Purple Haze
JoinedPosts by purplesofa
Best beer and Worse beer you ever drank...
by JH inwhat's the best and worse beer you ever drank?
the one i hate the most is labatt 50 .
and the one i drink and like the most is labatt blue .
I'm sick to death of talking about the Memorial
by GetBusyLiving inlets talk about sex or something funny.
or just make fun of scholar or something.
GBL........did you see that naked couple at the Kingdom Hall in Canada??????????
Our Future After Terri Schiavo/ What Hangs in the Balance.
by prophecor inregardless for how one feels about the situation surrounding terri schiavo, this will be a landmark case in american history, politically, religiously, as well as within the medical profession.
to put this woman to death in the manner for which is being done, is inhumane and ungodly.
criminals on death row are afforded a more deserving death than she has been given.
we don't wish to be confronted with the quality of life issues that Mrs. Schiavo suffers under.
I have avoided all the threads here on the Shiavo situation. I thought for a long time, her quality of life was in such poor shape, why would she want to live.
Although everything may not be functioning in her properly, could she still have a conscience. The being of who she is may still be there. (I really wish I knew more)
I find the denial of her parents to care for her horrible. They certainly have some joy in her living. So why not let her live?
If she said before she died she wanted to give someone a million dollars.........Is not the only way that could be done is through legal documentation?
How more so would the wishes to have your life taken away need proper documation?
I find the response of the court systems and medical profession tardy and confusing. I feel sorry that this family has had to go through all this.
I was talking with a friend of mine about the quality of life issue........and we got to the point we were saying.......Well, He's lost my legs...........lets do away with him. He is blind .....he surely does not want to live. How do we know she does not savor this quality of life for her. We all make comprimises.
As for the way that she is dieing. I still can't believe it is happening. And the daily dairy we have of this whole affair. I hope this topic never comes up again. I am sure there will be laws to keep this from happening.
As I have said I have not kept up with this that much. My conclusions may be totally inaccurate.
Honestly.........I JUST got stung on the back of my neck......and back...by a wasp, while I have been reading these threads and posting.
I gave him a dreadful death with some sort of spray.
all I can think of for a caption is
"Where's purps?"
The benedryl is kicking in...
by Gordy incould someone explain to me why they held the memorial on the wrong date?
this week the jews celebrate purim--not pesach.
we are actually in the month of adar.
Retail is probably low and they have the best sales on dresses and shoes right now. Better for the economy to have Easter/Memorial early.
Here's proof that P and JW spells "Antonie Dixon"
by ezekiel3 insource the new zealand herald: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10117138.
antonie dixon's long but small-time criminal career culminated in a frenzy of violence and death.
26.03.05. by louisa cleave and bronwyn sell.
methamphetamine has a range of nicknames including "speed", "pure", "P"
thanks -
by yesidid inreally their egotism knows no bounds.
the text for the memorial day is:.
who really is the faithful and discreet slave?
Every member of the Israel of God is a dedicated, baptized christians anointed with holy spirit and having a heavenly hope. (Gal. 6:16) Hence, the expression Faithful and Discreet Slave refers to all members of that anointed spiritual nation as a group on earth at any particular time from 33 C.E. until now, just as every Israelite living at any time from 1513 B.C.E. until Pentecost 33 C.E. was part of the pre-christian servant class. (Isa. 43:10) Who, then, are the domestics, who receive spiritual nourshment from the slave? In the first century C.E. every Christian cherished the heavenly hope. Consequently, the domestics were also anointed Christians viewed, not as a group but as individuals. All needed spiritual food from the slave.-----1 Cor. 12:12 w 3/1/04
I am trying to make the sense of this...............I cant believe this was the commentary on this.
Thanks for posting it. I get my daily text online and do not get the commentaries.
Who, then, are the domestics, who receive spiritual nourshment from the slave? In the first century C.E. every Christian cherished the heavenly hope. Consequently, the domestics were also anointed Christians viewed, not as a group but as individuals. All needed spiritual food from the slave.-----1 Cor. 12:12 w 3/1/04
and this really made no sense.......maybe I am just tired. -
Interesting IM chat with coworker, taking CoC into work for her tomorrow
by DanTheMan ini've sort of known that she had some jw connections, but i had never broached the subject with her as the timing never was right.
well, today i finally managed to work it in, after hearing her talking on the phone with somebody about the memorial.
i sent her an im not knowing quite how she would respond, but it actually turned out pretty well:.
Hey, Dan the Man!
That's great! I gave a coworkermy CoC book last week.......she is about halfway through it.
Keep us posted!
you never know what it may lead to
Here's proof that P and JW spells "Antonie Dixon"
by ezekiel3 insource the new zealand herald: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10117138.
antonie dixon's long but small-time criminal career culminated in a frenzy of violence and death.
26.03.05. by louisa cleave and bronwyn sell.
What's P?
Anyone Feel Guilty For Not Going To The Memorial or For Going This Year?
by minimus ini have no guilt for not attending for 2 years in a row.
I did not go.........first year I have not gone as a Witness. Since it was ony a few months ago I was or seemed gung ho.....I am sure there is a bit of shock factor. My best friend called right before the Memorial to say hi.......I know you are in a hurry to get ready for the Memorial, wanted to tell you I love you.......is your daughter going? I said NO........blah blah blah........I am not going to the Memorial, I say to her.
I told her I have not been feeling well and can't handle a crowd. I have been sick most of the winter and can't seem to pull myself out of it. I have not been to meeting if two months.... She said......maybe you don't feel good cuz you aren't going to the meetings. I asked her to not go there.
I told her I was healing and that what is fast for some was slow for others, and if people will just not escalate I will be ok.
Anyway, of course, it is something that you just don't miss. But I did. Do I feel guilty? No
Will I feel guilty when others will try to make me feel guilty is the question!