I think I will just walk everywhere instead of driving. No way can I skimp on the beer money.
Posts by Dustin
If you had to cut someplace to save money, where would you cut?
by JH in.
in just one day gas went up 8.4 cents a litre here.. for our us friends, that means that gas here costs $3.98 canadian for a us gallon or $3.18 us for a us gallon.. and i paid 12$ for a six pack of budlight beer at the convenience store next door.
if your salary didn't follow the cost of living, where would you cut, to save money?.
Social Skills..... or lack thereof
by damselfly ini have come to the realization that i have very poor to non-existent social skills.
i have become so scared of rejection ( i wonder why?
) that i only let people get so close and only reveal select personal information after literally years of knowing someone.sometimes when i'm out in public and see someone i know, if they haven't seen me yet i will try and avoid them.
I envy your mad knitting skillz. If you give me two sharp sticks and a piece of yarn, I'm bound to really hurt myself badly.
Social Skills..... or lack thereof
by damselfly ini have come to the realization that i have very poor to non-existent social skills.
i have become so scared of rejection ( i wonder why?
) that i only let people get so close and only reveal select personal information after literally years of knowing someone.sometimes when i'm out in public and see someone i know, if they haven't seen me yet i will try and avoid them.
I wish I had these 2 skills 1.) the ability to use powertools without hurting myself 2.) having celebrity goodlooks to wow everyone into liking me
Social skills aren't usually a problem for me, but I can understand how the JW lifestyle can destroy them. It robs you of all self confidence and you just never know what to say, at least that's what one of my ex-JW friends always says. Don't worry it will get better over time. The whole key is developing a little self belief, and loosening up a bit.
Have you ever talked to a poster over the phone?
by ButtLight ini talked to one, and man, the voice just didnt match up to the person i chat with online!!!
Whyamihere (Brooke) is a lier. She's talked to me plenty of times on the phone, I keep calling back and hanging up just so I can hear her sexy porn voice say hello. I do this over and over again. It sounded good anyway. Anyways, I have no idea what people would expect me to sound like. I look forward to meeting some of you at Cathy's on the 23rd.
Public Swimming Pools.
by Blueblades inthey come from far and away to your neighborhood's swimming pool.
then after having fun,.
I remember when I was a kid going to those. I always hoped there was enough chlorine to kill all the piss and crap germs. It just gives me the creeps thinking about going to those. The pool at our local YMCA, is really clean and they do a nice job of not allowing unsupervised kids. I go there once in a while.
The first day you found this site.....
by PaulJ inhow did you feel?
what was your situaltion with the jw's?.
personally i had left by daing myself 2 and a half years ago.
I had been out almost two years (fader). I was still very emmotionaly torn up about the whole thing, and couldn't seem to move on. I decided to see if there was anyone else out there who felt the same way I did. I'm not the most computer savy guy, so I was glad this site was very easy to find. This site really helped me get myself back in order. So many people helped me when I really needed it. It was one of the best things I could have done for myself, it showed me I wasn't the only one who had gone through these things. That's when my healing process began.
JW blackmailing
by greendawn incan you recall instances where your jw family or friends tried to blackmail you in one way or other to stay in the witchtower after you decided to leave it?
They honestly did a lot more of that to me when I was still in. I was marked for a while, and they would tell me how I couldn't go to any JW gatherings but they would still use all the guilt trips about eternal death and unforgivable sins to keep me going to the meetings. Also when they wanted you to do something like cleaning the bathrooms, they would tell you in order to get any priveledges you had to start small. It was always guilt, fear, and intimidation. Then one day my dark side finally surfaced, and I told them all to go to hell. Haven't heard anything from them since I DA'd.
Does anyone else flip off the Kingdom Hall when they drive by?
by Dustin inso it has become habit for me to go out of my way when driving to make sure i can give it the finger as i drive by.
i especially like to do this on the way to one of my favorite bars, especially on meeting nights just so people who knew me can see me do it.
i don't know why, but this has become a tradition of sorts.
LMAO- at the vomiting like the exorcist comment. That would be fun to be able to do that. I also agree with a lot of people who love to blast the radio and show their tats while driving by. The shock on their faces just make it totaly worth it. I will probably never again experience the satisfaction I felt when I handed my DA letter to the PO while in my old school GnR shirt(gotta go with something they know). Anyways thanks for responding everyone, flipping the bird is so much fun.
Does anyone else flip off the Kingdom Hall when they drive by?
by Dustin inso it has become habit for me to go out of my way when driving to make sure i can give it the finger as i drive by.
i especially like to do this on the way to one of my favorite bars, especially on meeting nights just so people who knew me can see me do it.
i don't know why, but this has become a tradition of sorts.
Evil and Blondie, I feel exactly the same way when I'm chilling out on Saturdays. It's just when I drive by the Kingdom Hall that I find myself getting pissed. The strange thing is that I like the feeling of just flipping it the bird. It just feels so empowering or something.
Getting to know you silly quiz...
by misspeaches inokay you know the drill.
answer the questions so we get to know you better.. **miss peaches of the i'm in a silly mood class.. where would you take a gorilla on a date?.
who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with for three hours?.
I have no idea how this happened, but I was looking at a different thread then it posted on this one. Oh well. I do like this crazy quiz though. I will say that if I had to take the Gorrila somewhere it would definitely be to Victorias Secret. Then all the hot chicks would want to talk to me about my gorrila, and it would be morbidly amusing to see if the gorrila got turned on by all the pictures in there.