Welcome Melmoth - my husband and I became witnesses in our late 20s - we had 3 children. In hindsight I think we were missing family - we had just emigrated from the UK. The promises that were laid out to us in our bible study from the bible were answers to the world problems - very idealistic!!!! Life was good for a while but we are now fading 22 years later. Our bubble burst!!! Love to hear your story - alw
Posts by alw
New member - quick hello
by melmoth injust registered and thought i'd say hello.
been browsing the board here occasionally for a while, and thought i might want to join in now and then, so here i am.
for me, a lot of this brings up odd memories from long ago - though for many struggling in the jehovah's witless grip currently, it's clearly a lifeline and i wish it had been around when i was 'doing the fade' (as i've seen it referred to, and a great way to put it, btw) nearly 20 years ago.
I'm giving plasma tomorrow!!
by Frog inwell actually i'm giving the whole bit, plasma, platelets, while/red cells...for the first time and i'm very excited!
sounds very massochistic, but it's not for the love of pain, it's just that it's taken me so long to become mentally ofe' with it.
i've had a mental block about it for so long, but have gradually enabled myslef to overcome it by educating myself more fully on the subject.
Well done Frog - very courageous and well thought out - I haven't taken the plunge yet but it's inevitable!! Thanks for bringing it to our minds. alw x
First time poster, long time lurker
by millions now living are dead in.
i did the fade two years ago and have found this board helpful.
just want to say thanks.. mil
Welcome - I'm sure you'll enjoy the board!!! Enjoy - alw
Ozzie is in hospital again.
by BLISSISIGNORANCE ini received an sms last night from ozzie himself saying on saturday he collapsed and had to be taken by ambulance to hospital.. he is being operated on again this morning (wednesday 29/6/05 australia time).
as usual with the particular operation he is having there are serious risks.
i ask his friends to send anything positive his way today.
Our very best wishes ozzie - love to you both!! Come on ozzie come on come on - we need to enjoy more time together enjoying your upbuilding and encouraging conversation. Thinking of you
Any Lefties?
by Why Georgia inmy oldest son is left handed.
everytime he does anything different from the rest of us.....my husband relates this to being left handed.. he is very artistic, detailed, and extremely particular about how he wants things in his little world to be.. this may be because he's 5 - who knows.. are there any traits of left handed people that you lefties may want to share so i can be prepared in the future?.
thanks in advance,.
Lefty here too. I write left handed and also eat with my spoon left handed - most other things are done left handed. It was never an issue when I was at school - I thought it was cool because my nana and I were the only leftys in our family. Only recently realised I am quite artistic - took up painting about 2 years ago and people actually think they are quite good. I'm quite an obsessive compulsive too but that may not have anything to do with being left handed. I just think we are normal - right or left - what's the big deal!!! alw
by Diddi Di inhiya all, i've just recently joined the site and thought i'd introduce myself... i'm diane, 21 from yorkshire, uk.
i stopped going to meetings just after my 18th birthday, i was never baptised but i was brought up as a jehovahs witness from birth.
my mum (tez) and big brother (paulj) are also members, so look out for them too!
Hi Diane - welcome to the board - I'm sure you will enjoy - marvellous to see you have your brother and mum on board too. Looking forward to reading your posts!!! alw
Introducing my Mother.....
by PaulJ inmy mum has asked me to create a thread for her (basically her computer is crap, and she hasnt quite worked the site out yet) to introduce herself.
please read her biography-.
Welcome Diddy Di - a real family contribution - I'm sure you will enjoy your time here. alw
Woodworking anyone?
by Jourles indoes anyone dabble in woodworking here?
i was raised around it my whole life but never took to it as a trade.
my grandfather was a carpenter and my dad is a master carpenter as well.
Lovely furniture - very clever - I love those chairs - very stylish - can't wait to see your lounge!!! Keep up the good work (unique!) alw
Introducing my Mother.....
by PaulJ inmy mum has asked me to create a thread for her (basically her computer is crap, and she hasnt quite worked the site out yet) to introduce herself.
please read her biography-.
Welcome to the board Tez - many similarities - I'm sure you'll find healing here. I have pm you. alw
A few observations from the DC
by pillsbury ini have been reading over everyones posts from the dc and it made me remember a few things:.
the drama: they definately were discouraging going to collage.
timothy had a friend named jonathon that pursued "worldly goals"- getting an education, getting a good job and getting married and having kids.
mcsemike - you still have a good life ahead of you - live and enjoy - you are very courageous and have integrity of self - something that has to be admired. I have empathy for your situation but alas my husband and I 'came out' at the same time, also our children are with us and we have no more family in the truth - very fortunate. Enjoy your life of education, and keep posting - lovely to hear from you and thanks for your story - alw