JoinedTopics Started by Brutus
Anyone see this pic already of the WTC moments..
by Brutus inbefore impact?.
LOOK IT'S SATAN!! He's gonna get you!!!!
by Brutus inhehe.
Interesting thoughts on the situation.. READ
by Brutus inhey everyone, .
everybody has called for everything from full scale nuclear assault to a more measured response, against targets ranging from the entire middle east to just the perpetrators.
the only country in which arabs can vote for their leaders is israel, where native born arabs are given citizenship.
Did Ray Franz write COC out of anger?
by Brutus ini asked my gf who is a jw but not an active one if she has ever read coc and she tells me she has and that his book was mostly lies about the organization and that's the reason he left was because he was tempted by a hooker and ended up sleeping with her.
he told the elders what he did because he was looking for help and he ended up getting df.
later he found out he ended up contract hiv.
JW Jokes, If easily offended DO NOT OPEN THREAD!!
by Brutus inwhat do you get if you cross a jehovah's witness with an agnostic?
someone who calls at your door, but doesn't really know why.
feel free to add others!
For you JW's out there. What would you do if ....
by Brutus in20 yrs have passed, now (2021) and armageddon still had not come.
what would you do or what would you think?.
just curious
Prophecy Blunders
by Brutus in" (watchtower p. 56, 1894) .
" (watchtower, p. 150, may 15, 1922) .
" (watchtower, jan. 1, 1924, p5) .
JW Stumper Questions!!!
by Brutus inif the organization did not actually prophesy the end in 1925 and 1975, then how come so many witnesses left the faith immediately afterwards?
("they lost roughly three-quarters of the movement between 1925 and 1928, then suffered huge losses after 1975, when the end didn't come as they had implied over and over again," said jim penton, an ex-witness who writes entries on jehovah's witnesses for the encyclopedia americana.
if the watchtower organization rejects others calling them "inspired" yet the watchtower organization does call themselves "god's spirit-directed prophet" what is the difference?
Is the New World Translation the same as the Bible
by Brutus inare the holy bible and the nwt the same?
tell me why are they different.
Question for you JW's or non JW's about 1935?
by Brutus inhow do you prove from the bible that 1935 was the year that the selection to heaven stopped due to being filled?