"Ones" is the worst word of all the in-group language for me. I have a physical reaction to it--nausea in the back of my throat.
It does reinforce the "collective" aspect of the cult.
It gives me the creeps.
(i never was a dub).. this is something which has intrigued me for a while.
i don't know whether it's dub-speak, or us-speak.. it's the use of the word 'ones' as in 'interested ones', 'worldly ones', 'disfellowshipped ones' and so on and so on.. in the 'normal world' we would probably use the word 'people'.. thoughts?.
"Ones" is the worst word of all the in-group language for me. I have a physical reaction to it--nausea in the back of my throat.
It does reinforce the "collective" aspect of the cult.
It gives me the creeps.
i though i'd heard and seen it all.
i guess i was mistaken.
i saw from various social media the the witnesses are holding parties to make memorial bread.
oh my god
Let me imagine how "fun" these (gag) "get-togethers" are.
A bunch of jw women together. First up is a prayer. One puts a napkin on her head and prays they mix the flour just right to ensure jehoho is happy with a carbohydrate representation of his son's corpse.
Then they mix it in a bowl and cook it while listening to Kingdumb Smelodies and gossiping about who is going to wear what dress for the annual reenactment of Jesus' murder and funeral.
Sounds like a blast.
since the memorial is coming up soon and its about time for me to go shopping for a new memorial ( aka easter) dress, i've realized what the memorial really is for us teenage girls, a beauty pageant!
the memorial is the day i spend painting my nails, curling my hair, and carefully applying makeup because my mother says i have to "represent jehovah" and look my best.
in reality its just to impress the newcomers and to compete with the other girls.
I'll say it again--the 2 best outfits for the Memorial are:
english is a great language, especially when it comes to collective nouns.
a "murder" of crows is just fantastic as is a "mob" of meerkats.
a "colony" of ants, a "pride" of lions.
I may put this entire thread in the Apostate Dictionary.
A nuisance of publishers
A creche of bible studies
A litter of literature
A skulk of pedos
An implausibility of prophecies
A prickle of independent thoughts
A bloat of potluck dishes
An ambush of love bombers
By the way, these are all real words for groups of animals.
because there are culty orgs licking their chops at the prospect of recruiting new members under the guise of "helping" cult victims, and i could not find a decent online resource of organizations that provide free help with the financial/job exit issues, i wanted to do a piece on safe resources.. did i miss any?
the criteria for inclusion are:.
Because there are culty orgs licking their chops at the prospect of recruiting new members under the guise of "helping" cult victims, and I could not find a decent online resource of organizations that provide free help with the financial/job exit issues, I wanted to do a piece on safe resources.
Did I miss any?
The criteria for inclusion are:
*Unless there are absolutely NO strings attached, no preaching, nada.
it was announced recently, that "bro.
z is no long the coordinator(76 years old), bro y(60) is now the new coordinator of the body of elders".. you see, bro.
z has been an elder for 43 years and 35 of them as the cobe/po.
So what that they have big screen TV and a website? They could have let this man continue to lead the religion with its Bronze Age and Victorian values and teachings. God. He knows what to do--all he needs to do is keep it stuck in the past, and throw in a new apocalyptic prediction now and then.
What a shitty thing to do.
what is it about making friends in the organisation am i the only one who had found it tough?
don't get me wrong there was some good people but unfortunately there was also a lot of egotism, back stabbing, jealousy and gossiping.
i could never really fit in any group, everytime i thought i had found a group it was as if i would be sidelined or ditched.
I had difficulties relating to a lot of them. There were some nice people, but most were evil, dumb, shallow, two-faced gossipers.
The biggest issue I had socially was the complete lack of privacy. Everybody knew every single thing that was happening in each other's lives. No boundaries whatsoever. I remember a sister standing there with me and her son, both teenagers, blabbing on about how he had to take acne medication. He was mortified. They all talked about who was on their period, constipated--I mean everything. This was never going to work for me--I need my space.
The second biggest issue I had was the stupidity. Yes there were some intelligent JWs, but most were really ignorant and intellectually low functioning--a fatal combo.
IQ is not something to feel superior about--we do not personally have much control over that.You are born with a certain amount of potential which is either nurtured by your parents or it's not.
But the endless inane discussions with a thick overlay of arrogance--oh gawd how I hated that--it's so evil. Imagine, for example, sistas deciding a teen in the hall grew a penis because she took birth control pills, and that she was a prostitute because of the pill too. This girl was horribly mistreated because these extremely dumb & arrogant women made up a pseudoscientific, untruthful story, had the arrogance to believe it, and caused a whole bunch of people to say hurtful things and shun her. Imagine being that girl. I wonder what happened to her.
should a teen, a child of a believing mother, cooperate in the fact-gathering of the elders into the waywardness (not sex related, hopefully) of some local teenagers?
what scenarios can you see playing out?
all teens to clam up?
Should they? Of course not. But they will if they are brainwashed or coerced enough. Remember, they teach jehoopla is the Master of Surveillance, reading your heart and watching your every move, punishing you with carnivorous birds and death if you are not a Righteous Tattletale. You not only share in the sin of the sinner, you commit your own sin by covering things up.
In my experience, most teens understand the coercion and brainwashing and don't hold a grudge.
this article appeared in the september 22, 1911 brooklyn eagle.
notice the "general counsel".
church a salesroom for 'miracle' wheat at $60 per bushel .
as you may know, this makes me very happy.
ban on religious circumcision.
relate to a ban in all probability will not stop the millennium old core tradition in many parts of islam and especially judaism.