I have whole blocks of my life that are gone. Born & Raised JW. I was abused by my JW stepfather. It seems that when I tried to erase things/people/places/events that hurt me, I also erased all the rest of the memories from the same time period. I feel like my life was cut up into different pieces/chapters...not one coherent life. Sometimes when I run into a face that seems familiar, I have a hard time placing that person...almost like it was another lifetime. (and i'm not THAT old!) Thanks for posting this...it's not easy to think about not only losing your childhood/life...but, also your memories.
Posts by limbo
For those raised as JWs...
by Country Girl ini have found that while i can remember my childhood from ages 3-5, i can't remember much after that until i was 17 or so.
my mom came into the jws when i was 3, and i remember celebrating our last christmas.
it was a small christmas tree on the end table and it had a present for each of us (2 kids).
PROVE That Jehovah's Witnesses DON'T Have The Truth
by minimus injws are convinced they alone have the truth.
they are scripturally trained to prove to others why they are "in the truth".
from your vantage point, how can you show this is untrue??
truth-a fact that has been verified.
faith-believing in something not verified.
Jehovah's witnesses have faith that thier beliefs are the truth.
Jehovah's witnesses still have faith that their beliefs are the truth even when these "truths" are changed or proven untrue.
Once a "truth" is verified as truth, can it become an "untruth" later?
Here are some examples:
Changed "Truths"vaccinations are a violation of god's covenant with noah
organ transplants are cannibalistic
"criteria for association" with the UN
treatment of its members who permit or accept a blood transfusion
the "generation" of 1914
'higher powers' or 'superior authorities'
the men from Sodom and their Resurrection
Black people
date of the "return" of Jesus
Michael the Archangel
The second coming
The end of the world
oral sex is bad
parable of the mustard seed
identification of the "Alpha and Omega"
ultra-violet rays are healing
human blood contains the personality of the person himself
the human heart contains the personality of the person himself
Hemophiliacs can eat blood
Jehovah lives in Pleiades star cluster galaxy
Meaning of LIMBO
by limbo inmeaning of limbo
[n] the state of being disregarded or forgotten
disregarded, forgotten.
mini...u sound like the debil.
Meaning of LIMBO
by limbo inmeaning of limbo
[n] the state of being disregarded or forgotten
disregarded, forgotten.
Meaning of LIMBO
[n] the state of being disregarded or forgotten
well, that's me. disregarded, forgotten. after a full life of being a jehovah's witness. i no longer exist.
I was a witness for over 30 years. Since I was born into the "truth" it is all I knew. I had a life full of "friends," family, service, pioneering, meetings, assemblies, talks, studies and meeting clothes.
Now, I pretty much live in limbo. It's kind of an imaginary place for lost or forgotten things. The great thing is I finally found my keys, a few doodles and poetry...oh and my favorite mood ring.
Just wanted to say "hi" to this board and let you know where to find me.
Women are the weaker sex
by stillajwexelder inthis proves the bible and the wtbts wrong.
the scripture says women are the weaker sex - wll as most men will surely admit t this is a load of crap - women are incredibly strong.
they bear children and keep going when they have a headache etc.
guys die sooner
Jehovah Hates Foreskins!!!!!!!!!
by gumby inmoses is preparing his "make my brother do it " speech to jehovah cuz he's ascard to have to talk to pharoah about lettin his people go from eygpt.
the lord butts in and goes bi-polor on moses ass and tells him he's gonna kill his sorry arse cuz moses kids dinger still looks like an anteater and the lord wants then damn thing snipped off pronto or he's gonna kill em!
4:24 and it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the lord met him, [ moses ]and sought to kill him.
i see gumby has joined the cause.
be sure to click on the page links at the bottom to read the story.
Why did I leave after 50 yrs a JW
by londoner ini am not posting this to justify my actions, i am doing so for the benifit of any witnesses who are unsure about there feelings toward the "truth".
i was a reguler pioneer for about 8 yrs, back when it was 100 hours a month, befor thet i did a couple of yrs as a vacation pioneer, they later changed the name to auxilery pioneer, and during the following 20 yrs i had a few intermitant spells as an auxilery when i had time to.
during my pioneer years i have given talks at circuit assemblies and had assignments at district assemblies .
Hello Londoner,
Nice to meet you. You aren't alone either.
Welcome to the board!
I put in my 30+ years as well.
It is encouraging to read that you "aim to do something usefull with the rest of your days." It would be a Mortal sin to let the Watchtower steal another 50 years from you. FREEDOM from the watchtower is letting go enough to really LIVE!
Do you still Patronize Women?
by limbo ini was thinking today about how jehovah's witnesses are conditioned to view women.
i'm sure there have been many threads and discussions on this subject.
just curious how you view women now that you are no longer a jw?
I was thinking today about how Jehovah's Witnesses are conditioned to view women. I'm sure there have been many threads and discussions on this subject.
Just curious how you view women now that you are no longer a JW? Do you still consider them within the Watchtower's Subservient role? Do you think that your woman (girl friend, wife, lover etc). should be there when you need her, fix you dinner, clean up after you, look good, please you sexually and shut up when she should?
The Watchtower has always depicted the "dutiful wife" as the picture of perfection. Her role was for the convenience and comfort of her partner. I remember one Watchtower Artist's drawing of a "sensual" woman laying back on a bed in a fluffy robe and big hair...the caption was something like "do you seek your mates pleasure?"
The Watchtower presents their view of women being beneath man over and over within their pages: "It is important that worshippers of God appreciate his view of leadership. The basic principle of headship is set out in 1 Corinthians 11:3 where it is written: ?The head of every men is the Christ; in turn, the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God.?
"A man had priority in human creation. He is given priority of position over the woman. The woman was made from a rib taken from the men. she was created for the sake of the man, not the man for her sake. Therefore, the woman, in God?s arrangement, was always to be in subjection to her husband and not to usurp his authority."Ok, so we know that scientifically you can't yank a bone out of your body and turn it into the woman of your dreams.
How has this "balanced view of headship" affected the way you think of women now?