Topics Started by Pwned
to LOST fans out there (possible spoiler alert for non-US viewers)
by Pwned ini am so excited about the return of lost tommorrow.
to me this has been the 2nd best season, right after season 1. any theories for the second half of the season?
i hope i am wrong but i think claire dies.
My dad just came out... as one of the annointed
by Pwned ini know i don't post here that often but this just kind of blew me away.
my dad just "came out" recently as annointed and i find it so weird.
he's always been pretty level headed and he's been in for over 30 years.
Some JW's will never see the light
by Pwned ini heard my father telling my sister that yesterday's watchtower study contained new information, ie 'new light'.
the thing is he was excited about it, said it gave him goosebumps.
how does that even make any sense?
Hotel lists and the internet
by Pwned in.
do they even bother with those stupid lists anymore now that people can probably find much better on, priceline, etc?.
i remember the rush to the lists when they were posted and my dad (elder) was a good dub and never called to make reservations until the list had been posted.
One of the long term effects of growing up a JW...
by Pwned infor me anyways.. i still have nightmares about demon attacks.
that was the one belief that really had a grip on me growing up.
i was terrified of demons and even thought i was being attacked one night for bringing home a toy with a pagan symbol (ying-yang) on it.
I got off easy because my father is an Elder
by Pwned ini was reading the story of james caputo on his site when i came to the realization that i received favorable treatment because of who my father is.
i was 17 when i told my father that i didnt want to be a jw anymore because i just didnt really believe in it, i think i said something along the lines of i just don't "feel it" anyways he told me that since i was a minor i would have to keep going to the meetings and that i would have to tell the elders how i felt.
so a few days later 2 elders who had known me since i was 6 years old came over and talked to me, although they made it clear from the outset that it wasn't a jc.
SPOILER * What did you all think of Harry Potter Half Blood Prince?
by Pwned ini just finished it today and i thought it was the best or second best yet.
i didnt like the last 2 that much but i really enjoyed this one.
it was cool to find out so much about voldermort's past.
Can JW's celebrate Mother's Day? why not
by Pwned ini know when i was a jw we never celebrated but i cant remember ever reading anything anywhere why it was bad.
did they just lump it in withh all holidays?
Does the WTBTS publish DA statistics?
by Pwned ini was just wondering what the statistics are since around 2000 when the internet really took hold.
i know when i was going to meetings 1977-1995 da announcements were almost unheard of and from the anecdotal evidence from this site it seems like it is commonplace.
would most of you who still actually attend feel that there has been a significant increase in da in the last 5-10 years or was my congregation back in the day just weird?