Then him and the sister were married, her not told of his behaviour of playing with little girls.
Amazing--they never warned her
I'm so sorry about what happened to you. This is one SICK organization
would you still be a jw if you had not been disfellowshipped?
Then him and the sister were married, her not told of his behaviour of playing with little girls.
Amazing--they never warned her
I'm so sorry about what happened to you. This is one SICK organization
would you still be a jw if you had not been disfellowshipped?
Was your molester ever punished or exposed for what he had done?
condemned witnesses of jehovah (28/06/2006) .
during 20 years, daniel deceived children under the glance of his wife.
brussels condemned for sordid facts of rapes, daniel p. and nadine nr.
Same situation for my mom--I hate my grandma.
a rumor alert indeed, but it could be related to the distribution of kingdom news no.37, "false religions end is near.".
the following is posted from e-watchman's forum.. make of it what you will, but in light of all the rhetoric about "deliverance at hand" and "independent thinking", nothing would surprise me anymore.. we posted about an announcement it was only local to our cong.
however we have found out that there is going to be an announcement sometime in september and it is supposed to be shocking.
Let's do a survey--did anyone read all of that!
Well, I don't think this has been discussed so far so I'll take a guess at what the news might be. I think the time is coming when all who say they are JWs will be required to report service time. If you don't, you will be disfellowshipped, because you will not be considered as a "witness". I don't have any special insight, but I do know that for a few years now there has been an intense effort to re-activate those who have been in-active. Even a special brochure was released for this purpose. The fence sitting crowd is causing great problems for the Society. In fact it seems like a good number of posters on this board are of that crowd,including myself. It would be fitting for such an anouncement to be made in September since that is the start of the service year. The tract campaign might be a kickoff event to get people re-activated. And the mandate to report the number of tracts placed, might be used as a meter to measure the level of dedication of each reporter. The low number reporters could be targeted for "special help". I would expect them to give a time period like 6 months before the disfellowshiping for the offense of "not witnessing" would begin. During that time, elders might be increasing "sheparding" visits to those who don't report time. I think this arangement might have been alluded to in the last KM school the elders had from reports I've heard. Well,there you have it. My speculation for what it's worth. seek2findInteresting idea--there sure would be a lot of disfellowshippings! It would take up a whole part on the meeting just to announce them all!
i am 21 and live in ny.
i lived in sc for 2 years and went to college there.
while i was there, i met a 27 year old married man and he had an affair with me.
NO! The situation you describe is no good--forget about him!
when i first started studying with the jehovah witnesses, although i am a technical, matter of fact type of guy, the thing that got my attention was the genuine love i saw in the congregation (this was in the early 80's).
it made such a impression on me that i ignored some of the serious questions i had about the organization and went ahead and got baptized (i figured things would get sorted out over time and decided to give the society the benefit of the doubt) .
the congregation i went to was a fireball, full of activity and good works and growing fast.
I once attended an elders and MS meeting; and the CO told us specifically not to pray for those who have been away from the meetings for a while, when opening or closing a meeting in prayer. One elder raised a question about it at the time , which i cant remember specifically, to which the CO said "why should we". "They dont love Jehovah , otherwise they would be hear, so dont pray for them".
How sick and twisted!
Started laughing and couldn't stop.............
words cannot describe this little video connie recently made.... just see for yourself:.
she's almost adorable in how clumsy she is.
LOL...that could've been a MadTV sketch with Bobby Lee.
That would be so much funnier!
i feel like this all the time.
i have a husband that loves me, but i still feel like if i ever were on the singles market that i would not be a "good catch".
my health problems and most of all being a former jehovah's witness makes me feel less than perfect.. i'm having a pity party.
I have been in the anti-apostate business for over 20 years.
What is involved in running an anti-apostate business?
Hey CYP! Her name starts with an "E"! Not only a "busybody" but very rude! Also has no compassion for sick or dying persons--so much for a zillion years of pioneering and studying!