Does anybody think the restoration of Israel as a nation might be clue? Remember that at the first advent people were in expection too.
Posts by freyd
by vitty inwhat is the second comming of christ, i mean what will happen...............armageddon??????????
destruction for anyone who isnt a christian ?.
he he going restore paradise on earth ????????.
What if you refused to be disfellowshipped?
by Billzfan23 inwhat if you were df'ed for apostasy - yet you continued to show up at meetings with a big smile, slapping folks on the back and shaking hands with them, raising your hand to comment on every paragraph, even being visibly annoyed when you are not called on?
file a restraining order?
lock the door?
What if you picketed the KH?
The Sorrow and the Pity of the Watchtower: denial of DUE PROCESS
by Terry innounthe state, action, or principle of treating all persons equally in accordance with the law.
fairness is something familiar to even the smallest child.
being treated without bias is a hunger humanity has fought for in every society; some less successfully than in present day.. in america we are guaranteed fairness when dealing with the state or federal government due to the imbalance of relative power between the individual and the state.
Very excellent thoughts presented on this thread. I believe the WTBTS to be the 3rd Babylon, as complete a counterfeit to real Christianity as Muslimism is to the Torah. One follows a non-existent FDS while the other follows a false prophet. And they'll both try to kill you if you change religions.
Question for Singles: Tired of hearing the "F" word?
by Elsewhere ini'm very much a home-body, so i don't go out much and meet a lot of people.
in recent months i've been trying to reverse that and meet more people.. so far the pattern is this:.
meet someone.start chatting and talking.notice a distinct chemistry.attempt to move things to the next this is where things get frustrating.
Tell them you're interested in marriage and see what happens.
Just got a call from the elders
by freyd ingot a phone message from the borg.
submitted a d/a letter 6 months ago.
haven't been in the congregation for a year and half and live 800 miles away.
They don't like it when people walk away. Especially active ones. I know someone who da'd and after a while they df'd him. Kind of like, I think it was Wm Tyndale who was hanged, but he left such a lasting impression on the religious authorities that they dug him up years later and burned him at the stake. They like doing the kicking out, but it's another matter when they get the pink slip.
Just got a call from the elders
by freyd ingot a phone message from the borg.
submitted a d/a letter 6 months ago.
haven't been in the congregation for a year and half and live 800 miles away.
Got a phone message from the borg. Submitted a d/a letter 6 months ago. Haven't been in the congregation for a year and half and live 800 miles away. Wonder what they want to talk about?
Did Adam know the full consequences of his sin?
by truthseeker in"through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.
" romans 5:12. this verse has been used to prove that adam was responsible for sin and death.. from a christian standpoint, this is true.
did adam really know the full effects of eating the forbidden fruit?.
He did not have the foreknowledge that God did.
If You Don't Believe In Jehovah's Organization You Can't Believe In Jehovah
by minimus inso said my brother to my mother the other day while she was in the hospital.
he asked her why i wasn't coming back to the "truth".
she suggested that i wanted to enjoy a worldly life of fun.
"It is a fact that Christ died for our sins...and that he appeared in the presence of God for us. Those facts stand, regardless of whether they are connected to one Covenant or an other Covenant or no Covenant. You and I dear reader, believed in the death of Christ as our redemption price before we had any knowledge of the Covenants....We were justified by faith in the precious blood and not by our knowledge or ignorance of the Covenants." What Pastor Russell Taught p 7
Who really is the faithful slave?
by Elihu/Elijah inas a ministarial servant i was surprised to find out that, some who had been appointed elders, who i was serving with in 2000 never really believed in god at all.
i was blown away by the fact that a person could have been serving for many years did not really believe in god.
if they did not really believe in god why were they here, and in what did they really believe in?
Did your disbelief in pyramids come from a study of pyramids? When you look at phraseology in the Bible it's interesting how certain words like stones, etc, and how Jesus is refered to as to as the Chief Cornerstone are used.
All religion is an attempt to connect with God. But it's like government in that it is corrupt by nature because it is composed of corrupt humans making all of it an unreliable guide. At best it's a tutor to lead one to the Truth. But as Christ said, "This is the basis of judgment, that light has come into the world, but men have loved the darkness." John 3:19