Taking Old Blue for a walk. He walks me. Thanks for the posts. My old boss used to say "If you look busy you will get busy!" More fun when it is not forced though.
Have fun
yesterday i had a bad day.
i know what depression means now.
not so sad, not so mad.
Taking Old Blue for a walk. He walks me. Thanks for the posts. My old boss used to say "If you look busy you will get busy!" More fun when it is not forced though.
Have fun
i am just giggling myself inside out with the stupid antics regarding the march 20 release of the new org book.. of course, in great irony, only the apostates seem to know what's going on.. meanwhile in the congregations, a excitment tinged with mystery and suspense is tweaking the r&f.
my entire book study was just about begging the conductor for any hint.. to emphasize the surprise, congregations that meet on saturday (march 19) are actually moving their public/wt meetings to sunday just for the event.
just imagine the drool letdown when they find out the truth, that old br.
I was thinking last night of a friend of mine. Her husband was a PO and no longer goes. It does not look like he will ever go back. This has been very hard on the family. I was wondering if this change DA DF would make the pressure once again be put on the family members to prod him to the meetings. For fear he would be announced No longer a JW. What a mean thing the org is doing once again. As right now this family does have a some peace with him just not going and not DF.
ps........I am going to send the exPO a CoC book anonymously. hehe
yesterday i had a bad day.
i know what depression means now.
not so sad, not so mad.
Yesterday I had a bad day. I know what depression means now. You are just down. Not so sad, not so mad. Just down. It took all day to filter out if I was sick, lazy, hiding out(the "friends" came by), did I have Spring Fever? After reading a few threads, James Thomas comment about the old person dieing, and The thread on Jw's and mental illness. I felt better.
I was trying to decide if I would go to the meeting today and get my new OM book. I think it would be detrimental as I know the process of realizing I am not a JW is in full effect now. I know I will make it through this but I can see it was not just realizing there was a problem and moving on.
I imagined it was like being married and waking up one day and realizing you were never in love with that person afterall. You made one decision and every decision after that was based on the first, always working at the relationship, and fineally realizing you can't put a square peg in a round hole. Then how do you tell the person you are leaving, as they never did anything to warrent you feeling this way? Much how I feel about the brothers and sisters I know at the hall. I am surely grieving my friendships with them. Anything I say will be taken personally and should be so. What is more personal than your relationship with GOD? I can only think of one person (JW) I know that I could really express my feelings to and they might still love me.
I am finding all the thinking to get out of this dilemma draining. Once one thing is solved in my head, something else is right there behind it, like a line of kids waiting for ice-cream with hands out and eager little appetites. Me Me Me
I am training someone to learn my job. She grew up as a JW and walked away. Her father is an elder. She has been most sympathetic and helpful. I "placed" my CoC book with her. (IP_SEC I am gonna turn it in as a placement!) We talk about what she has read every day. She is surely a Godsend. I finished the book on Monday and gave it to her Wednesday. It is confirming things for her.
I spent the day sleeping, coming to the computer and reading threads, avoiding anything deep. By last night a good friend of mine came online and I said I was too depressed. I did not want to talk to anyone. I went to bed at 8:30. In Search of Christian Freedom is too deep right now. I read and can't retain, or I just don't have the mental gumpsion(sp) to digest and accept it right now.
I thought this was worth writing down and sharing. Thanks for letting me get it out.
to all of my very dear friends on jwd, i want to thank all of you so very much for your thoughts prayers and good vibrations of harmony.
i am so happy that everything went well.
there were some touch and go moments in the operating room which lead me to intensive care.
Although I don't know you I am glad you are home and wish you a speedy recovery purps
i figured since there was a rate your wife topic, i would do the other.
if it has been already done, please disregard this.
what number 1-10 is your hubby?
Don't ask me why - it's a long story
Thats rather a confusing statement too.........you have to admit!!!
i figured since there was a rate your wife topic, i would do the other.
if it has been already done, please disregard this.
what number 1-10 is your hubby?
but I am male,
your sex on profile shows female..........It is a bit confusing you have to admit.
if you knew that armageddon was just around the corner, what would you stock up upon, just incase you wouldn't find any in the new system?
you know, the better things of this system that you wouldn't find again even in the new system.... .
i would buy a truck load of coke a cola .
Hate to sound real shallow..........but I don't want to do without Lipstick!
what a retard, he obviously takes himself far too seriously -.
Can't take Demi and Ashton! He is upset bout it.
its pronounced tij-ka-mo.....its not a real word..its an acronym that my best pal and i came up with that just summed up certain occasions...before he stopped speaking to me(horrible story-tell u later)...anyways can you come up with a suitable phrase using those letters before i tell you what it really stands for....t.i.j.k.m.o
That idiot just kicked me out!
I think it was his take on the initials.........tijkmo
hey everyone,.
congradulate me for dodging service for 2 whole months!!!
IPPY..........Haven't decided yet. I figure if I miss tomorrow and the Memorial, it will be obvious something more than being sick and busy is keeping me away. I need more time. I am not ready for confrontation.