people who will give 'em grief when they come a knockin'. Here's the poster....
The next time a Jehovahs Witness comes to your door you should be aware of the fact that many child molesters are encouraged by this organization to engage in door-to-door evangelizing. Be sure to look for the re-run of the DateLine Television show on NBC. It concerns the Jehovahs Witnesses and their ludicrous child molestation policy. It has also been written up in a recent TIME Magazine article too. To learn more about the thousands of sexually abused children in the Jehovahs Witness Organization, go to
www.silentlambs.org or call 1-877-WT-ABUSE.They are not above the law.i'm getting married on oct.13.
i only have less than two months to get ready for the wedding, and i didn't have anything ready last week.
as you may know i am da'd.
((((((((Sunshine)))))))) I am very very sorry. I know how weddings can either bring people together...or not. We can only hope that she will come to her senses, if not by the time of the wedding, maybe later. I am going thru something similar and all the support from the folks on this board helped greatly. Hang in there. Remember it took years to brainwash them to thaat point so we cannot expect them to change overnight but hopefully her love for you will rise to the top over the evil dub teachings. I wish you the very best.