Posts by rebel8
A Toast to All the Brave Kids Who Broke Up with Their Toxic Moms
by rebel8 insometimes holidays can be hard on us.
some of us deserve a little toast today.. a toast to all the brave kids who broke up with their toxic moms.
I stayed home today and kept the TV off mostly. I don't really want to hear about how people looove their mamas so much and how all mothers are so great. -
May 2015 JW Broadcast, "The Watchtower Has The Most Multilingual Speakers in the World? True or False?
by RoyalFlushPhil instephen lett about 33 minutes in to may's "liar liar" episode of the monthly worship broadcast said "jehovah's witnesses have the most multilingual speakers of any organization in the world!".
the catholic church has the most people i thought, do you think he's telling the truth and where is he getting these facts?
i finally broke down and decided to watch this in order to work on my reverse witnessing skills, lots of ammunition for anyone needing fuel to extinguish their dirty flames of lies!.
If his claim is they have the most multilingual speakers, then the proof would require them to collect data on how many individual dubs use more than one language. It isn't just that they can, it's that they use 2 or more language in their lives. This is according to the definition of 'multilingual speaker'.
Do they collect such data?
The fact that they've translated bibles and all that other junk is irrelevant to proving this claim, though I'm sure they won't let that stop them.
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
Why do believers spend so much time trying to evangelize? Is it insecurity? -
A Toast to All the Brave Kids Who Broke Up with Their Toxic Moms
by rebel8 insometimes holidays can be hard on us.
some of us deserve a little toast today.. a toast to all the brave kids who broke up with their toxic moms.
Sometimes holidays can be hard on us. Some of us deserve a little toast today.
A Toast to All the Brave Kids Who Broke Up with Their Toxic Moms
Mother's day according to Joseph Rutherford
by opusdei1972 inthis is what the second president of the watchtower society, the channel of god appointed in 1919, wrote about the mother's day:.
satan would turn the people away from this beautiful symbol, and therefore from god, and cause them to disregard the word of the lord.
this he does in a very subtle way by organizing what in england and in america, the chief countries of christendom, is called "mother's day".
A sista I used to know said, "Every day is Mother's Day. Mother's day to vacuum, mother's day to dust, mother's day to cook.
So let me ask y'all this. Is this a holiday dubs are partly celebrating nowadays, like bdays and Thanksgiving? Or is the honoring anyone female still a total no-no?
Specific Comments By R&F About May Broadcast
by freemindfade ini know there are many posts discussing the may money requesting broadcast i mean!
but i wanted to start one where anyone can put what they have heard any non-exjw, non-apostate witnesses say good or bad about the broadcast.
i don't see how it can't rattle followers... but then again i might be surprised how they can twist things (2+2=5).
They used to have a short list of things that distinguished them from Babylon The Great. We can cross "asking for $" off the list for sure now.
They've backed off on 1914 recently too. What's left?
Informant-I consent for my relevant medical records to be shared with HLC!
by Atlantis infrom an informant who contacted atlantis:.
.. i consent to my relevant medical records and the details of my condition being shared with.
the emergency contact below and/or with member(s) of the hospital liaison committee.
What is particularly interesting about the above medical directive is that it has the UN logo on it, and it refers to a United Nations Act of 2000.
Eighty-Four year old drives her disfellowshipped son to meetings and sits inside Kingdom Hall.
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini have a customer who's son is a jehovah's witness.
he was disfellowshipped over a year ago.
this is the second time he's been disfellowshipped.
We provided rides to a dfd person when I was a kid. It was awkward silence the entire time. I had forgotten about that. So bizarre. -
behind the curtain: literature offer for the month
by Magnum ini was an extremely sincere, zealous pioneer.
i really cared about the people in the field.
i thought their lives were in danger.
My take on it as a teenaged pioneer was the old geezers thunk them up with no concept of what would really appeal to or be useful to non-jws at the door. I found the choices a little irritating--wondering if they'd make the same choices if they were the ones who had to peddle them. Some of them--omg, Revelation books? Give me a break. That just makes dubs look batsh!t insane. -
Giant fruit in Canaan/TNS
by rebel8 inok bible scholars, do i have this right?.
jehoopla promised the israelites lots of great stuff in the promised land, but they didn't believe him so they sent spies to check it out.
they came back with fruit so large it had to be carried on a branch by 2 men.. from this, dubs believe they are going to have strawberries the size of king king's skull when they get to their own promised land (the new system).
The first time I can remember this jw teaching was maybe around 1980 at the Tuesday night book study. We were studying some book about paradise and it mentioned the petting zoo and giant fruit. They said it was one of the reasons there'd be no hunger--one strawberry would be the size of a softball, etc. Something along those lines.
Found a little about it here.