Also, I was told by a CO that Assembly Speakers are rated as "A" speakers, that's why they get the parts.
If that's the case, I would hate to hear the "B" or "C" speakers...
why is that at conventions and assemblies a big point is made of introducing speakers by name, when the writers of the magazine articles and outlines are kept quite?
Also, I was told by a CO that Assembly Speakers are rated as "A" speakers, that's why they get the parts.
If that's the case, I would hate to hear the "B" or "C" speakers...
why is that at conventions and assemblies a big point is made of introducing speakers by name, when the writers of the magazine articles and outlines are kept quite?
Tristram, I like my midwestern monotone.
Ah...but I doubt yours is "stilted."
why is that at conventions and assemblies a big point is made of introducing speakers by name, when the writers of the magazine articles and outlines are kept quite?
They have wittled away at this over the last few years. Now the programs are one size fits all, as they used to have the names of the dudes giving the talks. I have noticed over the past couple of years that they will introduce the speaker but not what congregation he was from. That's probably as far as they can take it. I doubt they will go as far as having some anonymous guy walk on stage and give a talk, although you never know. Why not just record all the talks at Bethel in that stilted midwestern monotone they use on the WT cds and play them over the sound system?
Looks like its time for the 3rd annual "Ted Jaracz Caption Contest!"
justitia themis began a topic 'disgusting comment re: education from tacoma 2007 district convention' regarding a talk on education.
i would like to hear it, can anyone tell me which day and time it was given?
the convention is in town this weekend (as well as last weekend and next weekend) and i need information on the talk.. i am going to visit my family next week and i want to try to talk to my niece about college.
One of his closing comments was that at Armageddon, educated people will be able to add a few more letters after their names...D.E.A.D. ....ah...yes, everyone laughed and clapped.
What a complete ass comment. What about all the JW's that are educated and the Society uses to their advantage? Will they be D.E.A.D., too? What a jerk.
so what rock bands (or any other groups) did you miss out on seeing back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, due to being in the organization?.
who of you sneeked to a concert, and which groups were they?.
c' know you wanted to see led zepplin!
I would have had a chance to see Falco
Man, that's the German equivalent of an American seeing Elvis. Too bad he died so young. I always thought he was a lot of fun.
this one is the best.. this is an experience from one of our sisters from athens spanish that went to italy and greece to serve.
she relates this experience that i thought was really interesting.
she asked him why, and he replied, how can i question the man if i have not read them myself.. .
I couldn't get past the "I don't have a lot of time..." line. (But I will write you a ten page email.) I know some people like that...always "super busy" but have plenty of your time to waste with their BS.
Probably counted her time, too.
so what rock bands (or any other groups) did you miss out on seeing back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, due to being in the organization?.
who of you sneeked to a concert, and which groups were they?.
c' know you wanted to see led zepplin!
U2 - The Joshua Tree tour 1987. The night before a circuit assembly. Parents said NO.
Was also counseled by an elder when he heard I was going to INXS, the same year I think. I went anyway. Such a rebel.
for me, every (other) saturday was magazine day.
the only marked date on the calendar was the memorial.. the nature scenes were ok when they had a nature theme.
i think the calendar is too small, boxes not big enough to write in..
I hated when super-zealots had them hanging in the kitchen and had their service hours, placements etc. written down. Obviously trying to impress anyone who would chance upon it. Gag.
anyone remember all the examples of youths being encouraged to work something about the jws into school assignments on abortion, evolution, volunteer work etc?
i remember cheekily ending an essay with "remember the theory of evolution is just that, a theory" in about 8th grade but that was about it.
i did just get a fantastic a grade mark on my philosophy paper on shoudl parents have the right to refuse life saving medical treatment for infants and children too young to decide for themselves.
I, too, tacked on the "Evolution is just a theory" conclusion to a paper I wrote in middle school. The teacher wrote "Please see me" on the paper and told me that she thought it was possible that God put evolution in motion, which made sense to me. I think I got a good grade on the paper.
In an astronomy class in college one of my essay questions had to do with evolution, and I think I was much more snarky, peppering my answer with "allegedly" and "so-called" and phrases like that. The professor didn't take too kindly to that.