Aint gonna funk no mo wid no big black wooooman.
I thought the line was "Ain't gonna bump no more with no big fat woman"
here's a couple of mine;.
"eleanor rigby, waits at the window wearing a face she keeps in a jar by the door" eleanor rigby - thebeatles.. "there's a hole in my soul, you can see it im my face it's a real big place" feel - robbie williams.
Aint gonna funk no mo wid no big black wooooman.
I thought the line was "Ain't gonna bump no more with no big fat woman"
does anyone read "the onion"?
i found this article and wanted to share it.
did anyone have a similar experience?
So funny
here's a couple of mine;.
"eleanor rigby, waits at the window wearing a face she keeps in a jar by the door" eleanor rigby - thebeatles.. "there's a hole in my soul, you can see it im my face it's a real big place" feel - robbie williams.
I told you
That we could fly
'Cause we all have wings
But some of us don't know why
INXS--Never Tear Us Apart
hello folks!
of course the title on this thread may have caught your attention from the riots in la in the 90's when rodney king made the statement.
i think it's a great statement, simple, but oh so true.
I was getting tired of seeing the trash mouths sound off, the over-sexed topics or posts, the political back and forth's a downer, and I stopped checking in on a regular basis. Now I come and hang maybe 1 time a week it seems like. Same old stuff still. And what's with all the cleavage and boob shots?? It's like being in a bar, and someones only got physical attributes to try and make a name for themselves through the crowd. Whether it's a photo of yourself or not, what's the need?
I knew you would get picked on for this statement! Anytime I mention that there is too much cleavage--I get attacked. But like I said before, some people just can't get enough attention, or catch a man with just their personality.
A tiger--they are just so cool!
a few weeks ago we were out of town and i spotted this man sitting on a bench watching some outdoor performance as we were.
he looks familiar, like some heavy gangster boss in older movies.
does he look familiar to you?
I googled a picture of Donald Sutherland--the nose is not the same!
a few weeks ago we were out of town and i spotted this man sitting on a bench watching some outdoor performance as we were.
he looks familiar, like some heavy gangster boss in older movies.
does he look familiar to you?
I thought Sutherland, too. Does he look that old, though?
whilst a jw, one thing that was evident to me was the constant gossip and backbiting.....being nice to someones face and then talking about them behind there backs.were you ever a "victim" of this sort of behaviour???
is it as common as i suspect from cong.
to cong???.
Got back to me that I was not good enough for my husband! I had to go to that congrgation for 7 years. Much more was said about me--I think I've put it out of my mind.
i'm looking into trying hoodia because i need to lose about 60lbs to get to my goal.
i exercise just about every day.
my daughter and i walk on the trail that is behind my apartment.
I stopped drinking pop--I have water with crystal light instead.
I have fruit for a snack instead of cookies or candy bars. I have quite a problem craving crunchy snacks--so I have been eating Baked Lays potato crisps--they have way less fat than regular chips.
I've lost close to 35 pounds since the beginning of the year and have corrected my blood pressure!
I also try to eat a very light dinner. I'm amazed that any of this worked--I always have such a hard time losing weight