Try telling him/them that Jesus died as a ransom for all. And that means that all will be resurrected and come to a full knowledge of the truth.
Posts by freyd
I got the phone call. WARNING, DEPRESSING!
by Schism inwell,my dad called last night, crying.
he says armageddon's about to start and he doesn't want to lose me.
he said i either need to become a good jw and go to the meetings, or he will have to distance himself from me so that he won't be so attached to me when the big a hits.
Your answer to a JW's question "What is an alternative?"
by ukescott ina jw that i engaged in a series of debate finally posed this question.
i can see that he is running out of his "canned" answers and he wants to defend his organization desperately or he doesn't want to admit that he is dead wrong.
so he uses this faulty logic to depend his belief system.
"Hence it is that we sometimes see an honest, truth-hungry child of God gradually progressing from one denomination to another, as a child passes from class to class in a school........ if he still continues to grow in grace and knowledge and love of truth, and into an appreciation of the liberty wherewith Christ makes free, you may by and by find him outside of all human organizations, joined merely to the Lord and to his saints, bound only by the tender but strong ties of love and truth, like the early Church. 1 Cor. 6:15,17; Eph. 4:15,16" --CT Russell Volume 3 Studies in the Scriptures p 186
USA detaining IRANIAN senior military officials in IRAQ
by Bryan inusa detaining iranians caught iraq raids... developing... american military holding at least 4 iranians in iraq, including men bush administration called senior military officials, who were seized in pair of raids late last week, ny times reporting monday... more... .
sound like trouble.... bryan.
QUOTE.."I think it would take another 9-11 to gain support for attacking Iran without major backlash in Congress."
Such a provocation could easily be manufactured. -
there is apparently rampant apostacy in my ex kh
by unbeliever inmy friend called and told me there were 3 announcements last night at the kh saying x, x, & x are no longer jw's.
they all da'd themselves.
all 3 sent letters out to a select group of friends and family before they gave their letters to the elders.
Interesting. I had been very active in a number of congregations over a long period. Interestingly I only heard of one person in that time that had ever walked away and he was before my time. Every once in a while his name would come up in hushed tones that had him labeled apostate like it was some loathesome disease or the way Benedict Arnold made a name for himself. It's like walking away is a crime like treason in their eyes. I picked up a tape years ago that talked about the dynamics of how groups form and how a deep traumamatic offense affects individuals whether that offense was caused by a person, organization or event. If there is no resolution to the offense eventually the person drops out and forms new associations. This is the whole history of groups. They are offended people seeking support from others similarly offended. I wonder about it though in terms of the group, when it is offended and seeks resolution but finds none like when a parent deserts a family. It has to deal with the internal conflict presented by one of it's own, by in effect saying that their intellectual underpinnings might be vulnerable and are wrong when they are convinced that they were absolutely right. It means that their confidence in being absolutely right may not the case and makes their world vulnerable to total collapse. It's what makes what happened to the Titanic still bone chilling to masses of people three generations removed because they all have doubts about certain things regarding safety but don't dare express them. The one who leaves is what exposes their unspoken fears that individually everybody in the group realizes they may be in real trouble and can't resolve the fear because in a worse case senario it may be real and there's nothing they can do about it. The dike is still leaking and putting their finger is the hole is futile. A very helpless feeling.
there is apparently rampant apostacy in my ex kh
by unbeliever inmy friend called and told me there were 3 announcements last night at the kh saying x, x, & x are no longer jw's.
they all da'd themselves.
all 3 sent letters out to a select group of friends and family before they gave their letters to the elders.
I find this very interesting. Can anyone explain the psychological dynamics that would make this so devastating to entire circuit and to the congregation so that it could never recover?
suicide & the bible
by siy ini have a few questions about suicide!
is there a scriptural principal which makes suicide ok.. i can think of one at the moment, samson... didnt he ask god if he could die with his emamys?.
he chose to end his life by bringing the tempel down on him self & the phillastines.. he didnt say " god save me beneath the rubble" (lack of faith??).
Because Christ died for sins of the WHOLE WORLD. Not just the ones the WT doesn't consign to Armageddon.
e-jehovahs-witnesses & e-watchman
by rassillon inis there anyone here that used to or currently posts there?.
i did over a year ago, right before robert came out of the closet and went nutsoid.. he weirds me out.
and the other people are like sheeple.. i am so glad i found this place.. can we say delusions of grandure.
AFTER HIS LATEST PURGE I HEARD THIS MORNING THAT 17 HAVE LEFT. QUOTE: "From time to time it is necessary to remind members of e-jehovahs-witnesses discussion board of the site's guidelines. This site will often differ from the "official" Watchtower's position on Bible prophecy as it relates to Jehovah's Witnesses. This includes the teachings regarding 1914, the coming of Jesus, the captivity to Babylon, and similar prophetical views. However, that does not mean that the board owner has rejected the accurate teachings, such as (but not limited to) the New Covenant involving and being limited to the 144,000 anointed Christians from among mankind, the heavenly hope of the anointed, an in-gathering to Jehovah's organization of the "Great Crowd," and similar Bible-based Truths. Questioning or encouraging others to reject these Bible truths is disallowed." Obviously, this guideline has not been strictly enforced by the board moderators. That is going to change. From now on discussions advocating contrary views to the above mentioned doctrines will no longer be allowed. Here is another quote from the forum Guidelines: "If you do not share our faith as Jehovah's Witnesses and or belong to a non-Witness group, you are still allowed to participate on this Discussion Board, so long as you are not here to undermine our faith as Jehovah's Witnesses." It is apparent that many posters here no longer share the basic beliefs of the Watchtower Society and are endeavoring to undermine the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses by advocating beliefs that are substantially no different than Christendom's. In the 1st century Paul warned of those in Crete who were subverting the faith of entire households by their teachings and Paul said that they ought to have their mouths shut. I am going to apply the apostle's advice to this forum and begin suspending (without further warning) the accounts of those in violation of the Site Guidelines. Furthermore, the site's moderation policy is not open to discussion. Lips sealed" Watchman
It's nice to read scripture(square peg)without having to cram it into WTBTS round hole.
Dec KM indicates extreme paranoia over booking hotels NOT on the list
by truthseeker inover the years, the society has included half a page in their annual guidelines when planning for and attending the district convention.. in particular, they have been very insistent that only hotels on the recommended lodging list be used.. .
the language in this month's km is even more insistent than last years.. .
here is the text in full, with the original emphasis.. .
VM44QUOTE......."Why doesn't the Watchtower explain why the people should stay at a “recommended” hotel? The answer is that the Watchtower does not explain anything to anyone!....... That is the Watchtower's idea of a "perfect" society...........Not only does the Watchtower keep things secret from the Witnesses, the Watchtower views the Witnesses as people they can command and use in any way they see fit!"
When you believe you've been selected by God to make rules in order to control the behavior of others, there's just no limit to how far off course you can go. It's probably the opposite extreme of not recognizing any influence of God at all. Without love it's all meaningless at best. At worst, it can't be measured. -
Just got a call from the elders
by freyd ingot a phone message from the borg.
submitted a d/a letter 6 months ago.
haven't been in the congregation for a year and half and live 800 miles away.
Decided against returning their call. Don't want to give them the satisfaction of thinking they're still in control. I fired them.