Uh-oh ... third heaven ...
2 corinthians 12:2-4 (king james version) .
2i knew a man in christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, i cannot tell; or whether out of the body, i cannot tell: god knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
3and i knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, i cannot tell: god knoweth;) .
Uh-oh ... third heaven ...
jesus did away with the mosaic law.. .
on this basis jw's eat pork if they wish, do not have to maintain a beard, and do not observe the sabbath.. .
however the jw's seem to apply aspects of the mosaic law when it suits them - for instance they often quote it to support their postion on blood.
I heard it best summed up yesterday in an MP3 I listened to of Lori MacGregor (i think) that said something like:
Grace (what the Society calls "undeserved kindness") is a free gift.
If a friend whom you had a long relationship with says to you, "Stop by my house, I have a free gift for you, because I love you so much."
Then when you get there, your friend says, "Now, before I give you your gift, can you wash my clothes, fold them and put them away?"
So you do.
Then they say, "Now can you mop my floors?"
So you do.
When you are finished they say, "Now can you make my bed and clean my bathroom?"
You do. But by now you are pretty tired and worn out.
When you are finally done, they say, "Great! Here is your gift."
Does that gift now have the same meaning that it did when your friend first told you about it? Was it really given to you from the heart? Was it given freely?
(if I completely butchered this account I apologize)
brief history:.
both my wife and i have faded from the borg for about 10 years.
we still maintain close relationhips with the dubs in our family on both sides.. my wife's sister has not only faded, but she has become an ordained minster, thus my mother in law calls her an "apostate" and refuses to have any contact with her.. her 4 year old daughter will stay with my family for about 2 weeks in august.
I agree with the general consensus and your initial gut feeling.
was it really so peaceful before 1914?.
the society loves to claim there was an unprecedented amount of peace prior to 1914 and that wwi was a complete shock to the world when it began.
yet history claims otherwise:.
Thanks Prophecor ... good book recommendation ... I ordered it on Amazon.com -ithinkisee
had one of those nights last night.
what is is about the darkness that brings out those heightened emotions that you've been storing up for a rainy day?
don't want to sound like a sadsac with what i want to share, but i need to be able to get this off my chest tonight:) .
Good vibes coming your way ...
i was having a reminising sort of day today and thinking about our wedding 22 years ago and the songs we picked for the ceremony.. we had first, 'love's excelling way'.. god is love, and therefore bids us, walk in love's excelling way,.
letting love of god and neighbour prompt all things we do and say.. for though we have faith and knowledge, gifts of tongues and prophecy,.
yet if love itself were lacking, we would simply nothing be.. .
The crunk remixes aren't too bad though .... Li'l John chanting, "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"
boy, this might be that can of worms i meant to keep closed!.
i was thinking about something though and wondered what your thoughts might be.
if you believe in angels, the spirit realm, spirit guides or spirits of loved ones that have crossed.
If there is an after life I have found my self thinking my dead witness friends must be proud of me.
I think the same thing sometimes ... -ithinkisee
my whole family is in the troof.
i am at a point were i want to present them a book on cults.
i have nothing to lose as they have dis-owned me for years and have only recently came back into my life as a result of my moms illness ( alzeimers ) these people are driving me nuts!!!
That sucks. Wish you the best.
missionaries physically attacked anti-missionaries in netanya
16:00 jun 27, '05 / 20 sivan 5765. .
Good article Nate ... thanks.
i work from home mostly, and my wife is right now in the other room with a piece of paper with a line across it for a timeline with "0" in the middle.
she says she is determined to have a clear idea of the chronology this time around through the daniel book at the congregation book study.. this is great!
it dovetails in perfectly with the fact that she just brought me home some books i got from the library on ancient jerusalem history.
Here is a handy chart to print out:
Thanks quotes! I have an AlleyMom-styled chart myself I made in WORD and converted to PDF. If I could upload a PDF to this site I would ... anyone know how to do that? Or do I need to turn it into a big JPEG or something? Thanks everyone ... will keep you posted .... -ithinkisee