I have a lot of issue with this... firstly what if Adam had NOT sinned, would then all woman die at roughly 80 years of age, but men just keep living forever? Also, why is the WT stance that animals will die of old age, but humans won't... why? Why keep renewing the animals, but not the humans? And what about when the world is full of people, will we just stop breeding? Does that mean we will stop having sex? And then what about the children born at this point when all sex/breeding stops, do they never get to have their own children? And then forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever we live harvesting fruit and singing kingdum melodies to Jahoover? What else do we do? Do we get to travel to other countries to meet other everlasting living humans once we have got to know all the everlasting living ones in our area? And once sex stops, do we just live as drones? Worker bees for Jahoover? Also, how long would it take for Jahoover to make me straight? I mean I knew I was Gay and was holding out for perfection, but what I couldn't work out was how long after Armagonnagetit would I stop having these urges towards other men. And I couldn't ask this question as admitting this to someone would out me and you could only imagine the shit I would have!!
These and many MANY other questions kept me awake into the wee hours of the morning!