welcome 5thgeneration!! i've never been in the same situtation as you, as i've never been JW. but i can say to you, is that it is ALWAYS a good things to doubt. the dubs i know don't doubt, they just go on, without asking questions about what they believe, or how they act, and i really would like them to have your doubts a day... don't feel guilty about this please, this is simply human... take care
JoinedPosts by clementine
First Post
by 5thGeneration insome things confuse me here.
i am in the same position as many where i don't agree with so much the society says and feel stuck dragging myself to the meetings and then feel incredible guilt because the study for the day says it is wrong to have any doubts "even in private".
impossible for me!.
I'm new to the forum and desperate for support
by muse ini will be very brief on my introduction as i need to get straight to the point.
i was raised in the 'truth' from birth.
i got baptized at 16 (elder dad hassled me) and managed to do the 'slow fade' at 18 (it helped that i moved 50 miles away from home).
i'm sorry to hear what you're passing through with your dad... i hope you will find on this site people who'll help you... take care
by Diddi Di inhiya all, i've just recently joined the site and thought i'd introduce myself... i'm diane, 21 from yorkshire, uk.
i stopped going to meetings just after my 18th birthday, i was never baptised but i was brought up as a jehovahs witness from birth.
my mum (tez) and big brother (paulj) are also members, so look out for them too!
welcome diane!! check your inbox, you've got a PM ;-))
What's Your Favorite JW Expressions?
by minimus ini like "theocratic strategy", "new light", "the slave", and "lovers of truth"......anything that you find amusing?
what about this one? : "real love in congregations"
What was your breaking point?
by soundbox_guy inokay, i'm new as you all probably know, so my question may have been discussed several times in the past.
i'm just curious as to when some of you came to the conclusion that enough was enough and that you didn't want to attend the meetings anymore or not be a jw.
was it in field service, at home, at the hall?
this subject may have been discussed several times before, but i find it very interesting... i don't have a breaking point on my own as i've never been a dub...
no one to talk to
by jeeves ini guess this is my introductory post.. like many of you, i was raised as a witness.. like many of you, i'm no longer associated with them.. it still hangs over me like a plague.
it's really annoying.
i haven't been to a meeting in 4 years, i'm "out of the closet" - my parents know i'm no longer interested, my oldest brother won't talk to me... etc.
hi Jeeves! and welcome! don't worry, your feelings are totally normal after the hurting dub experience... i used to have some of them, and i still have others... it takes time to rebuild, that's the only thing to say. but if you have the will, you'll never regrett it later on, because this world is not as they say, and living here can be great, i assure you!! ;-)) don't hesitate posting if you feel the need of it, take care ps : here, you'll always find "someone to talk to":-)
New and need a question answered before I post any other questions
by soundbox_guy inokay, first off, let me get this straight...you guys are all witnesses, some all active, some do things all the way right, some don't do things all the way right?
some are by the book but not preachy, and some are witnesses that are rogue and do things their own way?
i just want to know before i post any doubts or concerns or anything because even though i know we're supposed to stay away from places like this on the internet, i don't want what i say somehow getting back to my congregation somehow and next thing you know 4 elders come busting through the door waving "no blood" cards and shouting "freeze, jehovah's witnesses!
welcome, soundbox_guy! feel free posting whatever you want!! ;-)))
The Da Vinci code
by sym inhi there - has anything been discussed/announced on this book by the jw's - i know other religious groups have.
i kind of think it backs up some jw beliefs that the church is built on ideas formulated by rome and not christ but that also it undermines the very basis of all christianity as well - i just imagined it being the type of book the elders would tell you not to read.
i remember when i used to go, there where lots of things we should not read or become educated on.
i've just bought it... welcome to the board sym, sweet avatar ;-))
I'm new here
by Apostanator inthis is the first time i feel comfortable posting something.
i've been a lurker for over a year and i must say there are a lot of courageous people here who left the watchtower.
thank god for the internet and sites like this.
welcome to the board Apostanator!!
To all with regrets
by tsunami_rid3r inhere's my song to you.
far too long .
you always hold the past in your heart .
this sounds beautiful... are you a musician??