I think his name is Barr. He gave a talk at our hall once as a special speaker from Bethel...all the kids crowded around him to meet the famous Noah video voice.
JoinedPosts by Synergy
The Noah Video
by deeskis inwatched the noah vid the other week at my folks place.
gritted my teeth and sat through it!
my dad thought the commentators voice was familiar.
convention association
by candidlynuts ini havent been to a convention since..................99?
the last few i went to i remember a lot of people commenting on how hard it was to visit with other witnesses.
a lot of people were disgruntled and irritated about it.. the convention doors didnt open till about an hour before the session started... so you had time to find your seat and get your kids settled.. no time to visit others... also our seats were assigned.. we were told to sit with our congregation in a specific section that we were assigned to clean.. so we were just around our regular congregation.
ok I'm enjoying this thread so much here's a little more...
I'm pregnant with my first child (18) and it's day two or three of the convention. I'm swolen and naucious. The speaker has a particular booming voice and is just plain loud. My head was pounding. So I get up and walk around the cooridors. One of the sign carrying freaks walks over to me and lovingly reminds my wayward walking self to take my seat. I told him I needed to stretch my legs and get to a quieter place because the speaker was so loud. I was obvously pregnant and he says, "Here, I have some asprin, why don't you take it and go take your seat." I said, "Before you start handing meds out to pregnant people you might want to talk to a doctor. Asprin for pregnant people isn't safe, Tylenol is but not Asprin. I don't want your medicine and I intend to take my seat later." We argued for a bit and he took his leave. I'm just a feisty little one that doesn't listen.
Renee (of the don't mess with a pregnant bitch class)
convention association
by candidlynuts ini havent been to a convention since..................99?
the last few i went to i remember a lot of people commenting on how hard it was to visit with other witnesses.
a lot of people were disgruntled and irritated about it.. the convention doors didnt open till about an hour before the session started... so you had time to find your seat and get your kids settled.. no time to visit others... also our seats were assigned.. we were told to sit with our congregation in a specific section that we were assigned to clean.. so we were just around our regular congregation.
You want convention stories? I'll give ya convention stories! This is just another drugery of my childhood as a JW. Each summer my ELDER father worked in expiditing at the conventions - all three of them in our district. Guess how many I attended year after f***ing year? That's right folks...you had one little 4 day convention I had twelve days of my summer in a dress in a civic center eating burritos and chicken sandwiches, a pudding or fruit bag and oh yes, orange juice and cheese danish for breakfast.
Fast forward to being 19 with a 5 month old baby. Getting up at 3am to get to the convention site at 6, two and a half hour drive and my ever zealous MS husband was helping some department. So I get there and I have the baby and I sit in a seat. The place is empty except for the brothers setting up the sound. An elder walks up to me and tells me to get up and stand until the doors open - in two hours because we can't save seats and that means I can't sit in any of the 5000 empty seats because it wouldn't be fair. I didn't move. I yelled at him. I said, You wanna talk about fair? I got up at 3 am and breastfed and then drove an two and a half hours to be here at 6am so my husband could help you. Now you want me to stand and hold my infant for two hours because I can't sit in a seat? Who is it not fair to? The ones who got to sleep in who will show up at 9:00? He actually picked up my diaper bag and set it in the cooridors. I was so angry I was shaking. I made such a bitching loud mouth fuss that other elders met with him and he had to come and apologize to me.
I have dozens of convention stories just ask me!
Renee (of the never wasting another summer weekend over dressed in a civic center class)
Empty Nest This Week
by Synergy inwell, only half.
my eight year old went to camp today for a week.
my son is still here with me but i'm not handling it as well as i thought.
Well, only half. My eight year old went to camp today for a week. My son is still here with me but I'm not handling it as well as I thought. I actually cried at bedtime when there was someone missing in the house. Any other moms get that? Why am I being so mushy about it? I'm not a real mushy person and I have split custody so it's not like she's with me every second anyway. I don't know if I can last a week. Any pointers from veteran mommies?
Acknowledging the opposition within: Small number of JW's disgruntled
by truthseeker inthis in regard to mary's post of the july 15, wt "see the goodness of jehovah's organization".
there have been a number of important and exciting developments in the society during the first half of 2006. firstly, a large number of bethelites are being evicted (i wonder if the.
VERY GOOD POST! Well thought out and encouraging.
What do you love spending your money on?
by JH ini always did love tv's and cars.
i really don't know hom many tv's i bought in my life.......15 or 20?
and cars also......i think i'm up to my 15th .
I like to spend money on my two kids. They're awesome!
Overheard at the June 4 2006 Watchtower Study
by under_believer inso, even back when i was a true believer i noticed this... .
this watchtower study today, i just got back from, was all about how great the elders are.
what always wigs me out about these things (because they trot this stuff out in a wt study every year or two) is how the elder conducting the study is up there talking about and praising the elders in the third person, saying how great they are, when he is an elder.
Where does the bible say any man gets double honor? We can't honor mothers on mothers day, fathers on fathers day, or anyone on their birthday because it's putting one person above another. JW's can't stand for the bride at the wedding because it gives her too much honor but the elders get double honor. Isn't that people worship too?
Funny Memory
by Synergy inwhen i was 19 i was married, for two years already.
the elders in our hall went to my husband and told him to monitor what i wear more closely because it was too revealing.
they told him that a sister in our hall came to the body of elders and complained that before she became a witness she was a lesbian and my revealing clothing made her have immoral thoughts about me and asked the elders to please have me change my wardrobe so her thoughts would stop.
When I was 19 I was married, for two years already. The elders in our hall went to my husband and told him to monitor what I wear more closely because it was too revealing. They told him that a sister in our hall came to the body of elders and complained that before she became a witness she was a lesbian and my revealing clothing made her have immoral thoughts about me and asked the elders to please have me change my wardrobe so her thoughts would stop. My husband came home and told me and I about died laughing. I spent the next year trying to figure out who it was...just in case I thought she was cute too, ya never know. He was so proud that "My wife turns on lesbians." I first of all think it was totally made up and laugh about it to this day. Hey, I am pretty hot.
Saturday District Convention notes: Don't research JW's online!!!!
by truthseeker inwith two thirds of my sentence complete, i am almost ready for parole.. there was some unbelievable stuff said today - i think there must be some sort of hallucinogenic gas coming through the ac, because no one batted an eyelid over what was said from the platform.. as usual, i will highlight the main talks.. .
"deliver us from the wicked one and from every sort of lawlessness" - matt 6:13, titus 2:14. .
Made me sick to read all that. I want to scream when I see it. All the memories brought up from the past life. Thanks for posting it. I know lurkers will be helped by your post here. When I was lurking on this site it would have helped me to see that kind of commentary.
Doubting our own intuition - reality vs. reality
by Cady inwhen someone asks about the jws, i usually find myself talking about disfellowshipping, the blood issue, the child-molestation problem.
but looking back i think, although those are the easily explained and perhaps somewhat sensational bad things about being a jw, they're not the only things that have left their marks.
in fact, only the disfellowshipping issue has personally affected me (although i'm not officially df'd, but of course you don't have to be to lose your friends/family).
I enjoyed your post. Very true. I feel all of those things too. I'm just so happy that I've broken the cycle and my children will be at least somewhat normal. Thanks for your thoughts.