2.5 years but now it feels great!
Renee (of the finally free class)
how long were you "out" of the tower before you realized you had a brain and could use it for yourself...took me about six years...short time...long time...how do you feel now that you can think for yourself?
2.5 years but now it feels great!
Renee (of the finally free class)
i find it very interesting that the bible and mythology are very close, when speaking about god.
also the statement made by god in the bible to worship no other god but him, in effect saying that there are others gods.
has anyone actually looked into the occult, for lack of a better word, and actually made contact with an entity?
I contact a diety each time I pray to God. He answers every single one of my prayers. His answer is either, Yes, No or Later but they all get answered. Have you ever thought that maybe you're praying for the wrong things and his answer is just no. OR Maybe he's shown you the answer and your eyes are closed to it? God is very personal and will be as personal as you want him to be to you. But he doesn't go where he's not invited. Invite him into your life, not just certain parts of it and see if he doesn't really show himself.
i dont post too often but im always lurking from my workplace.
but now i feel the need to ask for any advise from you guys.
a while back, when i decided i had enough of the wt internal politics and the wait on jah attitude, i faded away from the hall and basically disappeared into the night.
Please don't beat yourself up too much. Everyone needs freed from the Watchtower. However, no one needs a life without God. I gave up on the cult and became a true Christian who has a real relationship with Him and I rest assured that when I die, I'll go home to Jesus. It is a beautiful hope. More of a hope to go to heaven immedately than be rotting in a grave waiting on God's memory to create a new body where I can pet lions, eat grapes and plant flowers for eternity and wear long dresses carrying baskets of fruit on my head.
I can only say pray for God to reveal himself to you in the way He wants you to see him and that He would comfort you in your hour of darkness. God shows himself to those who want to find him. I'm angry at the cult for wasting my life and lying to me but I don't blame God or loose faith in him. I'm a much stronger advocate of him now than I was when a JW. I will pray for you to draw comfort from God and that you truely find him.
i am looking to "adopt" a new dog.
i am a certified cat lover but have had 3 dogs in my life that my heart still aches for.
my children are grown, my cat is 10 years old, and i need a new friend and companion.. i have had a standard poodle, english bulldog, and a beautiful blond doberman.. the doberman was my dream dog.
go to www.nextdaypets.com and click on Dog Rescue, that's where I am adopting from. I wanted a wheaton terrier and I pick one up in two weeks, for free! So go on that and check it a couple times a day until you find what you want close enough to you. Also you can go to www.petfinder.org and search on that site. Good luck!
when a loved one leaves the watchtower society .
(a rational re-write of the september 1, 2006 watchtower article "when a loved one leaves jehovah", by scully).
(scans of the original article can be found here: re: wt desparate: aug 15 wt- in our next issue: when a loved one leaves jehovah) .
WOW! You ROCK! Good work. I'm so proud of you. I needed a laugh after the day I've had today.
hi all, ive been disfellowshipped 11 years, and ive blindly went through life, but with in the past 5 years, getting married, having kids, ive started to want to learn of god.i feel being raised in the jw's i wasnt ever taught, and what i did learn was force fed, and i dont think it was 100% truth.truth to them, but not exactally biblical.
anyhow, ive started doing my research , im reading the book of john now, and its pretty amazing, mind u im reading some verses over and over, to make sure i am understanding them, but it feels great.
great to know i can freely read my bible, of my choosing, and benifit on my own.ofcourse, i think its freaking my husband out, he knows ill never be a jw, (its a cult ,i feel)and a holy roller im not.
Praise God! I am so happy that you are searching for Him. You're doing exactly the right thing. God wants us to want him and look for him, on our own because we want to, not because someone tells us to. What you're doing will develope the best relationship with him. Keep it up. I'm proud of you!
i feel like i am getting bitter and that is onr thing i do not want to be...but this whole religion, god thing is gets to be too much... .
i do believe there is a creator, but have no idea what the purpose is.....i've tried the whole jesus thing, but really that doesn't make too much sence to me either....so where does that leave me???
in limbo....so i would rather just forget it all... .
You are not bitter, you are normal. We all have those feelings. I would encourage you to forget Religion and concentrate on RELATIONSHIP. God doesn't call us to a denomination, he calls us to himself. God wants our worship, our friendship, our faith, not a lable. Jesus had a relationship with God, not a religion. Same of the apostles. As you are on your search, ask God to reveal himself to you the way that he wants you to see him. So many times we try to identify ourselves by a lable or a group of people and God gets left out of it. He'll show you what's the right path for you and it may very well be what you least expect. You can be close to your creator anywhere. Go for a walk in the park and talk to God. You will find God in your heart and mind through prayer before you find him in a church. Once you do find him, we are called to be in fellowship with believers so you may feel that you do want to seek association at a church home. But I would focus on a relationship rather than a religion. Don't beat yourself up. Just don't give up faith in God. Best wishes to you in finding the right path for you.
so, the latest book at the convention was 224 pages, and not the typical 192 pages.
more manna from heaven :-) .
besides the greatest man book, can you think of any regular issue book (nwt, proclaimers books, bound volumes, etc not included) that was not 192 pages.
Mankinds Search for God, The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, You Can Live Forever on a Paradise Earth
oh, ya'll are gonna love this one (copied & pasted as sent to me, i added a few more breaks to make it easier to read, otherwise untouched):.
we had approx.
5000-6000 thousand in attendance, this was in huntsville alabama.
BARF! Hey, I just ate!
god gave us everything...except the one and only thing he wants for himself that he can't give himself.
this thing is something that we choose whether or not to give him.
he doesn't make us.
Black Swan,
I would be honored to be your adopted sister! Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed my thought and I'm glad you realize now all the ways you can be close to God.