Gahanna OH
Funny name for a congregation!
naperville, dekalb, joliet......... il.
i tried to bump an old thread on this topic, but i couldn't find it.. anyone?
Gahanna OH
Funny name for a congregation!
dear members,.
i am so glad to have found you!
i left the congregation about eight years ago after a very traumatic experience (several, actually).
Welcome, Calyndra
is it me or do dubs have no clue how to be tactful and pretty much just spew whatever is on their minds??
i used to work out of my home, doing medical transcription, with a newborn next to me and two in school.
the car groups used to stop at my house unannounced to use the bathroom and would wander around my house examining my stuff and my cleaning job.
When I was pregnant, I started wearing maternity clothes early. I was more comfortable. Talk about some nasty sisters. Quite a few had to point out to me that they did not HAVE to wear maternity clothes 'till they were 6 or 7 months along. Lovedubs--I think you may know a few of these sisters. One had a lot of money and a disabled son. They seemed to be hung up on weight issues.
i was raised "in the faith" for most of my life.
my mother married an elder when i was 1 1/2 years old.
he came from a family of pedophiles (also jw's) and i was a pet project.
apupi - sheboygan, wi.
police made a significant breakthrough this week in a perplexing string of murders with the help of forensic science.
for years now police have been befuddled by a series of murders that have followed the same pattern.
Reminds me of "The Mummy" when he sucks the life out of people and turns them to dust!
my baloney has a first name it`s baloney has a second name it`s m..a..y..e..r.....those are the words to a song in an advertisement for a sandwich meat company oscar mayer..every time i hear that tune i laugh.. you know any funny lyrics to a song?...outlaw
I think I learned this one in jr. high, I don't know where it came from!
McDonald's is the place
They feed you rattlesnakes
Two pickles between your toes
Two french fries up your nose
Next time you go there
They'll fry your underwear
McDonald's is the place to go
my baloney has a first name it`s baloney has a second name it`s m..a..y..e..r.....those are the words to a song in an advertisement for a sandwich meat company oscar mayer..every time i hear that tune i laugh.. you know any funny lyrics to a song?...outlaw
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't............................................
apupi - illinois.
local jw, susan estrogen, recalls her horror when she first saw the large, orange vegetables on the porch.
"there i was between breaks while out on field service when i saw it!
Sister Thinkshesanelder shook her head sadly, "I just think I have to consider Sister Duffy a bad association now.Cal, I added this part for you in honor of Sister E.
CYP--It was so nice of you to think of me! How unusual, considering that you are an "unbelieving worldling" and you worship pumpkins!
apupi - idaho.
"there were watchtowers and osmond cd's strewn around everywhere" recalled the shaken resident marjorie spade, whose yard was the setting for a lame, sissy fight.
"i couldn't believe that in this day and age we still are fighting religious wars", she said in the aftermath of the flailing, ineffectual fracas.. apparantly the outbreak of faith-based nerd violence took place when two groups of youths approached eachother while out in their respective ministries.
I just relaized I used to date Jerome Triesnotowackoff!
I married him!
hi guys,.
sorry to burden you all with this but i really have no one that i want to talk about this with, i'm afraid that i will burst into tears and wont be able to stop if i call any of my friends and tell them what's going on.
my little sister has been ill with a fever for three weeks, her doctor kept telling her it was just a bad case of the flu and that she had an ear infection, he gave her antibiotics and sent her home.
(((((((((((((((((((((Lola and Family))))))))))))))))))))