Seeker, you said: "Evidently my experience counts for nothing around here." Don't be paranoid, my purry friend, I hang on every word that issues from your furry mouth! . LOL!
Actually, MSIL, I'm between , Seeker, b-boy and Sirona. I, like Seeker, have tried everything that by our borg infused superstitions, should have infested me immediately with demons. I do not believe in the devil of the bible, or demons perse---but I have tried everything from reading Tarot (they sit right by my bed and I consult them frequently), using a pendulum to divine (it has always been right), to being in several "sacred spaces"...or a witch's circles (Sirona might know what I mean).
I've never had demon attacks. EVER. I have never even been frightened. I've barely even had any of what some call paranormal experiences--NOT FOR LACK OF TRYING. Sometimes I think just my skeptical mind set precludes a lot of hocus pocus. I do have many prophetic dreams. And I've begun to be "contacted" by those of other realms. They have all been very "nice". I have only had one that I had to turn away. It was more confused than anything else. Like a clingy, needy person who just wants to draw energy--you know the type. It's just like with those of us here in this realm there is good, bad, wise, confused (in fact, people with bad intentions scare me more than spirits with bad energy). One of the most pleasant visitors was my husband's friend who's been dead for 20 years. He came to me in a dream, and left me with an identifying item for my husband (a very distinctive item of clothing he was wearing). My husband, who is pretty skeptical, recognized it right away. I never knew this man, and barely knew of his existence. He imparted to me that there is a scientific explanation for everything, and not to be too "dazzled" by anything I was seeing. He let me know that just because our science has not explained how he and I were communicating at that time, didn't make it hocus pocus. My husband said that would be exactly something he would say.
Just a funny side note: my mother who is a faithful witness spent the night in my bedroom where I'd done some work (contacting the other realm) with an antique, "haunted" mirror. She LOVED the mirror and slept like a baby for 3 nights. So, go figure.
If you invite negative energies, whether they are of this realm, or others, or just in your own psyche, you will get them. JW's are so afraid, that I beleive they manifest or invoke many of the garage sale demons they encounter.
Oh, and another myth I'd like to dispel from our religious past. The name or persona of Jehovah or Satan neither frightens, repels, nor is used by people who practice the arts. I have conferred with many witches and practicers of the craft on this. If there's anybody with data or experiences otherwise, that anyone who PRACTICES knows of, please let me know, as I've always wondered about this one.
anyway, that's my $1.00 worth
B. :)