A cheery welcome from both of us - hope you find this site as informative and encouraging as we have. It was great seeing you the other week - take care and enjoy!!! alw
Posts by alw
Welcome FreeWoman16
by JW83 injust wanted to welcome my best friend, freewoman16 onto the site.
go girl yourself!
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #131
by ozziepost inhow's this weekend for you?
time to have some r&r?
i think some have had one of those weeks, eh?
The hardest thing for me at the moment, although I think I'm coming to terms with it, is calling it 'the truth' - I consciously have to stop and say 'the witnesses'. You really have to 'think' about it - but it will become a reflex saying one day - also the terms brother and sister are still hanging around when I speak about the witnesses. The big issues I really haven't had to handle yet - early days, I suppose. alw
War Bonds WW2 Australia
by JW83 inthis information is taken from thesis by peter strawhan, 1984, re jws in australia in ww2.
rees was head of jws in australia, who were banned 1941-43.
jws contributed 10,000 to war bonds from cash accumulated during ban, reported to knorr july 1943. rees: ?of course the fact that we took out the bonds has not been publicized, but we have seen to it that the government officials such as security, army, manpower, etc, know of it.
thanks for sharing that with us jw83.
amazing isnt it, i wonder what the old timers would think of that, the ones who went through the ban?
i will print this one for my file, aussie cover ups. thanks again. mr alw
Newbie here......
by lavendar ini'm new to the forum.
i've never been a jw, but know someone who is.
if it's alright, i'd like to ask a question from time to time to help me understand why they believe the way they do.
hi lavender, and welcome to the site.
you wonder why anyone would want to join the jws org. im sure you would get many different answers to that one.i have been a jw for 22 years, and this last year im fading, not attending meetings anymore.
some may think one would have to be stupid to join, however i dont agree.i dont believe im stupid just misled. problem is you dont realise at first,it takes time and circumstances to understand the hypocracy of the org.
stick around, ask questions,you will enjoy the replies im sure. mr.alw
i am back!!!
by joanne_ inhi all, nobody here probably knows me here, but i have been reading the posts everyday for almost a year.
i was registered, and then one day i could not log back in....but i have finally figured it out..... cheers to all.
talk with you soon.
welcome back joanne,
reminded me of arnie, when he said "ill be back"
was that frustrating reading all the posts for a year and not being able to participate?
some advice about meeting door to door jws
by Hepzibah inhi im new here and found this forum via a search engine - i am a practicing christian and the other day i had a knock on the door - got into an interesting conversation with two jws and as i didnt have much time invited them back - in the meantime they had posted a booklet on the trinity or there version of it and when they came back the novice had been replaced by someone who had obviously had a lot more experience at talking to christians
i didnt want to get into a bible debate - and asked them about their salvation and how they knew they were saved - but they just seemed to be reading from a different script than me - as much as i tried we ended up batting bible texts back and forth
anyway to sum up - they want to come back to do a bible study on any topic i choose
welcome hepzibah,
ask them to read isaiah 2v2-4 with you, after they tell you how peaceloving they are and how they are obeying that prophecy,ask them why it is they, the wt org. has been making money with the regi companies who make the "smart bombs" that we were all amazed at in the first gulf war.
prepare yourself with the info. on www.watchtowernews.org/randcam.htm
also interesting is www.freeminds.org/h20/283202.thml
if their mouths drop open wide, they will be just the rank and file jws, if they squirm and wriggle then change the subject they are probably elders who will then make a quick exit, been there done that.
all the best to you, mr alw
by Frog inhi there friends, i'm just jumping out of my skin with an email i just received from my older sister in reponse to this letter that i posted to my family just last week http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/87881/1.ashx.
this is the response i received just now;"hey babyi got your letter.
i cant write very much now but i just wanted to let you know i received it and i was very moved.
Hi - just had an emotional read of your letter - I actually thought you were a boy? (have no idea why) then saw your sign - sorry. I am so pleased that you have had a reply from your sister. As you know I sent my daughter a very cruel letter when she disassociated but didn't realise that she had no way out - I was blaming her - seeing she would know the consequences - but looking back I was so blind. All she needed was my love and unconditional support. Life can be very hard, especially for parents, moreso when brought up with the ideology that Jehovah comes first and everything second. Being JW parents we 'thought' we were doing the 'right' thing - obviously brainwashed. I regret so many things and am so thankful that our daughter never gave up on us. We have a treasured relationship now and are able to enjoy what life has to offer. My only hope is that your letter will strike a chord with your famillies hearts and realise that your relationship is vital for family unity. I am so sorry that it has been 'years' for you to have endured this turmoil but let's hope there may be a light at the end of the tunnel - albeit not very brightly, as yet. Again I'm so pleased that you have had a reply - things can only get better from now on. Thinking of you - your adopted mum - alw
Where & how can I post my letter to family? and...
by Frog indoes anyone know how & where i can post a ms word document which is the letter i have written to my family?
i finally got the guts (yes an aussie) up to send it!
after several drafts, i am finally happy with the copy i have now written.
frog, absolutely brilliant!
if that doesnt move them nothing will.
reading your letter reminded me of our shunning of our daughter just last year, and the types of comments she made to us, it moved us to action and i only hope it has the same sort of impact on your family.
the best of luck with the rest of your life, live it to the full regardless of the verdict.
I have been reading COC
by fairy inwell, i have read the first few chapters of the latest edition and am surprised at what i read.. the bickering behind the society - how some decisions were not based on scriptural reference - the 607 date - and where the gentile times 1914 thing came about - the malawi/mexico business - ray franz has a very interesting story about the society/governing body amongst other things.. it seems that ever since he was there, he constantly came across things he didnt agree with.. the voting system that was set up to see what articles went in the magazines.. there was one bit in there about being "scriptually free to marry".
one sister caught her husband and an animal together....well..you know......and she divorced him.
she remarried but then told she wasnt free to scriptually marry and they disfellowshipped/dissassociated her.......how ridiculous is that.. and so the story goes........... i thought i would just put my bit in on the first section i have read...will write more when i have read more..
fairy i am up to ch 7, facinating.
12 months ago, if i had read this book i would have said no way, not true, dont believe him.however being treated the way we have by the elders in the cong the way we have, i can see it is not only possible but highly likely, these men are criminals,esp after the malawi mexico catastrophe.
if anyone here hasnt read it READ IT NOW!
mr. alw
Have you been threatened by the WTS?
by ozziepost inthis is especially for those living downunder.. since the "sunday" program of a few years ago ("silent witnesses") we know that many of the r&f expressed their concerns to those in leadership of the wts.
some were so disgusted that they resigned (disassociated) from the wts altogether.. some who expressed concern to elders over the way that the wts handles the whole issue of paedophilia were told to "leave it to jehovah" and even threatened with df if they continued to speak about it.. were you one of those?
if so, i'd very much like to hear from you.
thanks blondie, that was the one i thought it was.
i only learnt of "theocratic warfare" since joining this site, how disgusting that these perverted men can cover up such things,military terms would say its friendly fire eh!
we missed the show on tv but back then being a good dub we probably wouldnt have watched it as we were discouraged to as it was seen as an apostate type of show. we know better now, thanks to internet.
always enjoy your comments and research, keep it up. mr.alw