I believe you nailed it, James Brown.
More people than ever before are finding out the truth about an evil cult from the comfort of their homes within minutes of being contacted by Jehovah's Witnesses.
jws claim that even such a small thing as proclaiming 1986 as the international year for peace was foretold in the bible.
this raises the question: why was such a great thing as internet (the influence of which could not even be compared with anything in the history at all) not foretold in the bible?
with internet and tv the world has become literally a global village!.
I believe you nailed it, James Brown.
More people than ever before are finding out the truth about an evil cult from the comfort of their homes within minutes of being contacted by Jehovah's Witnesses.
so my husband and i are on vacation.
we are in another country visiting his non-jw family.
we lived here for many years, and our closest jw friends are all here, albeit a 4 hr.
Compare your childrens' lives to what you had.
It will give a preview of what you can have too because it is not too late for you and your husband to explore new things.
i'm new to this website and i thought i'd create a profile.
i was disfellowshipped in july of 2013 in another city.
i since moved and starting going to meeting about 6 months ago in my new city.
Good luck on your journey.
Do you believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true religious group on earth and that they alone have God's approval?
as i have read before, one of the members of this forum noted that the writer of the website anointedjw is a master of pomposity.
i am not against them, as i am with jw.org (the watchtower society), but i see that they are trying to imitate the language of the old testament prophets.
for instance, this is what they have recently written:.
It sounds like the demunz have infiltrated it.
hi, i am also a practicing jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..!
i am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of jehovah god in england.. this important letter is personally to you, just as many of the bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by you the reader.
i am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you.
Your demon Watchtower god is no match for my Lord and savior, Jesus.
Have a nice life.
balance is the natural state of your body and is maintained by moderation in your habits such as sleep, work, eating, entertainment and thinking.
(mathew7:12; 5:13-16; proverbs 25:16, 27; 1 cor 6:12; 8:9; philippians 4:5) your body sends signs of distress when you cross the limit.. this is true even in subtler areas too.
contrary to the popular notion that happiness or peace come from accumulating things, body teaches it comes from renunciation.
it seems to me like certain people actually benefit from joining the religion.
primarily i'm thinking of ones with drug problems who are only able to quit because they are working towards baptism.
another example would be those who are always getting in fights or who have a big ego, and who learn to be pacifistic and humble as a witness.
My ex deserves to be a Jehovah's Witness.
Her attitude towards others fits right in with pioneers, elders and other mature ones.
on tuesday i was dragged out on service with my mom since shes a permanent pioneer, and once we arrived at the hall i realized there were no brothers, but an abundance of sisters.
i conducted the service meeting with ease, since my dad gave me a formation on how to do it.. then on thursday at my meeting nearly half of the congregation surrounded me and gave me hugs and kisses.
i know about love bombing, its happened to me before, but this was the most insane amount of it ever since i had a demonstration at the district convention.
All of the above and then some.
You will feel liike crap unless you find some new friends who aren't of the conditional type.
Get out and make new friends BEFORE you make your exit and things will go a lot smoother.
Within a year of making new friendships with 'worldy people' you will wonder why Jehovah's Witnesses say, "The friends" when they actually have none.
been out now for 10 yrs but life is a mess.
starting to think its because i have no spiritual compass.
why shouldn't i consider going back?.
My life was a mess while I was in and I was a servant.
After I got out things didn't get much better for lmost a year.
Then, one night while I was reading a bible (Not the NWT) I opened it up to Romans chapter 8 and read it.
That is when Jesus rescued me from my sins.
My sins had kept me alientated from Him because I had been taught almost all my life that it was wrong to pray to Jesus.
After I prayed to Him something immediately happened that is indescribable.
Since then I have enjoyed personal contact with Jesus and He is there for me 24/7 365.
The problem people have is being humble enough to tell Jesus that they are sinners and can't fix that no matter how hard they try.
Another problem is that most people believe they have to be part of the herd and all that does is give them somewhat of a social life but it still doesn't fix their sin problem.
You say your life is a mess.
It will stay a mess even if you go back to the kingdom hall because you will be trying to please God by adhering to a huge list of rules and regulations which no one can live up to.
If you can't resist the temptation go back to the kingdom hall but let God's grace wash over you through a relationship with Jesus and you will know peace like you've never known before.
transcript of the talk from the 2014 uk district convention (aug 2014).. sunday morning.. symposium: anticipate future kingdom blessings!
(part 6 "new scrolls").
(speaker not known).
What a load of shit.