I have cult dreams all the time of my life growing up. Demon dreams are something different though. I've had them and I cast them off in Jesus name now.
JoinedPosts by Synergy
I woke myself up last night screaming "Jehovah"
by ButtLight ini think i replied to too many threads yesterday about demons and jehovah.
must have been in the back of my mind when i went to sleep.. i was dreaming that this ugly demon with a pointy hairy chin was after me.
i dont remember alot, but the end part.
My Story: They called the cops on me!
by EnlightenedMind ini found this website a few days ago, and ive stayed up until 3 and 4 a.m. every night since reading the all-too-familiar stories.
i applaud you for sharing your stories and being so open and caring to others who venture onto this site.
i wish id had you 9 years ago when i was dfd.
You express yourself so beautifully. Thank you for sharing your story. Shame on them, shame. shame. What the cops must have thought. What a weird ass religion. I'd be happy to have you be my sister at my wedding. You're a great person. Never forget that. Keep praying for their eyes to be opened my friend.
Should I wait to be questioned by the elders? or take my leave in advance?
by Thinking of Leaving inhi everyone, i recently joined this forum as i'm close to being df.
i am suppose to meet with a judical committee soon but was thinking that i don't want to go through those personal questions that i'm sure the elders would ask.
does anyone know, is it better to just tell the elders before, say like on the phone, that i want to be df and not go through the committee?
They will most certainly ask you every detail...and if you refuse to tell them they'll think you're being uncooperative with the headship arrangement. I got asked every disgusting question possible...and I was only 16. They got off on it. Haven't they already ruled over enough of your life without giving them the pleasure of imaging you intimately and then casting you off? I say don't go.
One Minute After You Die?
by Outaservice inwe have various types of people on this board, some believers in god, others atheists, some agnostics, and others still jw's at heart.. in your opinion, what do you believe happens to a person one minute after they die?
how about if they are good or bad?.
outaservice ( inquiring minds want to know) .
I'll be in heaven with Jesus. :)
Im off to buy a video camcorder w/ night vision!!!!
by ButtLight infor those of you who think im nuts already (which i am), i am going to by a cam with night vision and infrared recording.
the reason why, is im going to set it up in my sons room tonight and see if i can catch any paranormal activity on it.
i know what i saw, and i know my son see's stuff alot........so, im either going to prove to myself im wrong, or prove you sceptics wrong about the paranormal.
Maybe you'll find that he masterbates and you can take the video to the elders so they can "lovingly councel him on self abuse" excuse me now, I must go vomit.
Synergy - Of the blind from masterbation class.
Just Got One of THOSE Letters...
by brunnhilde inmy mom just sent me one.
you know, we love you so much; we don't want to lose you; don't risk your precious little boy's life; blah blah blah, garbage blah dronetalk.
made me so angry i can't even talk about it.
I hear ya sweetheart. Do what you can to help them out of it. Lashing back at them for their ignorance will probably only make them think you're getting demonized. Try to show them little by little the errors of the Watchtower. Take your anger to God. He can handle it. Hugs to you.
By their fruits
by Bobhere ini am not saying that all elders are heartless but i do believe the wt rules lead them in that direction.. after i was df i continued to go to all the meetings.
at one of the meetings an elder who was on the commitee that gave me the boot was giving my 10year old son counsel on his student talk.
he said that his talk was good and that if he needs any help with his next talk he would be happy to help him.
What an idiot. Disfellowshipped people suddenly lose their skills of parenting when the elders kick them out. Geez. Be the "Father" your son needs...Get him out of the Watchtower!
Synergy...of the no longer kissing elders' asses class!
I had a bad night saturday...
by megsmomma ini have an 8 yr old living with her jw dad and step mom.
my worst fear is that they won't let us talk.
i call her every couple days and i hadn't talked to her for a couple weeks.
I will pray for you to be able to have her jointly as well. She needs you and deserves you. My children need their father and me and we divide time equally. She deserves for you to try to get joint custody. I think you can. My prayers are with all of you.
Hugs from a fellow Mommy
Why Is Everything Always Wrong To A Jehovah's Witness???
by minimus innothing is ok. everything is problematic..... what if you stumble someone???--------.
let's say you want to invite someone over, you gotta worry about someone thinking your favoring this one over another.
you might be accused of having "cliques".
Everything is always wrong to a Jehovah's Witness because they're a controling cult. Keeping you in check over every detail of life is how they keep you under their thumb and making you think you need to be obedient to it.
Once I got a sheparding call because I had a lingerie party for a sister who was getting married. The elders sat on my couch and I said, "So lingerie parties aren't allowed?" They said "no". My response was "Isn't there already enough stuff we can't do?" They dropped their jaws and told me I had a really bad attitude. I asked them to base it on something biblical. They said "Ok, we're basing it on following the direction of the brothers in charge of the congregation, we think it's wrong and you should be in subjection." I'm thinking why didn't they just say "Because I said so" that would've been much shorter.
No prayer for disfellowshipped ones
by LexWatson ini'd enjoy reading your comments about prayer.. the wt club says it is inappropriate to pray for those who are disfellowshipped...and we should obey them lest we be shunned and not be part of the organization jehovah is using.. however the bible tells me we should even pray for our enemies!
jesus set the example by even praying for those who were torturing him and murdering him.
"father forgive them!
Tom I LOVE that prayer! What a great way to express it. God likes humor as much as the rest of us. Thanks for that.