Maybe it was holy spirit! (Sorry, couldn't resist)
JoinedPosts by calico
UN-BE-FLIPPING-LIEVABLE chance JW meeting moments ago...
by Confession inthis is trippy.... the set-up: every weekend, 45 weekends per year, a company flies me to a different city in the u.s., and has me lead group presentations to families of college-bound high school students.
we then offer to sell them our college preparation program.. a few weekends ago we were in fresno, california.
he asked which organization it was.
Love, Calico
Shunned by the congregation for not performing
by truthseeker inas many of you know, i am a witness who still attends for the sake of my wife.
my meeting attendance has dropped to about 50% and i make maybe 1 hour a month in field service, although i report more than this to keep the elder's off my back.. after several months of this, the result has been noticeable.. those who used to be friendly and greet me no longer do so.
some even avoid me.
Wife says it's partly my fault for not going as much and people don't know what to say to me. Load of rubbish IMO. You don't stop talking to people because you're irregular in meeting attendance.
My husband said the same thing to me! I would ask him why no one was calling to see how I was doing and he would tell me that I was most likely considered "bad association"--which is funny, my behavior has not changed since I quit going to meetings!
My JW mom just passed away............
by troubled mind inmy mom died last wednesday.
we buried her monday .
i am a bit numb still , she had been in ill health and i had tried to prepare myself for this day .
((((((((((troubled mind)))))))))) I'm so sorry for your loss.
Love, Calico
GG/BG & OFG Sitting in a Tree.....
by OpenFireGlass inwhere the hell have i been?
ummmmmmmm... i've been in love!.
it's been so long i don't even know where to begin...... well... i guess it all began here at jwd... the beauty of it all, it that this is not a dating website, and the very fact that i was falling in love with a person whom i had no idea of her physical appearance... i was falling for her inner beauty and strenght to leave everything she knew to be happy, to live life.... i had finally met a person who understood me, and i could relate to her stories.... i had met my new best friend, but didn't know it yet... things progressed..... we emailed (which later led to unsolicited photos from her).... then exchanged phone numbers, etc..... then before i know it she had convinced me to purchace an airplaine ticket to meet her.
You guys are so cute together! It's nice to see people in love
Would you date someone with a history of INCEST?
by kristyann inhey everyone!
i hope that at least someone missed me or noticed that i was gone!
i have been so busy, and i don't think that i've really been on here since june.
Forget this guy! Sounds like a big liar to me. Also, in the future be careful how you use the word "incest". As several posters have stated, it does not apply in this situation.
In Memorandum
by RichieRich init was the 14th of april last year that i had to sit my mother down and tell her i was an apostate.. i was closer to her than anyone else.
my father and mother are still married, but he let her raise me as a witness, and that meant it was me and mom.. me and mom in field service for 100 hours in july because she had to make her time as a regular pioneer.. me and mom fighting over what to bring for lunch to the district convention.. me and mom up late at night, when she would berate me, and then unload all her problems on to me.. me and mom and our 4 hour family studies, where we discuss 2 paragraphs of a random book, and then she would browbeat me until early in the morning.. somehow, through all that, i pretended to be a witness for years, just to appease her.
looking back, i don't know if i loved her, or if i was just afraid of her.
Your mother sounds like she would be abusive with or without the "truth"---it's not your fault if your mother can't be a loving mom. Who the hell throws a book at a five year-old! Jeeze!
Love, Calico
crazyblondeb......hey, she needs some encouragement
by purplesofa incrazy can't get online, and jwd is a real support system to her right now.. i talked with her a few minutes ago on the phone......... and she is going to call me tomorrow.. her mom is driving her nuts, she is ready to make a change in her life........and i am asking you to encourage her, as she is being very couragious right now.
i am proud of her.
she is going to call tomorrow and i would like to be able to read some wonderful things to her from her friends at jwd!!!!!.
((((((((((crazyblondeb))))))))))Sending smiles, flowers, and hugs your way!
'I love you'
by Zico inyesterday, i came to the realisation, that nobody has ever said these words to me, least not that i can remember, which was a temporarily devastating moment for me.
this began with my father.
spotting him in front of the tv in his favourite chair, i walked over and came out with the words 'i love you' it felt very weird, because i think it may be the first time i've ever said these words myself, but i'm going to blame my upbringing on this.
I was out of touch with my sister for years because of following the rules of the WBTS--I thought I was being a good witness by not associating with her.
A couple of years ago my Mom got us together--my sister was suspicious--I don't blame her! After a while she knew we just wanted to be a family again.
Out of the blue she told me she loves me--I was so touched! She even yelled it across a parking lot!
Zico--Your story is sweet--it was an excellent idea!
Your favorite "bumper stickers"
by new boy ini have two.
"please god protect me from your people".
"if you love something let go.......if it doesn't come back, hunt in down and kill it" .
What Would Scooby Do?