I'd like to enumerate those items, also. But in a non-abrasive manner. A simple: this is what is taught (with a WT reference) and how it plays out in reality. i.e., "we're the most peaceful people on earth" WT referece
and on the other side what they don't tell you is their views on governments: they are under the direct control of Satan the devil (WT reference or quote).
Also, a reference to what making this peaceful new world entails (a few thumbnails of their hateful pics of worldwide devastation replete with geleeful witnesses in foreground) and direct quotes from their literature that unless you are baptized as a Jehovah's Witness, that is what awaits you. Also a quote (and an indicating pic) about the fate of babies of non jehovah's witnesses.
I can see where it could get difficult to keep it succinct. But the more I think about this, the more I want to do it. I have some major papers coming due in school, and projects here at work. But it's something I'm going to attempt in the future.
I want to reiterate, that I have no interest in bringing down this religious corporation (anymore than I have to bring down tobacco industry). I just want warning labels on the package. And no selling to minors (including their own).
JoinedPosts by Bridgette
Help!! How can you make a witness tell the truth?
by Bridgette ini'm talking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about their organization---up front, not subtly creeping it in.
two of them caught me by surprise this morning at my door (nobody here knows me from adam) offering the awake magazine on battered women.
i was incredulous, having had experience with being a battered woman and a witness all at the same time.
by lookin ini personally spoke to a brother who works in public affairs dept @ headquarters.
the dept was formed back in 1991-92 to help with media events worldwide.. at that time, the idea was to have access to current worldwide information.
this would allow brothers to assist and have a better grasp on worlwide situations.. however- many many in the group did not agree that this association should take place!!
That they are fully aware of the situation! Almost said it in a way of rolling his eyes-like they new this would happen yrs ago by the brothers who did not want this to happen.oh, so there were some that were fully aware of the situation.....hmmmmmm....so, they KNEW that climbing atop the beast's back was tantamount to whorish bestiality (by their own, insane, untrue "prophecies" and interpretations), and they stayed with a religious organization that did that......interesting....
whatever happened to their much loved, much heralded, pushed-in-many-a-christian's-face:
"get out of her my people IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SHARE IN HER SINS!"
Their blatant double, triple and quadruple standards are truly revolting. If there is a god, and he even remotely resembles anything they taught me, they are indeed in some deep, deep bovine excrement to quote the above poster.
And this latest little spin of "our left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing, or at least was helpless to do anything about it" simply won't cut it. They will be judged, as their beloved Jesus said, by the same measurements they meted out for judgement (i.e., their obsessive compulsive stalking of Christendom) They're no better, no worse. Community responsibility was also one of the precepts they tauted regarding Christendom. Well, maybe they are a little worse, because of their insistance on obedience to death, so add a little blood guilt in there while you're at it.
Interesting to see what other little spins they will come up with.
Bridgette -
Help!! How can you make a witness tell the truth?
by Bridgette ini'm talking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about their organization---up front, not subtly creeping it in.
two of them caught me by surprise this morning at my door (nobody here knows me from adam) offering the awake magazine on battered women.
i was incredulous, having had experience with being a battered woman and a witness all at the same time.
Thanks for the input, guys. If I had their CD ROM, I would try to put together something (between family, work and school). I want them quoted from their own literature to support the insane claims they make. I'll visit Bill Parker's website.
Along the lines on the comments from Nowfree and Marilyin; their circular (il)logic and refusal to even look at facts, reminds me of their tales of trying to witness to hard nosed people.
Bridgette -
Demonized? Evil? Mentally Ill?
by teenyuck inrecently i received an e-mail from someone very close to me.
the e-mail was so vile, i stopped reading and called a good friend who is a jw.
the jw knows the writer very well.
I am somewhere in between the posters here. I do believe that people can manifest some very dark energies. This, from the evolutionary standpoint would be one thinking with the reptilian part of the brain, or the very "old" part of the human brain that would dash another's brains out, for smelling funny and eating his heart (it's in the fossil record). But we have evolved. As we evolved, we developed a frontal lobe, where neurologists think our consciences are. When humans do not develop or cultivate this part (or sometimes wiring and chemicals are just bad), and we do things that are not acceptable to our collectively evolved state.
I have done everything that supposedly "invite" demons. I regularly read Tarot, I read every kind of spiritistic book, fiction and nonfiction, and alas, nothing. I just don't believe there's good/evil. I believe there's dark and light energies adn every spectrum in between, and people get off balance when they try to totally serve one or the other, and see only black and white.
p.s. I would have to see the e-mail to give you my "professional" opinion. I'm always up for a good horror tale.....my e-mail is open. hehehe.... -
Help!! How can you make a witness tell the truth?
by Bridgette ini'm talking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about their organization---up front, not subtly creeping it in.
two of them caught me by surprise this morning at my door (nobody here knows me from adam) offering the awake magazine on battered women.
i was incredulous, having had experience with being a battered woman and a witness all at the same time.
"I still maintain that no matter how much 'evidence' we unearth against the WTBTS, witnesses that don't want to see it will be able to ignore or rationalize it away.."
I agree with you wholeheartedly, there, wannahelp. Some are so pathetically addicted to group think and "mother's milk", they do not care about truth. In fact, I'd hate to destroy a person's schema after so many years of indoctrination and knowing no other way to live. Which is why I pretty much leave my mother alone. I just want to see these guys have to be honest. I'm allowed to watch my government and call them on their b.s., I'm allowed to alert the media about corrupt businesses, and corporations, to warn others of what they are getting into. Why not this corporation? If people want to buy worthless, toxic product (i.e., cigarettes), who am I to judge?But you WILL PUT WARNING LABELS ON THE PACKAGES (= tell people what you are ALL about from beginning to end) and YOU WILL NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT SELLING TO MINORS!
p.s. if anybody comes across or can write up (or just provide references for me to write my own) a brief, concise list of what they REALLY believe and espouse, please let me know. -
Help!! How can you make a witness tell the truth?
by Bridgette ini'm talking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about their organization---up front, not subtly creeping it in.
two of them caught me by surprise this morning at my door (nobody here knows me from adam) offering the awake magazine on battered women.
i was incredulous, having had experience with being a battered woman and a witness all at the same time.
