A famous "Tower" in Italy was sure to fall because the foundation would not support it anylonger, instead of falling now, many years later is major tourist atraction.
That tower is MAN made, and MAN perdicted it would fall on MAN'S calculations.
i personally feel they will have to "adjust" the fds doctrine.
the tricky thing is that the fds (whoever they are) won't approve this change while they're still alive.
they don't care, they subconsciously feel it's their end anyway and they won't undermine their doctrinal position having lost all corporate power.. so who will send this beam of new light?
A famous "Tower" in Italy was sure to fall because the foundation would not support it anylonger, instead of falling now, many years later is major tourist atraction.
That tower is MAN made, and MAN perdicted it would fall on MAN'S calculations.
i personally feel they will have to "adjust" the fds doctrine.
the tricky thing is that the fds (whoever they are) won't approve this change while they're still alive.
they don't care, they subconsciously feel it's their end anyway and they won't undermine their doctrinal position having lost all corporate power.. so who will send this beam of new light?
BUT if those young ones decide to (after the old ones died shortly) do away with the FDS, 1914
Not possible if God put them there - and if He (God) didn't, then it's all a fantasy.
in his own words, on a video interveiw!
ColdRedRain - it may help if you give us the gist - as they withdrew FOUR years ago, I assume they have had plenty of time (and rehearsing) to try and limp through this - not a chance!!!
comments you will not hear at the february 6, 2005 wt study (january 1, 2005 issue)
review comments
will be in black and parentheses ().
Jehovah?s Witnesses do not make compromises to seek admiration or acceptance.
((am thinking UN - but that's a whole different ballgame)) That's true -they seem to want to ruffle enough feathers in order to be noticed (and THAT serves a purpose).
comments you will not hear at the february 6, 2005 wt study (january 1, 2005 issue)
review comments
will be in black and parentheses ().
Remember, however, that Satan is deceptive. (2 Corinthians 11:14) He can disguise wrong and make it appear acceptable to an unwary Christian (JW).
Don't they see the irony of it?
in his own words, on a video interveiw!
i'll post more as i get it but according to the 'mail on sunday' this serial killing monster has "become one of jehovah's witnesses".. sick.. .
see http://www.execulink.com/~kbrannen/
I wonder which parts of the Bible HE highlights - I bet HIS Bible flops open at Mary Magdelene! -lol
i did i felt that i should, and i wanted to.
now i belong to the bible students, who won't kick your spiritual hiney for doing so, or shun you for dibbing and dabbing that stuff out of weekness.
At every Memorial that I'VE attended, I have never seen anyone partake -
Does anyone, on here, intend to next month? legitimately or otherwise?
well - there seems to be so much pondering about what the future holds for dubism - armageddon dates prophesied?
been there, failed to fulfill that - don't think another one would be appropriate - laughable yes, but not appropriate.
how about a re-hash of ancient wt literature?
Well - there seems to be so much pondering about what the future holds for Dubism - Armageddon dates prophesied? Been there, failed to fulfill that - don't think another one would be appropriate - laughable yes, but not appropriate. How about a re-hash of ancient WT literature? It's been done before I know - and I would recommend 'quotes.Watchtower.Org' to everyone.
SO - I am thinking (nasty habit I developed after leaving Org) the WTBTS COULD release a new (and I mean NEW) publication to keep the Rank and File keen and give them a purpose (in respect of the very-soon -Armageddon- which- hasn't -got -a -fixed date) for after this event - because THAT is their goal.
The WTBTS proudly introduces, ''Resurrected - 100 Searching Questions'' (it's all Bible-based you know - and a bit like the Youth book, i.e., written by people out of touch with either)
1) I have just been resurrected - am I ok to marry, or is it necrophilia?
Well - In the Bible, I believe, the resurrected are ''just as the angels'' - NOW this could mean cannot marry, or be given in marriage OR it could mean that wings can get in the way of a 'normal' relationship. So - can flip-flop on that later.
i thought i would share this pathetic post that car781 posted over on the michael jackson subject on the vh1 message board.
i almost posted it under humour.
all this jehovah's witness bashing.
Jehovah gave us all Free Will and Laws / guidelines to live by. The WTBTS has taken the former away and substituted it with even MORE of the latter.