I had difficulties relating to a lot of them. There were some nice people, but most were evil, dumb, shallow, two-faced gossipers.
The biggest issue I had socially was the complete lack of privacy. Everybody knew every single thing that was happening in each other's lives. No boundaries whatsoever. I remember a sister standing there with me and her son, both teenagers, blabbing on about how he had to take acne medication. He was mortified. They all talked about who was on their period, constipated--I mean everything. This was never going to work for me--I need my space.
The second biggest issue I had was the stupidity. Yes there were some intelligent JWs, but most were really ignorant and intellectually low functioning--a fatal combo.
IQ is not something to feel superior about--we do not personally have much control over that.You are born with a certain amount of potential which is either nurtured by your parents or it's not.
But the endless inane discussions with a thick overlay of arrogance--oh gawd how I hated that--it's so evil. Imagine, for example, sistas deciding a teen in the hall grew a penis because she took birth control pills, and that she was a prostitute because of the pill too. This girl was horribly mistreated because these extremely dumb & arrogant women made up a pseudoscientific, untruthful story, had the arrogance to believe it, and caused a whole bunch of people to say hurtful things and shun her. Imagine being that girl. I wonder what happened to her.