I'm talking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about their organization---UP FRONT, not subtly creeping it in. Two of them caught me by surprise this morning at my door (nobody here knows me from adam) offering the Awake magazine on battered women. I was incredulous, having had experience with being a battered woman AND a witness all at the same time. I thought, most people they're talking to won't realize their REAL stance on abused women and children. Most probably think they're saints for offering helpful information about abuse. At first I was livid (the reptilian part of my brain's response) then awareness seeped to my frontal lobe, and I felt nothing but pity for the vaccuous looking old gentleman at my door (wonder how many years he's devoted to this rot and what kind of retirement awaits him). All that I could utter from my stunned lips was: "No." (he looked like he was going to try to engage me further in old harrassing witness fasion) and I looked him and his friend emphatically in the eye and said "just no. have a wonderful day." and closed the door.
I hate---no, I despise uninvited intrusions on my days off from long hard work weeks. I'm pregnant, and getting ready for out of town guests for T-giving. But toss all that aside for this argument. Witnesses are, always have been and probably will always be RUDE. They are the original telemarketers & vaccum cleaner salesmen of American religion. They're sales tactics are crass, cheap and devoid of genteelity. There's no changing that, I'm afraid.
However, as I watched them accost the too-friendly-to-turn-them-away-lonely old lady across the street, I thought. and thought. It's not those individuals peddling those magazines I have any issue with. I am, however left with one burning desire from growing up in the org. To make witnesses tell the truth. From the get go. I wish I had a concise, as non-biased as it can be piece of literature that spelled out, concisely what they espouse. It must include their views on world governments (that they are under the complete control of Satan) It must have WTBTS quotes or at least references to back it up (I no longer have any of their crap, except my old NWT bible). I want the truth about their beleif that anyone not baptized as a Jehovah's witness will die at Armageddon. I want their REAL views on women and children's rights exposed.
My agenda is not trying to bring down this religious corporation. If a consenting ADULT wishes to become and remain a witness--good! Great!! We've fought too hard for religious freedom in this country for them not to be. But I want anyone even APPROACHED with this religion to be fully aware. Not subtly introduced to subject matter. Like being seduced a little at a tiny bit at a time, until the victim's boundaries are all broken down. I want people to know: this is how you go in, this is how you will come out. This is what you will have to stand for. These are the principals you will have to die for. This is how you will have to dress. Talk. Eat. Breath. etc.
Is there anything in writing like this? I'm going to go over and talk to my neighbor after a while. If she wants to be a witness, more power to her, and her right to be so. But she's going to know what and who they are if I have anything to do with it.
Thanks for listening. Any input welcome.
Bridgetteedited for over use of "short order" lol!
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Well, I've stated this before, but it bears repeating. Only since I left do I know what it's like to live without depression. For three years straight, now, I wake up happy, and alive. I grew up as a witness saturated with images of death and armageddon and implications that if you're not an extremely good little girl god's gonna kill you and let the birds eat you. My first thoughts of suicide were around the age of 5. One attempt at 13. And depression was definitely the norm in every congregation I was ever ever in. Major depression. Like I said, once I left, nothing even close to depression or imbalance. Also, I still find myself surprised that most of the people out here in the "world" are happy, balanced people. I got so used to being around mental illness as a witness, and strange, autoimmune syndrome diseases (in witnesses, masks for depression, more often than not) it still surprises me.
So, depression in the org? Like green on grass. Living in a cult sucks.
Bridgette -
The Taliban and Circuit Overseers
by metatron inwhy do men in the taliban fight on, expecting defeat?.
easy answer.
they have no alternative.
Good points, Metatron.
even better point, Nathan "All the Dub elders have is an eternity with their Dub Stepford wives. Whoopee!"
****shuddering at thought of being stuck with my ex dub hubby for an eternity*****hahaha!!
B. -
Well, when I say skin the cat, what I mean is...you know...er...by that I mean that, uh.....nevermind.
And so, there you have it, skinning the cat, Bridgy style.
Bridgette -
Secret Agenda
by ItsJustMe inmore than likely this will sound like a naive question to some of you, but what is your theory as to the wbts' secret agenda?
i don't see any of them living it up....as far as i know all the governing body lives at bethel year round, eating in the cafeteria with everyone else.. what would their reason be to collect & hoard money, or belong to the un?
Pride. Would you like to have to own up and apologize for ruining generations of people? Best to stick fingers in ears, crouch in fetal position and rock repeating "I'm right, I know I'm right. I'm the spokesperson for god" over and over to self. Do not entertain even the mere hint of a thought that you just maybe might not be god's only spokesperson on earth. ever.
Only way they know how to live.
Fear of the god they created(most probably believe the crap they teach).
Fear of their adherants (if they admitted they were not god's only spokesperson on earth--they got a lot of explainin' to do! Much blood guilt to answer for, etc. too much for their little consciences to account for, so they opt for denial).
It's like an abusive parent. They don't take that baby home, thinking they are abusive. Each blow they administer, each time they invalidate that child, they are showing "love" and "discipline". They insist on total control over their children's lives (that's what the abuse is really about). Even when their child reaches adulthood most abusive parents cannot admit (especially to themselves) they were abusive and simply apologize--it's too much guilt for them to bear.