Topics Started by paws
They told us to turn our backs on loved ones!
by paws ini would like to raise a subject that i bet all you long-time posties have already discussed:
when a person enters the org having already had a life outside it, he/she is told that family and friends must take a back seat.
further to that, some individuals will even 'council' you that total departure from those you love would be wise and indeed expected!
Those that would never miss a meeting or field service no matter what...
by JH in.
did you know a few in your congregation that would never miss a meeting, no matter what.
even if it was 20 below zero or 100 f or if they were sick, they would be there anyways.. these people irritated me, because they wanted to show how good they were.. did you know any like that?
Watchtower/83/3/1/p.25-Says Opposers Believe God's Spirit Can Direct!
by Voyager insays-quote: under the heading of (opposers):.
16 consider some of the other "twisted things" used to mislead god?s people today.
on occasion opposers will question the various teachings that jehovah?s people hold in common.
JW Distinctions w/o a Difference
by Amazing1914 indistinctions without a difference:
issues regarding jw beliefs and teachings bugged me going into the religion, and bugged me until i left.
they are those oh so all-important claims they make that other religions are doing such bad things ... yet they do the same thing ... but, they manage to draw some kind of technical distinction that really makes no difference.
A proud brother writes. letter to Bill Bowen.
by avengers in"so william bowen, what did you get disfellowshipped for?
i can't believe.
the false information you are giving about jehovah's witnessess.
wanting to leave jw org
by min79 in.
i am a baptised jw and am wanting to disassociate myself.
i am looking to find someone who has left this org to give me some idea on the letter to write and how they dealt with their friends who shunned them
Please say a prayer for us...
by morty inmy husbands grandmother as been diagnosed with full blown ovary cancer.
they fear that she also has it in her stomach as well.
they are trying to get her to the or tonight in order to operate on her right away.
Romance; I Need some feedback
by William Penwell inposted this on another site:.
i would like to bounce this off all of you and would like some feedback.
i think i know what to do but just want to know if i am doing the right thing.
Why did you "choose" to become a Witness?
by JH in.
this question is for those who weren't born in the org, or whose parents didn't drag them into the org.
why did you chose to become a jw?