i cant wait to get home to watch the replay of 16, I was watching at work but the other guys were bored and they changed it, bastards!
Posts by Pwned
tiger is making things interesting on 10
Anyone wanna pick apart the special talk?
by IP_SEC inwhy did jesus suffer and die?.
did anyone want to pick apart the special talk?.
geez this thing is more of a manuscript than outline.
Most religious artwork depicts Jesus as frail, halo-encircled, effeminate, and melancholy (g98 12/8 5-6)
A close examination of the Scriptures reveals that Jesus was vigorous, manly, joyful and certainly not sanctimonious (Mr 6:3; Lu 2:52; Joh 2:14-16; Ac 2:26-28
Just as most religious artwork is misleading, so are most religious teachings about who Jeus was and why he suffered and died.Does this sound a bit homophobic to anyone else?
Seeker4 Facing DFing - Seeks advice!! Lawyer??
by Seeker4 insome of you may remember me, seeker4, from several hundred posts 3 to 6 years ago.
i recognize some of the names in today's forums, and maybe some of you remember me.
don't confuse me with seeker - i'm s4.
i would think that just by your actions they could make an announcement, i'm not sure why they want to meet with you, thye're out of touch.
Tiger is running away with it, Dimarco is hanging around but 4 shots is alot to make up on Tiger.
How long is a cotton picking minute?
by Elsewhere in.
sometimes i hear someone say: "hold on just one cotton pick'in minute....".
i'm wondering, is a "cotten picking minute" a "bored" minute that feels like a long time or is it a "busy" minute that seems to fly by?
yeah it defnitely had racist undertones.
I'm going to Bethel... Wanna Come?
by RichieRich inso my mother suprised me about a week ago by telling me we are going on a bus trip to bethel from april 13-17. for those of you who aren't used to this concept, american dubs seem to think that packing themselves on the bus with 60 other witnesses and driving for 4 days is somehow going to strengthen themselves spiritually.
well, i doubt that will work for me.
i was just wondering, is there anything i should look for/ be on the alert for?
i'd say try to have fun, enjoy NYC, its a great city. tune out the overzealous idiots and just enjoy urself, I never really liked being a witness but i always enjoyed going to the DC's cause it was a vacation from the norm even if you did have to endure 7 - 8 hours a day of propaganda. the best time was when we had it in montreal canada and we discovered that the hotels over there have a free hard core porn channel, i think my dad was suspicious of why i suddenly didnt feel like going out to eat with the family every evening, i gave him the pool excuse.
wont your brother be upset that you posted what he thought was a private chat on an 'apostate' forum? thers are enough names that someone could put 2 and 2 together and make trouble for him, maybe you should consider deleting the post and the thread. Just a thought. No offense intended.
WHat are you going to wear to Prince Charles wedding?
by Brummie in.
i'e been sweating about what i should wear, i was thinking maybe one of these suits...maybe could wear it to the popes funeral too, i'm not sure yet, .
OK I know this is off topic but since many people from UK will read this thread I have a question: Does Renee Zelwegger's accent sound authentic in the Bridget Jones movies? What about Austin Power's?
Is it ok to be critical of the pope yet?????????
by tyydyy incensorship borg style.
somebody killed the pope's last poop thread just because someone else was offended when i mentioned that i think that he wasn't such a good guy.
if you think you might be offended by what's said in a thread then don't read it.
Does anyone else remember certain dubs expressing dissapointment when the assasination attempts against the pope failed? pretty twisted. ( make note scholar i said certain dubs not all dubs)