I am Luci Davenport - Spencer so if you know me Pm me.
If you know the other two names then you know me as well.
does anyone know milton ribb from san diego ca?.
or helen davenport from santa ana ca?.
or luci davenport - spencer from santa ana ca?.
I am Luci Davenport - Spencer so if you know me Pm me.
If you know the other two names then you know me as well.
does anyone know milton ribb from san diego ca?.
or helen davenport from santa ana ca?.
or luci davenport - spencer from santa ana ca?.
Does anyone know Milton Ribb from San diego CA?
Or Helen Davenport from Santa Ana CA?
Or Luci Davenport - Spencer from Santa ana CA?
if you do pm me... I desparately want to know if I am the only one who made it out in one piece.
one of the most fascinating aspects of the jw religion is the profound fear of demons (evil spirits) it engenders in its members.
i just wondered whether it's something that is used by the leadership as a means of control, or whether it's simply a concept that grew legs and took off on its own?
first, i believe in evil spirits.
Lost sheep
Your mother was to afraid to go to her screaming child?
Ok I understand not blaming her... But I don't understand not running to your screaming kid no matter how old or how scared you are. Nothing would keep me away earthly or otherwise.
Was she scared because she saw him too?
frank was concerned that they might be dumping them in the woods or something so he wanted me to check it out.. i had a hard time convincing h and h to let me join them in service, finally i dropped a few hints that i was a pretty laid back brother who didn't always follow wtbts policy......... which wasn't far from the truth.
this guy was hard core.
this guy was hard core.
Awesome story.
I too was a casual sister I met my casual husband in the truth, we both left about the same time and are much happier out of the "truth" than in
before i had my son 8 months ago a baby was just "another baby.
" now i seem to be constantly noticing babies around town and watching them more intently to see how their personality is.
i never really though of the fact that even very small babies have very prenounced personalities.
He is a cutie... i"m not very happy when I have bad gas either.
i don't know what it is ...... but it's becoming disconcerting.
he's going to just have to sit outside the door and wait.
i know it will be dissappointing to him , as he purrs like crazy while gathering in the experience.
My flame point siamese love to watch me take a bath. If the bathroom door is closed he will meow until it's opened. He will even drink my bath water... he worships me.
todays watchtower was especially nauseating but during the study one of them made the comment concerning the big a " jehovahs timetable is not contingent on all nations being saturated by the good news".
the study conductor reafirmed his point and then continued.. wait a fuggin minute!
there are 1.4 billion chinese on the earth and only 40 million profess christianity.
Yes Awsnap they did say it would be in all the inhabited earth.
So now they are back peddling... liars
i owe this question entirely to hadit but i cannot get this thought out of my head.
all i heard growing up was that we have to call god jehovah because they are many god's, this way jehovah knows we are trying to speak to him.
that is just one of many reasons the fds and wt say to why we much call him jehovah.
I guess JW's think they are on a first name basis with god.
last week i drove by the kh thursday at 6:25 pm which is.
35 minutes before the meeting starts and there were already.
15 cars in the parking lot.
They have to associate with some people of like mind. Humans are social animals even JW's
my husband has been talking to a jw about business but the jw keeps inserting jw crap (i told my husband this would happen).
i'm not worried about my husband listening to this man (my parents' negative example had taken care of that) but it is interesting and a tad disconcerting to watch how this jw man tries to rope my husband in.
[11/6/10 7:10:18 am] tom : :d. [11/6/10 7:10:22 am] hubby: that's what it's all about!.
wasblind... I am a mom myself. But the definition of a miracle is something that has no earthly explanation. Childbirth as well as puppy and kitty birth has and explanation... a scientific one. It isn't something that would get an atheist to change their mind. I was just pointing out an error in that Jw's logic... which there are many.
I'm not saying childbirth or the preceding 9 months is easy... it isn't But I would do it again in a heart beat to have what I have now.